Absolute Honor

Chapter 1082: The appearance of Carmen

Qin Fei carried only six magazines on his body, plus the one on the Glock gun, there were only seven in total. Since it was a surveillance operation, everything was low-key, and the gun was equipped with a silencer. .

When Qin Fei was worried that he and Mister would be in trouble before the Abbas deal was completed, Hugo's shocked cry came from the headset.

"Oh! I read it right!"

The guy's tone became startled, and he didn't have the calmness that a special forces officer should have.

"Guess who Connor and I saw at the front entrance!?"

"God! How could it be her!?" Then, even Michelle screamed.

Michelle and others are now in a safe house near Daly Beach. The facilities in the safe house are very complete. They can directly see the front entrance of the "Sweet Time" restaurant through the screen.

"What the **** did you all see!?"

Among all the people, only Qin Fei and Mister, who were hiding in the dark corner of the back door, couldn't see what happened at the front door and the others were amazed.

"It's Carmen!"

Yuli finally answered the mystery in Qin Fei's heart.

Hearing the name "Carmen", Qin Fei's heart almost jumped to his throat involuntarily.

"What?! Carmen appeared at the entrance of the restaurant?" Qin Fei's first reaction was whether Abbas's people hijacked Carmen and came to the "Sweet Time" restaurant.

Although, even Qin Fei felt that he couldn't explain his problem-that is, if Carmen was really kidnapped by Abbas, then why was she brought here for?

Since Abbas came to the deal, is Carmen's mother and daughter also part of the deal?

As a result, things immediately become complicated, do you want to help? Doing so will definitely affect the entire long-term fishing plan.

If you don't make a move, maybe Carmen's mother and daughter will lose their last chance of being rescued.

"What should we do? Need help?" Qin Fei couldn't help but ask.

The answer from the earphones shocked Qin Fei again. Michel said: "It seems that Carmen doesn't need us to save..."

"What do you mean!?" Qin Fei was confused.

"Because she doesn't look like she has been kidnapped at all." Major Michelle seemed to wake up a little, and said to Qin Fei in the headset: "Qin, it seems that we have encountered a new situation again."

"Major, what are you talking about, I didn't understand!"

"Look at your phone."

As soon as Michelle's voice fell, the phone in Qin Fei's trouser pocket vibrated.

He quickly flashed back into the corner, blocked the screen light behind a half-person-height trash can, and then cautiously called the message he had received.

This is a picture, just taken at the front door.

Qin Fei and Mist's eyes fell on the picture, but their chins almost fell to the ground in shock.

One of the people in the picture is indeed Carmen!

However, this Carmen is not the Carmen Qin Fei imagined!

Carmen in Qin Fei's subconscious was held hostage and kidnapped, but at this moment, how does Carmen in the picture look like a kidnapped woman?

She was wearing a tight-fitting black dry suit, and her long head was twisted into a round bun behind her head. Obviously, her eyes were wearing a pair of yellow night polarizers, and she looked exactly like a big sister's head. .

Behind her are two black Land Rover Range Rover SUVs. Beside the car and behind her are several tall and muscular bodyguard-like men.

People's expressions can't deceive people, it's definitely not like the expressions of a woman who just lost her lover and her daughter was kidnapped by others.

When you look at it, you will immediately understand who is the center and who is the boss of this group of people in this hot and hot picture.

It's Carmen!

"Fack!" Even Mister couldn't help it, and whispered: "This woman is weird!"

The whole thing seemed to be explained in an instant. All the dark clouds suddenly cracked a gap, and the sun of truth penetrated through the gap and projected on everyone's heart.

Carmen has a problem!

She is definitely not as simple as the wife of Reid's frontline man in the Middle East.

The answer seems obvious.

Rhett didn't get along with Abbas, but he did commit a mistake that a spy should never have done. He was hit by a beauty trick.

If Carmen is an undercover agent sent by the enemy, he is placed next to Rhett to spy on him and monitor him, so that from the very beginning, i7's snake operation has been clearly controlled by others.

Operation "Poison" was doomed to fail from the very beginning, because Baron Harvey's use of Reid was a mistake.

The old cat burned his whiskers and capsized the boat in the gutter!

Qin Fei can only treat the highly respected veteran of the British Empire intelligence community with pity. This will be a stain on Harvey. Perhaps he has repeatedly established many outstanding achievements in his intelligence career, but he is getting old. , But committed such a serious mistake.

Time has no saints and no gods. If you are a man, you will make mistakes. When you are old, you may not be good at everything, and you may be confused.

This is the real world of secret operations.

"Did that lady go in?" Qin Fei asked.

"Go in, we are scanning the windows with a laser to get their sound source." Hugo said: "It seems that Rhett died in the hands of a woman, Fack!"

"Major!" Qin Fei said, "Is it certain now that Carmen is the enemy?"

"Basically, it can be concluded. This also explains why Reid’s account and password will fall into Abbas’s hands. Carmen, as a person on this side, if she is a senior undercover in her own right. It’s not that difficult to get information here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Abbas seems to be working for Carmen. Maybe Carmen left Johannesburg first to avoid Ye Changmeng and let her get the hard drive for her..."

"Wait! There is something wrong in this!" Qin Fei suddenly flashed his inspiration, interrupting Major Michel's words.

"What's wrong?!"

Qin Fei frowned for a while thinking, scratching his head and said: "Major, maybe Carmen is an undercover agent is not a bad thing for us..."

"You mean..."

"Yes! I mean, if Carmen steals Reid's password and account number, would she think that the hard drive in the vault is the real one? That is, they took the fake hard drive in the vault box, Treated as a real hard drive!? Until now, they can't tell whether it's true or false?"

Having said that, Qin Fei patted his thigh, and then quickly asked: "Major, you are copying my hard drive, do you look exactly the same?"

"Of course it is the same. Except for a tiny mark. Of course, you need to use a magnifying glass to magnify 2o to see the slight difference from the hard drive circuit board. But what I can tell you is that no one can tell from this subtle distinction. See if the hard drive is real or not, unless it is the designer of the hard drive, which is Morris."

"But, if Carmen is working for the Quds Army, they treat the hard drive that Reid put in the vault as a real guy... Then why do they still go to the cafe to trade? No need! No need at all, they can. While we are going to the cafe, we can go directly to the insurance department and take away the hard drives they think are real. Why bother to do this! Why send so many people over and let us kill!?"

In everyone's mind, a question mark once again appeared.

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