Absolute Honor

Chapter 1087: Stop the Man in Black

Back to the third floor, Abbas hid in the corner and said with a cry: "What should we do, what shall we do!?"

"Take down the curtains and we climb down from the window!" Carmen put forward a bold idea.

Abbas was crying: "It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, there's their car below, there must be people in the car... We go down, and we will become the target of the people in the car..."

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, the old lady shot a hole in your eye socket!?" Carmen was much tougher and calmer than Abbas. She turned her head and ordered the bodyguard: "In two groups, go to the front door in groups of two. The back door is guarded, and the rest of the people will untie the curtains and tie them together, and hang them down from this window!"


The bodyguards seemed to be absolutely obedient to Carmen. Of course, no one would appreciate Abbas, who was crying like a wife in an accident.

The battle on the second floor was all over, and the group of people in black slowly walked through the hall. The group at the back door had just notified that Carmen had just tried to escape through the back door and was repelled.

It seems that the target person on the third floor needs to find another way to leave.

As long as their two groups are fast enough, they should be able to get it done before they come up with a solution, and successfully attack the third floor.

These men in black are all battle-tested veterans, all from famous special forces. Many of them were recruited after nearly nine deaths in carrying out very difficult tasks, or committed some serious crimes and then were killed by others. A certain transaction was found and carried out in a military prison.

It can be said that the force they are joining now belongs to a secret project team that the intelligence department enters. It is independent of all intelligence agencies and only accepts certain high-level commands from the USA.

In the eyes of these people, the squadrons in front of them are no different from a mob, and they have no combat effectiveness at all. They are fine in the Middle East, and they are really not in the same order of magnitude when they fight in unfamiliar areas with their own veteran special forces members. .

Almost through the entire restaurant on the second floor, when about to reach the stairs leading to the third floor, suddenly--


A glass window on the right shattered and a bullet hole appeared.

Almost at the same time, without waiting for the person in black to react, the second-place supporter of the right group went straight to the end.

"Ah-there are snipers!"

He issued a warning as he fell to the ground.

Everyone was on the ground almost instantly.

A guard crawled over, quickly took out the first aid kit from his pocket, and found the wound.

The bullet hit the big arm on the right side. Fortunately, the bullet passed through without hitting the bone.

"Tony! It's okay, it's just a skin injury!"

The defender used scissors to cut the combat uniform on the arm of the support hand, glanced at the wound and said: "It's enough to stop the bleeding, bear with it, it just hurts."

After all, he removed the tourniquet from the combat vest of the supporter, trapped the upper part of his arm to prevent the blood from oozing out, and then took out a 3cm diameter syringe without needle tip from the first aid kit. Full of white pills like pills.

Pulling out the cover on the front of the syringe, the guard plunged the syringe directly into the wound of the support hand.


The support hand felt a sharp pain and cursed lowly.

The defender ignored the support hand's curse. He directly pressed the back end of the syringe and pushed all the small white pills inside into the wound.

Soon, the small pill filled the wound. The guard pulled out the empty syringe and stuffed it into the first aid kit. Then he took out the gauze and tore it, bandaging the wound for the support hand. Finally, he loosened the tourniquet and patted the support hand. Said: "It's done, Tony, you just suffered a bit, don't cry for your father and mother."

Supporter Tony said, "Did you see me crying and calling my mother?"

He glanced at the wound on his arm and found that the blood had really stopped, and he didn't go out anymore, and said in a low voice, "This XStat hemostatic agent is really amazing!"

"Of course, it was invented by the original retired veteran of our army. The bleeding can be stopped in 15 seconds, super fast!" The guard packed his things and the two climbed back to their positions.

The two leaders were talking in a low voice.

"Trouble, is it the snipers of the Quds Army? They have already arranged it?"

"Let Cole downstairs find the snipers and kill them!" said another team leader, while pressing the headset call button: "The B2 team called Cole. We encountered the snipers in the restaurant on the second floor. Ambush, Tony hangs the color, the sniper position is on the right side of the Sweet Time Restaurant, which is on the east side of the building, leaving a car on standby. You and Sister will go to see what's going on and kill that Sniper!"


Downstairs, the door of the SUV had just opened, and Cole cautiously jumped out of it.

As soon as he landed, a series of bullets shot from the corner knocked him to the ground.

Cole felt that something warm came out of his neck. That was where the body armor was not covered. The opponent's gun was exactly the same as his own, the MK18 melee assault rifle, which is usually used by special forces. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Damn!

He cursed secretly in his heart, when did the weapons of the Holy City Army become so advanced?

He wanted to struggle to stand up, but the loss of a large amount of blood caused his body temperature to drop rapidly, and his limbs hardly had much strength. He just got up and fell down.

He heard the call of his companion Sister from another car.

However, Cole knew that Sister was afraid to get out of the car, because it was obvious that at least one gunman was facing the SUVs nearby, perhaps in the opposite direction from the sniper.

Sister was anxious, he didn't think too much, the bullet came from the right side, and he wanted to get off the car from the left.

Climbing to the position of the co-pilot, Sister pushed the car door cautiously, and then retracted into the car.

After hesitating for a while, he saw in the mirror Cole, who fell on the ground and twisted his body, looking very helpless, gritted his teeth and jumped out of the car.


Just after landing, a sniper rifle bullet hit Sister, and a cloud of blood sprayed on the body. He sat down next to the car and didn't move anymore.

On the roof, Connor raised his head from the scope and whispered in the channel: "Kill a driver."

"I also killed one." Hugo said: "It seems that the brothers of the X mercenary group have nothing to do! Are you hiding in the back door and dare not go up?"

At the back door, Qin Fei did not respond to Hugo's provocation.

Fighting is not stunned, you can't be a hero.

Hiding on the right side of the back door, in a dark corner.

But Mister ran behind a stone bench on the opposite side, facing the back door.

"Old Mi, don't worry, let's wait, there should be fish coming into the net soon." After that, Qin Fei reminded Mister: "Wear night vision goggles and noise reduction headphones, and be careful of surprises for our friends."

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