Absolute Honor

Chapter 1085: "Help" the Holy City Army 1

In less than a second, three grenades flew to the door from different directions of the three groups almost at the same time, and landed in different positions accurately, enclosing all the big guys hiding behind the car at the door. .Free serial novel reading network

The three groups stopped almost at the same time,

Boom boom boom -

The grenade explosion set off a huge wave of air. The glass of all vehicles in the "Sweet Time" restaurant was shattered. The huge shock wave generated by three grenades blasted two of the bodyguards directly onto the trunk panel of the car. .

The shields of the three groups were raised again almost at the moment when the explosion sounded, and they broke into the restaurant from different directions-two groups of front entrances, and a group of back entrances!

"This is special forces!"

A few tens of meters away, Connor retracted his monocular in the car, his face became extremely solemn.

"These are not mercenaries or KB elements. They are typical special forces operations."

"Major! Major! There was an accident here in the restaurant, and an unidentified combat team was attacking the restaurant! What should we do!?" Hugo began calling Major Michelle on the channel.

"Can't let them disturb the deal between Abbas and Carmen!" Michelle made a bold decision almost instantly, "We must help the Quds Army!"

This decision makes everyone feel weird.

Although it is temporarily unknown whether the men in black unit is an enemy or a friend, at least Major Michel has not received any notice to confirm the identity of these people.

As long as it is an unidentified person, they can be treated according to the treatment of the enemy. This is the principle in the circle of covert operations.

What Michelle has to do now is to ensure the success of the Quds Army's transaction tonight at all costs, because only in this way can it be ensured that Kawasaki Ryuichi can get this fake hard drive carefully made for them by mi17.

"You mean you want us to do it with them?" Mister said, "Major, I don't say that they have a numerical advantage with us, just say that our current weapons, these guys are armed to the teeth, bulletproof We have all shields, we only have Glock 18."

"Your car is also bulletproof, and there are automatic weapons in the car, you can go and get it."

"Qin, come back quickly to get the gun, we have work to do!" Hugo urged Qin Fei in the earphones: "I see your positioning, run forward 50 meters, we are on the side of the wall of the alley. Stop waiting for you."

Just relying on two Glock 18s to fight against these men in black is like a man-armed car. Qin Fei and Mister ran away and ran all the way to the exit of the alley.


Hugo opened the door of the car and waved to them.

Qin Fei and Mister quickly put on tactical vests and body armor, took enough magazines and various grenades, and took two "honey badger" submachine guns.

"Hugo, I'm looking for the commanding height!" Connor jumped out of the car with a black backpack and rucksack in his hand. "After I do it, you will do it together."

Qin Fei guessed that the rucksack contained parts of a detachable sniper rifle. He had seen this kind of weapon before.

The opponent has many personnel and heavy equipment. Connor's role as a sniper to occupy a favorable position can help narrow the gap in equipment between the two sides.

"We wait for you to start shooting." Qin Fei nodded to Connor, and disappeared into the darkness of the alley with Mister.

The front door of the "Sweet Time" restaurant was already in a mess at this moment, the shards of glass and vehicles and the wailing of bodyguards, the ground was covered with blood like a stream.

The two black men's tactical teams began to alternately cover the door of the restaurant, and with several shots, the bodyguards who had not swallowed immediately received the lunch.

Arriving in front of the restaurant, the second-ranked screener in the right group pressed his hand against the wall and pushed the door with his hand.

The door is closed.

Obviously, after the gun battle, someone inside immediately locked the door.

The most indispensable thing in Africa is wood. The wood used in the entrance of this Italian restaurant is surprisingly heavy. The man in black tentatively pushed the door and did a few tactical sign language to the opposite group, and then turned back and did a few words to the people in his group. A tactical sign language, then back to the original position of the group and squat down.

The defender at the back of the right team immediately opened the zipper of the tactical bag on his back, took out the plastic explosive from the inside, quickly connected the detonator, and then carefully stuck the explosive block to the side of the door.

The two groups moved back, about one meter away from the door, leaning against the wall and bending down, the guard pressed the detonating device.


The door of the restaurant was like catkins being swept in a strong wind, sawdust splashed all over, and the side of the door on the side with explosives and the door frame were all destroyed.

The two black-clothed men shielded and opened the shaky door, and threw in the shocking bullets that had already been pulled open.

With two muffled noises, the group on the right began to break in first. The group on the left followed closely and immediately crossed after entering the house. It took v by itself to occupy all parts of the room and started a search.

Hugo slipped out of the car quietly holding the mk18 rifle, and slowly moved closer to the "Sweet Time" restaurant against the street wall.

When he reached the corner of the street, he stopped.

There was intense gunfire in the direction of the restaurant, and Hugo stretched out his head and quickly glanced over there.

The men in black squad had entered from the front door.


Just as he was about to report the news back to the temporary command center to inform Major Michel, there was another explosion in the direction of the back door.

"Qin, what's the matter? Are you at war?" Hugo quickly retracted into the corner and pressed the call button to ask.

The back door is the area where Qin Fei and Mister are responsible.

After all, Hugo and Qin Fei had never worked together and were not familiar with each other's combat styles. Hugo worried that Qin Fei's leader of a mercenary organization would be too impatient, and had already engaged the man in black.

"We're all right. Just when we arrived at the back door, the man in black was breaking the door."

"They have already entered the main entrance. I heard gunshots from the restaurant~www.wuxiaspot.com~Can't let them kill Carmen and Abbas, otherwise the plan will really be ruined." Hugo said: "I Now I have reached the corner of the intersection opposite the restaurant, but I can't go any further. Their car is less than ten meters away from me!"

Qin Fei said: "You don't need to remind me, now I'm waiting for Connor's gun! Connor, what's the situation with you?"

On the roof of a seven-story building fifty meters away, Connor squatted down beside the concrete fence beside the roof, panting, put his rucksack neatly on the side and unzipped the zipper while answering Qin Fei: "Give me 4o seconds. "

"4o seconds? The day lilies are completely cold!" Qin Fei couldn't help but look at his watch: "Now three groups of people in black enter at the same time through the front and back doors. I guess they can hold it for less than five minutes at most. One minute has passed."

After Qin Fei said, he turned back and said to Mister: "Let's go ahead and wait at the back door. The gunshots will start to go in. Don't wait to stay here, or else you won't be able to figure out what's inside."

The two of them ran to the alley from left to right, and after observing it from left to right, they made sure that there was no danger, and then suddenly started sprinting, and instantly ran to both sides of the back door of the opposite restaurant.

Qin Fei didn't dare to look inside the back door. He didn't know if there were people in black who were in charge of the post-breakup. Rushly showing his command would only make him explode like a watermelon.

"We're at the back door, Connor, how long do you have to do it?!"

Fifty meters away on the roof of the seventh floor, Conner snapped a sniper scope of the "Milyou Windrunner" sniper rifle made by the Nemesis Company into the guide rail, then pressed down the bamboo shoots, and took out a full ammunition from the backpack. The cartridge was pressed into the barrel, and the bolt was pulled like lightning to push a 338 caliber sniper bullet into the barrel.

"It's done! I'll do it as soon as my gun fires..."

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