Absolute Honor

Chapter 102: 203 breeding base

   The huge Zhi-8A transport aircraft rolled up a huge air wave, and the nose of the aircraft was lightly touched, and it quickly rose into the air, disappearing in the dazzling sunlight in a blink of an eye.

   The scorching sun is sky, the sea breeze is damp and hot.

   37 special forces team members are standing on the sand with their own equipment.

   This is obviously an island.

  In my line of sight, all the ground is covered with a thick layer of sand, a white and fine sand, which is soft and comfortable to step on.

   Qin Fei's gaze was caught by a sign hanging on the door.

  ——The 203 breeding base of the General Logistics Department.


Breeding base……

   It sounds more like a troop farm.

   "Listen to the password——"

   In front of the queue, a strong man wearing a short-sleeved camouflage uniform and combat boots, wearing a Penney hat without a cap badge, slapped everyone with a command: "It's all there! Unload the backpack!"

   Everyone took off their backpacks and placed them face-up neatly in front of them.

   "Take a rest, stand at attention——"

   The brawny man wearing a penny hat gave the command, turned and ran to the thunder, and saluted.

   "Chief instructor, the 203 pre-selection team is assembled, please give instructions!"

   "Stop for a while."


   Soon, Lei Gong appeared again.

   The hound-like gaze shot out from his eyes again, and everyone who was staring at him looked like a man on his back.

   walked in front of Wang Hai, who was ranked first in the queue, and Lei Ming looked up and down the special forces of the Arrow Group.


He shot like a lightning, a handful of soft epaulettes that were removed, and then tore off the sharp sword thunderbolt armband symbolizing the special forces on his right arm, and finally he tore off the "China Special Forces" chest sticker on the front of the camouflage uniform. .

   Holding this pile of things, Thunder returned to the front of the queue.

"From now on, immediately remove any military rank and service marks from you. Starting today, you no longer need it. In the isolated base here, you have no distinction between soldiers and officers, but the same title. ——Students! Starting today, you don’t even have your own names, only numbers! Later, someone will issue you a number plate, you only need to remember your number!"

   "As for me! You can call me Chief Instructor Lei, you can also call me Chief Instructor, others..."

   He looked at Chen Kefan and other six strong soldiers standing beside him.

"You can call them instructors, but you must stand up and salute like recruits, because here, you are recruits! Not a **** officer or noncommissioned officer! Do you see that brand? Do you know why it is called a breeding base? Because from today At the beginning, you are a dog, and I am a dog trainer! Come here, don’t treat yourself as a human being, as a dog! I will be responsible for turning you from a dog to a wolf! A true one can be on the battlefield A lone wolf for thousands of miles!"

   A soldier from the logistics support unit of Unit 203 ran forward and handed out a stack of Velcro embroidered with numbers to everyone.

   Everyone took the Velcro, removed their military rank and service identification marks, and handed it to the security soldiers.

   Qin Fei got the number and saw that he was the number "3".

   However, the number "3" I still quite like.

   He didn't have any military rank marks, he was the most agile of all, and he was directly pasted on the right armband of the camouflage uniform.

   Jin Donghai had already removed his military rank and lightning sword armband, but he was reluctant to give up his fifth-level umbrella emblem in his hand.

   Thunder suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the umbrella emblem, and took a look at it in his hand.

   The corners of his mouth lifted and he smiled contemptuously.

"number 8!"

   He called out Jin Donghai's new number.


"what is this!?"

   "Five-level umbrella emblem."

   "Do you think this thing is awkward?! Very awesome!?" Lei Ming was angrily, his nose almost pressed to Jin Donghai's chin.

   Jin Donghai was at a loss for words.

   This umbrella emblem is a proof of the qualifications of a senior paratrooper. It was obtained through hard work and blood and sweat. It is an honor he has always been proud of. "

   With a raised hand, the umbrella emblem drew an arc in the air and landed in a puddle in the distance.

"Here, what you think you are proud of is actually nothing! It's not shit! Every official member of Unit 203 has an umbrella badge like you, but you ask them who bought an LV like you. Show off as if you are a girl of Bao Bao? Put away your poor self-righteous little tsundere! This is Unit 203, not your original unit, this is a university, and yours is just a high school!"

   Jin Donghai's face was hot, and he felt his cheeks burn.

   Leiming turned around and asked Chen Kefan: "Old Chen, where is your umbrella badge? Where is it?"

   Chen Kefan spread his hands: "I don't know, maybe it's in some corner."

   "Have you heard!?"

   "I heard..." Jin Donghai bit his lip and answered thunder with difficulty.

   "Be louder! I can't hear you!"

   "Listen-see -! Chief instructor!" Jin Donghai's chest was fluctuating, his voice trembling slightly.

  Leiming finally let Jin Donghai go, and walked to a green wall bound with wooden boards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ See the 37 aluminum plates on it? Do you see this whistle? This is the brand that represents your own number. If someone wants to quit during the training process, just walk here, blow this whistle, take off your brand and immediately pack your things and leave here! Before leaving, I must have a toast with Thunder, and then politely fly him away! "

   "Here, the withdrawal is not because you are not strong enough, but because Troop 203 is too perverted! There is nothing to be ashamed of! Nothing!"

   Qin Fei squinted at the wall, and the aluminum plate on it made a light tinkling sound by the sea breeze.

   own number plate is hung in the first row.

   Looking around, it looks like this kind of geology is as thunder mentioned. This is a desolate island, maybe somewhere in the south of China, no one knows.

   The field looks really big enough, there is no side to see, all kinds of training facilities can be seen at a glance, all kinds of obstacle courses and tactical fields covered with barbed wire, reminded him of the life of the reconnaissance camp.

   But compared to the reconnaissance battalion, Qin Fei knew that the training here was definitely a hundred times more abnormal than the reconnaissance force.

   Thunder did not bluff me and his teammates at this point. Unit 203 is definitely not a place for normal people to stay.

"Okay, I'll just say so much! Welcome to the 203 breeding base! It's 11:30 noon. You can take a break. Someone will arrange for you to allocate beds in the row room. After you finish your meal at noon, you will start normal training at 1:30. !"

   After talking, Thunder turned and left.

  Chen Kefan clapped his palms and greeted everyone with a smile.

   "Follow me and take you to see your new row house. Although the conditions here are not very good, they are definitely not bad."

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