Absolute Honor

Chapter 1083: Task change

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The appearance of Carmen suddenly complicated the whole thing.

Although his mind was like a paste, Qin Fei immediately grasped the main point of the whole thing.

This is the most outstanding talent he has ever been-the key to seeing the whole thing under the chaotic and complex situation, and grasping it.

"Qin! We can't mess!"

"Major, the hero sees the same thing, we must now grasp the most critical point!"

Before Qin Fei spoke, Michel seemed to have noticed something.

As the commander of mi17's frontline operations, Major Michel is certainly not an understatement.

When he was in the car just now, Qin Fei 66 continued to get some information about Michel from the conversation between Hugo and Connor.

Major Michelle worked in the Operations Department of the Naval Intelligence Department and later as a branch director at mI6. Her upright character and dedication to work have earned her the respect of her colleagues, which is also frightening and also Thanks to the appreciation of Baron Harvey, he has become a commander of operations at a young age of thirty.

More importantly, because Michelle has been addicted to work, she is still single. Her father was a naval officer, but the two have passed away long ago, and she has no siblings, so working for the intelligence department has almost become All of her life.

Whether it's Hugo or Connor, it is mentioned that Major Michelle always talks about the boss with that kind of awe and a bit of inconceivable tone. After all, in the eyes of men, as a male soldier, he devoted himself to the work house. It's a bit too much to forget the feelings at home, let alone a woman.

Workaholic women always make men intimidated. It's okay to work together, but you don't need to talk about falling in love and getting married.

"Qin, tell me your opinion." Michelle said.

Qin Fei said: "No matter who Carmen is, all we want is to ensure that this fake hard drive falls into the hands of the Quds Army, so now we can't intervene."

"Yes, this is the key!" Michelle agreed with Qin Fei's ideas.

"This is weird!" Mister still couldn't help but interrupt: "So, Carmen or Abbas don't even know that they have fake hard drives?"

Michelle thought for a while and said, "It seems that you can say that."

"Oh! God! I don't know what we were doing before?" Mister felt that all his thoughts were confused, and the whole thing seemed to be too contradictory, it was really unimaginable.

"I knew they liked this fake hard drive, so just give it to them, my God, what is going on?"

"Major, do you think there is such a possibility?" Qin Fei suddenly had a bold idea.

"Tell me."

"Let’s first assume that Carmen is an undercover agent sent by Ryuichi Kawasaki. She knows that there are two hard drives, one true and one false. According to the previous plan, Reid will take the fake hard drive to trade with them, right? ?"

"That's right." Michelle smiled bitterly: "It seems that Rhett did not betray us. He temporarily replaced the hard drive in the vault. Carmen didn't know this, although she didn't know how to steal Rhett's Account and password, but the replacement of the hard disk is a temporary decision made by Reid on the day of the transaction..."

"This can also explain why the Quds Army shot Reid, because they think Reid brought fake hard drives, and they also know that the safe password and account number of the real hard drive are in their own hands, and there is no need to keep them. Let's take down Rhett's life, either as a demonstration to your mI17 or as punishment, they killed Rhett directly, and didn't intend to leave him a trace of life."

"You make a lot of sense." Michelle said: "Because the nature of our mission tonight is about to change, we are only responsible for monitoring and not intervening in any of their transactions."

"They are already trading now..."

George's voice came from the channel.

"The laser sound spectroscopy instrument has translated their conversations in the room. It seems that they all think this hard drive is real, and our ‘poison’ plan is not wasted!"

"BIngo!" Michel couldn't help but waved his hand excitedly.

"Major, don't be too happy." Qin Fei had to pour cold water on the commander of the British Empire intelligence department. "Although your'poison' plan has not been scrapped, my real hard drive is still missing. If your poison plan is successful, you can only kill one Kawasaki Ryuichi, and all the secrets in the hard disk will fall into the sea. Besides, you have trouble doing this. You can't help but give me an explanation, right?"

Sure enough, Michelle was awakened by Qin Fei's cold water.

In the face of Qin Fei, who seemed a little aggressive, Michelle was really not good at refuting anything. After all, what he said was the truth, and the fact that he lost the hard drive was embarrassing.

"Don't worry, now we already know that the Quds Army thinks that the hard drive in Abbas's hands in the "Sweet Time" restaurant is the real one. Then you can think about how they will deal with the fake one."

Michelle reminded Qin Fei like a teacher guiding students to answer.

"Think about it, Qin, you are a smart person."

"Shao Te, put on a high hat for me!" Qin Fei was a little unhappy. "According to this speculation, things will be more troublesome. The fake hard drive will be thrown away instead of staying, and the stuff will be thrown into the sewer or garbage... …"

Thinking of this, Qin Fei broke out in a cold sweat.

Once a place like Johannesburg throws a mobile hard drive into the trash or some other horrible place, how to find it?

That’s not like reported in some domestic news~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Throwing valuables into the trash by mistake, and then you can contact the sanitation department to find the target items for the trash dumped in the garbage dump in the last few days. .

Qin Fei believes that places like South Africa are definitely not as advanced as the domestic environmental management system.

Do you really want to bring people back to the **** Johannesburg Huebro neighborhood and go through the hard drives in those stinky trash bins?

He suddenly remembered something. He and Mist were the first to break into the fourth floor. When they went to the scene, they saw Rhide, who was lying on the ground. After checking for booby traps, Qin Fei had checked Rhine. The black leather briefcase that De carried with him.

He clearly remembered that the inside of the briefcase was clean and empty.

"Major, there is one thing I forgot to ask you." Contact Michelle quickly.

Michelle said: "You said."

"Have you checked Reid's body when it came back?" Qin Fei carried the body back, but Qin Fei had not carefully checked Reid's clothes and trouser pockets.

"It's checked." Michel didn't respond at once. Why did Qin Fei ask?

What exactly is he trying to find out?

"Is there anything like a wallet in his clothes and trouser pockets?" Qin Fei continued to ask.

Michelle thought about the situation at the time, shook his head and said: "No, he is empty and there is nothing."

"It's not right. Rhett has a long brown wallet. When I monitored him before, I saw that he would take that wallet with him every day when he went out, and he would take it out and put it on the table when he got home..."

"Qin, what on earth are you trying to say?" Michelle felt like she was in a cloud and didn't figure out the situation at all.

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