Absolute Honor

Chapter 1084: Men in Black Team

"What I want to say is, is there such a possibility? After Reid fell to the ground, you started to attack the cafe. The people of the Quds Army did not actually take the hard drive, but chose to rush away..."

Qin Fei scratched his head vigorously: "So, if you work as a waiter in a coffee shop in the Hubro neighborhood, and you see someone dying, and then leave a briefcase and wallet on the spot, would you search for it? , Take away the contents? Especially a portable hard drive that is reasonably priced..."

"You mean, the hard drive was not taken away from the coffee shop by Zalhai and the others, but stayed far away..." Thinking of this, Michel couldn't help but yelled: "Oops!"

Qin Fei thinks more about it. If his guess is true, this is a comedy with a little dark humor.

In this play, the mysterious and powerful mi17, the famous x mercenary group, and the infamous Quds Army all played the role of an idiot——Rhett temporarily changed the plan and brought the genuine Achilles. Sizhi's heel went to see Zalhai, the leader of the Quds Army, but Zalhai got information from the undercover Quds Army Carmen, thinking that Rhett was carrying a fake hard drive, so he killed him with the gunshot. Reid. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Everyone here was kept in the dark. The undercover Carmen sent Abbas to the vault to take the fake hard drive away, and Baba rushed to Durban to join Abbas.

The mi17 action team and Qin Fei and others tracked all the way to Durban. They thought that the real hard drive could be traced through the fake hard drive, but now it turns out that maybe the real hard drive has never left Johannesburg at all.

Going around, everyone is spinning around a fake hard drive that is worthless.

Of course, Qin Fei was fortunate that the Holy City Army didn't seem to realize that what he had obtained was a fake hard drive.

Carmen’s undercover undercover by Rhett's side can cause the "Poison" plan to abort, but it may be destined to do so. In the vault, Rhett suddenly didn't know which tendon he pumped, and proposed a temporary "coop-in-coop". Small plan, use this hard drive to replace the fake hard drive that was supposed to be used for trading. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Maybe it was because he felt that he had too many mistakes and wanted to have a mental contest with the Quds Army. Maybe he himself felt that Carmen was wrong, so he temporarily adopted such a trick that even the person next to the pillow could not know.

Unexpectedly, this little trick perfectly escaped Kawasaki Ryuichi's plan.

The "poison" plan that seemed to have completely aborted now seems to be back on track in an instant!

Michelle’s inner ecstasy at this time cannot be described in words. She hurriedly pressed the call button and reminded everyone on the channel: “Attention, everyone, don’t alarm Carmen and Abbas, let me retreat, Qin , Your side also withdrew, Hugo, you drive to the south, pick up Qin Fei at the intersection of Russell Street, leave the main entrance, leave there, don’t disturb them, we just need to monitor their general movements with a surveillance probe. Can."

Qin Fei turned around and looked at Mister, who was a little dumbfounded behind him, spreading his hands to express his surprise. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Mister had an unbelievable expression, as if he had just been awakened from a dream in the middle of the night.

"Fuck! I heard you right! That British lady asked us to withdraw right away?"

"Well, you heard that right. Rhett's plan seems to have worked. It worked in a mismatch and collision..." Qin Fei emphasized: "Isn't this a good thing? At least where is the source of the leak? You know, you don’t have to worry about it anymore."


Mister spit on the ground.

"I am most annoying to those British guys, there is always a sense of superiority in my bones, thinking that I am the most powerful gentleman in the world, in fact, how many are clean in the intelligence industry?!"

Seeing Mister's complaint, Qin Fei felt that this guy was actually secretly happy, after all, being stared at with suspicion every day is definitely not a good thing. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The two walked out of the dark corner, then walked more than 20 meters in the opposite direction, turning into a cross road leading to Russell Avenue.

As long as you cross this crossroad that is more than one hundred meters long and wait at the intersection, you will be able to wait for the surveillance car driven by Hugo.

The commotion in the direction of Francis Square seemed to spread like an infectious disease, and fragmentary gunfire sounded under the heavy night sky of Durban.

The whole city really shouldn't stay for long, and Qin Fei was eager to leave soon.

Now the target seems to have been determined. There is no need to track Carmen or Abbas. After returning to the safe house, as long as the situation permits, the members of the entire operation team can leave Durban overnight and return to Johannesburg to see how to find that piece. A real hard drive that was accidentally lost.

The intersection in front of the cemetery, under the shadow of the building.

The old-fashioned Mitsubishi van was hit after a short motor rotation. Hugo released the handbrake and engaged the forward gear. The car did not turn on the lights, and slowly drove away from the shadows and turned towards Russell Street. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Just about 20 meters out, Hugo lit his car lights.

A black suv drove towards them. At the moment when the two sides met, Hugo saw two brawny men with black hoods sitting in the front and co-pilot's position and evacuating. One of them seemed to be checking the weapon in his hand.

The car drove aside and turned into a small intersection, Hugo stopped the car.

"Did you see it?"

"I saw it!" Connor had already put on his combat vest and body armor, turned and walked to the back of the carriage to fetch the mp7 submachine gun. "It seems to be an operative."

After speaking, he catted to the rear windshield of the car, raised his gun, and looked towards the entrance of the "Sweet Time" restaurant with the monocular on the pickup rail.

An SUV is far from one, because Connor saw three SUVs coming from different directions and stopped at the same time in the three directions of the door of the "Sweet Time" Italian restaurant. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The big guys with tattoos at the door seemed to realize that something was wrong, everyone immediately touched their waists, drew out the "scorpion" submachine gun hidden in the waist, opened the insurance and swept towards the SUV.

This miniature submachine gun, which is very similar in size to the famous Uzi submachine gun, is produced in the Czech Republic. The theoretical shot can reach 115o per minute. It uses a 7.65mmx17mm Browning short bullet ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although it is less powerful, But it is still very deterrent within 5o meters.

There are a lot of dents on the body of the three-two SUV. Obviously, these vehicles have a certain bullet-proof function. They are not ordinary cars sold on the market, at least they have been modified by individuals.

Unfortunately, the weaknesses of the "Scorpion" submachine gun are exposed in front of bulletproof vehicles. In fact, the performance of this miniature submachine gun is not too powerful. The only outstanding advantage is that it is relatively weak in penetration. .

The reason why many counter-terrorism troops and police special police units adopt it is because the 7.65mm Browning short bullet will not penetrate the skin of the aircraft at close range-this is undoubtedly a great boon for the counter-terrorism force. When they attack the interior of a passenger plane, they don’t need to consider whether they will penetrate the plane and cause an explosion or burn, or accidentally injure the hostages.

The people in black on the suv looked quite calm. They knew the performance of their car very well and knew that the Browning bullets couldn't penetrate the body at all.

Except for the driver, all the people in the car got off from the other side and were divided into three groups. Each group is a typical CQB offensive team formation-a three-person team, with the first person holding a shield and a pistol. The second person is a screener, holding a mk18 melee rifle with a back tactical bag, and the third person is a defender, also holding a mk18 melee rifle.

In addition to wearing hoods, these people also wore bullet-proof helmets and gas masks, and strolled in the courtyard of the fire net composed of "scorpion" submachine guns.

Suddenly, the three groups stopped almost at the same time in the middle of the street, and then stationed on the shield.

Browning's warhead rained on the shield, but it was useless.

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