Absolute Honor

Chapter 1088: Pie in the sky

"Qin, it's actually good for us to go up and explode their chrysanthemums while they don't pay attention!" Mister couldn't bear the ridicule from Connor and Hugo. As a member of the Delta Force, although he is no longer there, he is honored. The sense was still flowing in his blood, and he couldn't allow those British guys to despise himself and Qin Fei.

"Wait, Connor and Hugo did a good job. The driver in front was attacked. Think about who will quit and come to the rescue?" Qin Fei said confidently.

Mister changed his mind. The two teams above were sniped by Connor on the second floor. It was difficult to get close to the third floor. The people in the cars on the road did not kill Connor and Hugo. Most likely It must be a group of people in black on the back stairs who came out to rescue their companions.

"Qin, it seems that you are sinister enough." Mister couldn't help teasing Qin Fei.


At this time, outside the "Sweet Time" restaurant entered a very paradoxical atmosphere.

There was no pedestrian on the street under the quiet, dimly lit street lamp.

Originally, the police had issued a warning today, informing the public to avoid going out as much as possible during these two nights, so as not to be involved in the riots.

Two of the three or two SUVs at the door have opened the door. Sister is sitting by the side of the car with his back leaning on the suv pedal. The wound on his abdomen is pouring out of blood. A 338-caliber sniper rifle bullet is directly shot at him. The body armor penetrated, and now he couldn't move at all, so he could only stay where he was.

By the door of the first suv not far from him, on the driver’s side, Cole was lying on the ground. His body armor blocked most of the bullets, but one of the bullets hit his neck. .

Cole felt that his arteries seemed to be cut, and now he could only hold on to it to delay the bleeding.

However, if he can't get the fastest treatment, I am afraid he will die soon.

The driver named Campbell in the last car was the most tortured person at the scene. He witnessed his two companions to the end, but he was helpless.

Because he knew very well that as long as he opened the door and got out of the car, he would be attacked no matter from which direction he would end up not much better than his companion.

In the restaurant on the second floor, two groups of people in black were lying on the ground.

Finally, someone couldn't help it.

"We can try the smoke bomb!"

"Try to throw two!"

After a while, two smoke bombs were thrown under the window sill on the right, thick white smoke quickly leaked out of the tank, and the entire restaurant was again enveloped by thick white smoke.

The first man in black raised the shield, blocked his right side, and slowly stood up.

When he was just over the height of the window sill, a bullet hit the shield with a slap, which shocked him.

However, the shield is strong enough to withstand most bullets of 7.62mm caliber, so this gun did not penetrate the shield.

He suddenly realized that this was a good way to get out of the control of the sniper, and he used a shield to protect his body and ran towards the stairs.

"This guy uses an infrared heat source night vision device. The smoke is useless, but our shield can block his bullets!"

He threw the shield over and threw it beside the other two players.

"They all held their shields one by one, blocking the right side of their body, and that guy was upstairs at four o'clock outside the window on the right!"

All the people in black had received strict training. It was okay to see the leader, but of course they were okay. They all painted the gourd in the same way, using shields as shields, and ran to the third floor.

"Captain, Cole and Sister are down! They have an ambush downstairs!" The third driver Campbell's voice came through the headset.

"What!?" The pupils of the leader in black shot a sharp light, "You said Cole and Sister are all over!?"

"They were shot and fell. The situation is unknown, but the injury is probably very serious..." Campbell hit the steering wheel with his hand, as anxious as a wolf trapped in an iron cage: "I can't wait to find those **** and kill them all. !"

"Boss, is it the ambush of the Holy City Army?" The leader of another group came over and asked the leader in a low voice.

The leader shook his head: "Impossible. The Quds Army does not have such a powerful combat capability. It is not the ordinary KB organization that can trap us here. I think this approach is like our peers."

"Along with you?" the team leader asked: "Then we should contact the headquarters and ask for reinforcements, otherwise we will be trapped and die here.",

The team leader thought for a while and pressed the headset call button: "Group b3, go to the reinforcement car group before leaving the back door. Be careful. There are people outside of them, maybe there are also at the back door."

"The b3 team understands."

A reply was quickly sent back in the headset.

The leader switched the satellite channel and started contacting his command.

"Calling the Eagle's Nest, there is an unexpected situation in the B team mission."


"We were attacked by unidentified military personnel. Their firepower and equipment are first-class, and the quality of their personnel is also top-notch. I don't think it is like a member of the Quds Army. I now request support."

"The Eagle's Nest received it. The support team will be dispatched within ten minutes and will reach your position within 30 minutes. Please hold on."


"We need to hold on for 3o minutes now." The leader turned around and said to everyone: "3o minutes, it shouldn't be difficult."

"But as we are now, we can't enter the third floor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are only two shields, and the six of us will have to grab someone to grab the hard drive, I'm afraid..." the team leader couldn't help but said.

The team leader shook his head: "In an accident, this is something that no one can think of. There is no way. I can only temporarily give up the hard drive and save my life! I don’t like we have lost too many people. Can Cole and Sister tonight? Survival can only depend on their luck."


back door.

Team b sent a total of 9 people to attack the "Sweet Time" restaurant tonight, divided into three teams, b1, b2 and b3, of which b3 was responsible for attacking the restaurant from the back door.

Now they have reached the corner of the stairs on the third floor, but they have received an order from the team leader to immediately retreat and leave the convoy supporting the front door through the back door.

Something happened to the team.

It has been learned from the headset channel that two of the drivers on the three-two SUVs at the door suffered heavy injuries, and their lives and deaths are unknown. Only one person is still alive, but he did not dare to leave the bulletproof car.

Someone struck a tiger's beard on his head. This is something people in black would never have thought of.

They belong to a secret force of the US intelligence agency. In their opinion, those who dare to do this are simply tired of their lives!

The leader of group b3 turned around and whispered to his subordinates: "Retreat, meet them!"

The other two nodded.

The team leader did a few more sign languages, and the other two team members nodded again.


Outside the back door, Qin Fei squatted in a dark corner, the back door opened, no one could be seen inside, and the cemetery from not far away was actually a bit cold in this hot weather.

He felt something was wrong.

"Old Mi, there seems to be something wrong, I haven't seen anyone for so long?" ()

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