Absolute Honor

Chapter 1086: Melee

"Sweet Time" restaurant on the second floor.

At different angles and positions of the restaurant, the members of the Quds Army held various guns in their hands, with sweat in their hands.

When the gunshots sounded outside, everyone knew that something was wrong.

It is certainly not an ordinary organization that can be traced here.

The bodyguards at the door hardly made much effective resistance and they have all been killed. This is even more affirming to guess that the comers are not good.

Five or six guns pointed at the exit of the stairs at the same time.

As long as someone shows up there, they will definitely be labeled as a hornet's nest.


Suddenly there was a noise in the direction of the elevator

The hearts of all the members of the Holy City Army seemed to be gripped and squeezed severely, and their guns were aimed at the elevator entrance.

The elevator door opened slowly, and it was empty and there was no one inside.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, just a false alarm.

Suddenly, a few dark objects flew out from the entrance of the fire escape stairs, and landed directly in the center of the restaurant. They bumped on the floor with a crisp sound and rolled to think in different directions.

"Sound and light bomb!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone evaded immediately.

However, some people are hiding behind the bar in the restaurant, and some are behind the table. This kind of position is no longer effective for hiding. Only the members hiding behind the wall in the room have a chance to escape.

Before the incoming sound and light bomb exploded, it seemed that something was thrown into the restaurant.

The members of the Quds Army hiding in the dining room heard five impacts from their subordinates, which meant that at least five sound and light bombs had fallen into the dining room.




The continuous muffled noise erupted in different locations in the restaurant.

The people hiding behind the walls of the room seemed to feel better, but the guys hiding behind the tables were not so lucky.

The loud noise made their ears temporarily deaf for an instant, and their heads buzzed, as if they had been slapped severely, their chests were so stuffy, they felt like they were vomiting, and their limbs were a little out of control at the moment. The nerve seems to have entered a state of dullness.

Before everyone could react, there were three more muffled noises.

Then, a very pungent odor penetrated into the nostrils, and the person who smelled it instantly burst into tears.

What was thrown in from behind turned out to be some tear gas.

The restaurant on the second floor was suddenly white and could not see everything clearly.

The members of the Quds Army hiding behind the dining table and the bar have suffered an old crime. The buzzing in their heads has not disappeared. They just stretched their heads from the concealment to observe the situation at the entrance, but they were smoked by tear gas. blind.

The strong tear gas in the tear gas is like sprinkling a handful of paprika in the eyes, the throat is tingling, the lungs are affected, and it is almost impossible to breathe.

The lobby of the restaurant on the second floor is only 50 square meters, and no one can stay under this concentration of tear gas for a minute. It will directly suffocate people.

Several members of the Holy City Army coughed violently, covering their mouths, their faces full of snot and tears, their brows and flies were looking for a way out in the white smoke.

Now they have completely given up resistance, and their physiological limit reaction makes them make choices like conditioned reflexes-they must find a breath of fresh air.

A member of the Holy City Army suddenly saw a black figure appearing in the white smoke in front of him in his blurred vision. He was taken aback, stopped, and desperately opened his eyelids, trying to see clearly what it was.

As a result, a 5.56mm warhead instantly shot in from his forehead, bringing out a cloud of blood fog and brain plasma and then piercing through the back of his head.

The two search teams of the men in black all wore the gas masks and infrared heat source night vision devices. Even in the heavy smoke, they could still see the people in front of them clearly.

This is almost a massacre without any suspense.

Even the fierce members of the Quds Army, in front of the members of the special forces with tacit cooperation and excellent military quality, are still cut down like a stubble of leeks in the field...

On the third floor, Carmen and Abbas hid in a corner of the restaurant.

Abbas looked around in horror, then cautiously leaned against the bed, glanced out the window, then ran back pale and squatted beside Carmen and said, "Carmen, there are three cars outside, and the people below are all dead, yes. It’s not those British guys who are chasing here, we quickly figured out a way to run..."

"Why panic!" Carmen glanced contemptuously at Abbas. This timid fellow has been on the run for his entire life. He has fled here from the Middle East, living like a frightened bird every day.

"Even the British are not afraid. The hard drive is now in our hands. There are 30 of our bodyguards in this building. You call immediately and contact the gangsters outside and tell them that we need help. Ten thousand U.S. dollars!"

Abbas suddenly woke up like a dream. He quickly took out the phone and looked at the signal. He was silly.

"No signal……"

Carmen also took out his mobile phone, and now there is no signal displayed on his mobile phone screen.

"They used shielding jammers... **** it!"

"What to do! What to do!" Dense beads of sweat appeared on Abbas's half-shaded head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ panicked like a fat pig knowing that it would be dragged out to be slaughtered: "We can't hide here and wait. Death, it seems that they can't stand it anymore. Listening to the gunshots, they seem to be on the second floor..."

"The back door, we withdrew from the back door." Carmen gritted his teeth.

"There may be their people at the back door..." Abbas was like a frightened mouse.

"Even if someone wants to rush!" At this moment, Carmen's eyes showed a fierce look that is rare among women. Obviously, her status in the Holy City Army is much higher than that of Abbas, and Abbas has spotted it. He glanced at Carmen, swallowed, and dared not say anything again.

"You guys, go ahead!" Abbas waved at the bodyguard he had brought, and pointed to the entrance of the back door, "Keep your eyes open and kill him when you see someone, no matter who it is!"

Under the protection of eight bodyguards, Carmen and Abbas began to move back stairs.

The back stairs are actually a fire escape, which is relatively narrow. The four bodyguards in the front opened the way, and the four bodyguards in the back broke off. Carmen and Abbas were in the middle.

Abbas still didn't dare to get too close with his bodyguards. Those who opened the road in front of him might encounter the enemy at any time.

However, the facts have proved that although this guy is timid enough, this choice is indeed very wise.

As soon as he got down to the second floor, a bodyguard in front had just entered the corner of the stairs, and a shuttle bullet immediately hit him and his deputy, spattering countless sparks.

The bodyguard had become a corpse before he could grunt, and rolled down the narrow and steep stairs.

"Oh! I said there was someone on the back stairs! Someone!" Abbas ran back in horror.

The bodyguards in front started shooting frantically downstairs, and the gunfire suddenly burst.

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