Absolute Honor

Chapter 999: Dead end



The two grenades did not hit the patrol boat in the high forward middle school. &1t;/

In fact, this is a very difficult thing. &1t;/

The two boats are separated by two hundred meters, and the m2hb machine gun can easily be included in their range. However, things like hanging grenade launchers have sights and are sufficient for shooting, but they have to hit the left and right and jump. A patrol boat with a speed of up to 80 kilometers is easier said than done! ? &1t;/

"Old comrade! Are you good at shooting!"&1t;/

Lei Ming watched and worked in a hurry. The third team came this time for the purpose of rescue. In addition, they came in a hurry. Unlike the crow team, the crow team and the ghost team had already arrived in Mexico under the arrangement of Qin Fei to prepare. This superb arms dealer provides weapons and ammunition. &1t;/

So basically in preparation, the first two are much more adequate than the 3-point team. &1t;/

"Smelly boy! Don't think I'm dim-eyed when you are a few years older, there is a kind of you come over and try on my boat!?" The old fish was irritated, thinking that thunder is like standing and talking. His waist doesn't hurt. &1t;/

He uses the hk416 assault rifle, hangs an ag416 grenade launcher, and shoots a 4ox46mm grenade. Although it is enough to shoot, it is a grenade after all. The ejection is slow and the trajectory is not stable. It is necessary to hit the high boat from a long distance. It's not easy. &1t;/

Lao Yu squatted on the deck. The ship had been carrying out an irregular snake shape in order to avoid the bullets fired by the m2hb machine gun on the patrol boat behind. &1t;/

This makes the design of the old fish more difficult. &1t;/

"Old fish, there are two more grenades!" Zhao Xin couldn't help but approached and reminded the old fish: "I brought a total of four."&1t;/

"Why don't you bring more?" The old fish couldn't help cursing: "Are you too serious?"&1t;/

"Who knows! This is not an urban street fight. I was thinking about bringing more bullets, but I didn't expect to encounter this kind of accident!" In fact, only Zhao Xin of the entire Crow team carried the grenade and launcher, and the rest were all He simply brought assault rifles, machine guns and sniper rifles. This was originally in line with the principles of jungle warfare. What I didn't expect was that he would eventually retreat from the waterway and encountered a bunch of armed patrol boats. &1t;/

Two will be two! &1t;/

The old fish knows that even if the two grenades hit all of them, it will not have much effect. Let alone the seven patrol boats behind, they are all armored ships, and the damage caused by hits will not be too great. Far from hitting ordinary ships so cool. &1t;/

The third grenade, the moment the old fish fired, the boat suddenly changed its direction and snaked towards the left, the old fish's body was tilted, and the grenade shot out. &1t;/

Missed, crooked! &1t;/

Thunder was so angry that he threw his hat on the other ship. &1t;/

"Old comrade! Did you play a lot of 81 grenade in the past? You like to rely on guessing!?"&1t;/

The so-called 81 grenade is a common name for 9o type 4omm series grenade, which is an old-fashioned grenade that can be directly set on the muzzle of the 81-1 type automatic rifle. It does not need to hang the launcher, and only the tail of the grenade needs to be directly inserted into the gun. Then set the gas hoop parameter to "o", close the air inlet, and then load the empty bomb, and use the empty bomb to strike. &1t;/

Of course, there are many shortcomings of this kind of grenade. One of them is that the accuracy of the head is very poor. Even veterans can't fully grasp its weird trajectory. Yes, if you want to be accurate, you can only rely on guessing. &1t;/

That's exactly what thunderous ridiculed the old fish. &1t;/

Although the old fish was suffocated, the three failures are also true. He annoyed and shouted at the vice-captain of the ghost team who controls the ship, Spider: "Can you open it more firmly!?"&1t;/

"Open it firmly and you will be a target! You still want to die?! What's behind is seven m2hb, do you think it is a fire stick!?" The spider is not a fuel-saving lamp, and the old fish is directly driven back with a pass of Balabala. ……&1t;/

The old fish was helpless, so he could only put the last grenade into the launcher again, and then estimated the trajectory of one of the tall ships behind through the special ruler. &1t;/

He picked a tall boat with the most regular trajectory, and then pointed it at the boat with the scale on the sight. &1t;/

Estimated distance and correction...&1t;/

"Drive steady, I want to shoot a grenade!" He deliberately loudly reminded the spider at the helm, meaning that he should not turn suddenly at this moment. &1t;/

Of course the spider knew in his heart, so he clung to the rudder and didn't move. &1t;/


The last grenade was shot. &1t;/


The aimed high boat burst into flames, followed by a violent explosion. &1t;/

To die, the grenade hit the spare oil drum on the deck. &1t;/

The members of the Setta Group like to put the spare gasoline on the right side of the rear deck, and then tie it up with twine so that it can be refilled when there is no fuel. &1t;/

The danger of this approach is fully demonstrated at this time. &1t;/

The tall boat was quickly surrounded by the fire. Several members of Setta who were covered in fire and burnt pigs screamed and jumped into the river. The tall boat suddenly descended and finally stopped on the river and became a fire boat. &1t;/

"Hit!" Zhao Xin was excited aside, "The old fish is not old!"&1t;/

"How about? Kid!" The old fish was also very proud, and fought back against the thunder on the radio: "Next time I really want to see how many hits you can hit in this situation!"&1t;/

Thunder did not answer his mouth or say a word, because he had confidence in his marksmanship, and according to his own estimation, he should be twice as accurate as Lao Yu. &1t;/

Before Lao Yu's scenery was over, the remaining six boats went crazy and covered the ship where Lao Yu was. &1t;/

Previously, Veneto believed that the ship where the thunder was the most threatening, now that there is still a grenade launcher on another ship, so it gives priority to all ships to attack the ship where the old fish is. &1t;/

"Fuck!" &1t;/

The bullet hit the ship god, and several penetration holes suddenly appeared. &1t;/

"Water has entered!" The spider yelled from the cab: "Our motive was also shot! Lost!"&1t;/

As soon as the voice fell, the boat slowed down. &1t;/

"What's the matter with you?" This time it was Thunder's turn to ask the old fish: "Why the boat is slower than us!?"&1t;/

"Isn’t it just to save you!? It’s for him!" Lao Yu said bitterly: "Our boat got in water~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was hit by the motor, so maybe it’s not far away now. Up!"&1t;/

"If you can't, just abandon the boat!" The ghost gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Go ashore and fight a jungle war with them. We are dead in the river! There is still a chance to go ashore!"&1t;/

The two ships approached the shore gradually, and everyone's hearts were hanging in the air. &1t;/

Although the ghost is very confident, in fact the consequences of fighting in the jungle are unknown. Although the people here are all first-class fighters, the heroes can't stand the crowd. The Setta Group's strength is more than ten times. &1t;/

But if you don't go ashore, you won't be able to survive twenty minutes! &1t;/


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