Absolute Honor

Chapter 103: Uneasy

   The row houses of 203 breeding base are very large. The bungalows are built in the shade of casuarina trees. The two sides of the row houses are lined with camp beds with green sheets.

   opened the door, Chen Kefan pointed to the two rows of military beds and said: "Find the bed by yourself, you can choose whatever you want."

   "This sea-view bed is mine!"

   Zhong Zhentao rushed to the front of the crowd like an arrow. He ran to a window where he could see the seaside from a distance. He threw his rucksack on the ground.

   "Bed, bed, I want to kill you!"

   Qin Fei put down his things on a bed next to the singer, put his weapon on the bed, and took out the medicine An Ruosu gave him, intending to change the medicine.

   Gaoming put things away, walked over to Qin Fei and said, "Come on, I'll wrap it up for you."

   "Do you understand this?" Qin Fei asked curiously.

Gao Ming said: "What's wrong? I thought I was going to be stationed abroad as a military attache. I thought that if I was unlucky and sent to war-torn areas, it would still be necessary to learn some knowledge about emergency response, so I took battlefield ambulance as an elective course. Now it really comes in handy."

   said with a wry smile and shook his head.

  Military officer?

   Qin Fei seems to have guessed the profession of someone like Gao Ming.

   is indeed a confidential unit.

   Gao Ming is really skilled, re-sterilizing, applying medicine, and changing the waterproof gauze. His movements are not at all muddy, and he is not inferior to professional nurses.

   "Instructor Chen, when do you have lunch?!" Zhong Zhentao was finally intoxicated in bed, and suddenly remembered one of the most important things, "I'm so hungry that my chest is on my back!"

   It's okay if you don't say it, but when you say it, everyone's stomach growls again.

   The package of food for the individual soldiers that I ate at the assembly point in the morning, pushed a round of the Warriors' cart, and it was completely consumed now.

   "Wash your stinky body first." Chen Kefan stood at the door and touched his nose with a smile, "It's so stinky! It can kill all the mice!"

   "Where is the bathroom?" someone asked.

  Chen Kefan raised his head toward the right outside the door: "It's on the right side of your row house. In addition, clothes can be hung directly on the clothes drying area at the door. There is plenty of sunshine here and they can be dried in two or three hours."

   After finishing speaking, he looked at his watch and said, "Now I order you to hurry up and take a bath. As for eating, there will be something for you to eat, don't worry."

   Hearing what Chen Kefan said, everyone looked at the clothes on their bodies and found it to be correct.

   From the guest house until today, no one has ever taken a bath. I spent a few days in the jungle, covered in mud and sweat, so stink that I can't explain it.

   So everyone took off their clothes one after another, wearing only shorts and training T-shirts, and went out with soap.

   Sure enough, the bathroom is on the right side of the row house, and it is very large, but it is open-air.

   "Wow! What a transparent bathroom!" Zhong Zhentao stripped himself three times, and then twisted the top shower head grinningly, and the thin water column dripped from his head.

   Qin Fei felt that the water was very cold. Even if it was a hot day, the water here was still cold and cold. It seemed that water was pumped from the ground, not tap water.

  Zhong Zhentao wiped the soap while watching Qin Fei's tendon, and then looked at the dozens of naked comrades around him, and said, "This time our brothers are really frank and honest."

   "Look at you, as skinny as a monkey..." Jin Donghai hit Zhong Zhentao disdainfully.

  Zhong Zhentao made a professional posture of a bodybuilder. He didn't take Jin Donghai's words at all and said confidently, "Don't look at me thin, I'm full of muscles!"


   Everyone roared with laughter.

   Before the laughter hit the ground, there was a sudden intensive gunfire above his head.



   Everyone's scalp exploded, subconsciously sticking to the wall for cover.

   "Fuck! What's going on!?" Jin Donghai Soap was shocked, looking at Qin Fei and Zhong Zhentao with a dazed expression.

   The sound of thunder yelling with a loudspeaker came over his head.

   "Give you three minutes to gather outside my office, fully armed, but you don't need to wear camouflage uniforms, just three minutes!"

   After that, it was another shocking gunshot.

   Qin Fei discovered that several instructors did not know when they had reached the roof.

There is no roof here. Strictly speaking, there are only four walls in the bathroom, which are transparent. These thundering instructors don’t know when they have been on the roof from somewhere outside the wall, and use an automatic rifle loaded with empty bullets to face. They shot ping pong pong pong pong pong.

   Leiming seems to be determined not to let himself and his comrades in peace.

   But it’s no wonder, as Lei Ming said, he doesn’t care if there are more people staying. Now for him, there are too many people. He just wants to eliminate 30 of them out of 37 people by various means.

   "It's over..." Zhong Zhentao's expression was uglier than crying, "I'm soaking up lunch again! It's up to his lungs!"

  The order is of course to be obeyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~There is no choice.

   No one likes to be kicked out of this selection by thunder as an excuse.

   Three minutes is not short or long.

   Soon, all the team members wore shorts and T-shirts, carrying their own tactical rucksacks, guns, and tactical vests all rushed to the original assembly point, and the thunderous office and bedroom were nearby.

   "Very good, no more than time!" Lei Ming also changed a set of shorts and T-shirt.

   "Report to the chief instructor! I have something to say!" Qin Fei said.

   Leiming glanced at Qin Fei and said, "Allow you to speak."

   "Didn't you just say that we can finish our lunch and take a lunch break and then train in the afternoon?"

Lei Ming frowned and said loudly, akimbo, "It was originally, but I am a bit fickle, especially when I see that you seem to be in good spirits, and laugh so happily when you take a bath. You are happy, but I am not happy. You are energetic, but I am not energetic! So, I temporarily changed my mind, lunch was cancelled, and I immediately carried out armed swimming training to help you digest and digest. I think it should be the breakfast that morning was too full. You know, young man It’s not a good thing to eat too full and not digest, I am thinking of you."

   He pointed to the wooden wall not far away under the tree, on which was hung a whistle and an aluminum nameplate engraved with the number of each person.

"If you have any opinion on me, or if you have any opinion on this training exercise, and you don’t want to continue to be tortured, you can take it over there, pick up a whistle and blow, and then take off your nameplate. I will let you have lunch right away. Although the facilities here are general, the food is definitely the best in the army, better than the pilot’s."

   He stopped and looked at everyone with a smile: "How? Does anyone choose to quit? It only takes a little bit of courage."

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