Absolute Honor

Chapter 1089: Backdoor crossfire

The strong intuition made Qin Fei couldn't help leaving the place where he was hiding. He bent over, slowly approached the back door, stopped by the door, and listened to the movement inside.

Except for the occasional gunfire from the end of Francis Square, everything was as quiet as a tomb.

The back door was so dark that Qin Fei didn't dare to look inward easily. If there was someone inside, he would immediately become a target.

He chose to stick to the wall and listened quietly.

Mistor in the distance was a little anxious, and immediately asked in the headset: "Qin, you are crazy!?"

What he meant was actually very obvious. Leaning directly at the door is not a good choice for an ambush. Once someone else goes out, the two parties will be close at hand for an instant, and it is easy for them to have no time to react.

Even if you can kill the first one, the second and third people will immediately counterattack you, and you will not even have a place to hide or escape.

Ambushes generally find a good concealed location near the ambush point, rather than too close to the door.

After listening for a moment, Qin Fei really heard the sound inside.

That was the slight rubbing sound of combat boots stepping on the ground. Although it was small, it was familiar to people like Qin Fei who wore combat boots all year round.


Almost at the same time, Qin Fei heard a sharp metal rubbing sound, followed by a click.

Qin Fei's mind exploded. It was the sound of the grenade safety latch pulling off and the reed popping off.

Could it be that you exposed yourself? !

Obviously, the other party was going to throw something like a grenade at the door.

Qin Fei made an extremely risky decision in an instant. He did not run away. Instead, within 0.5 seconds, he chose to put the "Honey Badger" submachine gun in his hand directly into the door and sweep it indiscriminately.

The "Honey Badger" submachine gun shot extremely high and poured out most of the ammunition in just two seconds.

There was a scream inside, followed by a "bang" explosion.

Although Qin Fei was wearing noise-reducing headphones, he could still tell that it was the sound made by the sound and light bomb exploding.

The other party was planning to throw sound and light bombs at him.

The sudden appearance of Qin Fei caused the people in black inside the back door to be in a mess. They didn't expect to encounter this situation.

They were a group of three people. At this moment, two of them were at the exit of the back door, and one was lying in ambush at the window upstairs, waiting for the sound and light to be heard.

Once an ambush opens fire on one's own person, the muzzle flame will definitely be exposed to the dark night.

The location on the second floor is condescending, which is extremely advantageous for the counterattack.

However, I didn't expect that the people at the back door would have already ruined the entire plan by Qin Fei's chaotic sweep before he threw the sound and light bomb.

Although the two people in the back door had shields, no one expected that Qin Fei would come out suddenly, so the shields were not held well at all, and they did not completely cover themselves. Although the shields blocked part of them, several bullets still hit them. Two hapless men in black.

The body armor played a big role. Most of the bullets that hit the two were blocked, and only one of them was shot in the leg.

But it's not this that is terrible, but the sound and light bullet that they planned to throw out, which fell under their feet in a panic...

In such a small space, a light bomb was hard to resist even with protection.

The two men in black knelt down almost instantly and almost fainted.

The man in black upstairs heard the noise downstairs, called a few times in the headset and did not hear the reaction of his companions, but only heard the gunshots. He popped up to see what happened outside the door, but Mister hurriedly retracted in fright when he was hit by the window with a single shot.

Qin Fei faced a choice between electric light flint-go in or not? !

He made a decision that made Mister not far away stunned-break in!

Qin Fei took advantage of the opportunity of the sound and light bomb effect that had not yet been eliminated, and rushed directly into the back door!

"Fak! This lunatic!"

Mister was so shocked that his hair was standing upside down. In his opinion, this was really risky. No one knew if there was anyone behind the door who could retaliate, or whether the other party would suddenly shoot indiscriminately.

Qin Fei is betting.

However, in actual combat, there will never be an absolutely correct decision. In many cases, every combatant who is on the front line has to take a gamble.

Even members of the Special Forces will not be able to perceive everything and make accurate judgments every time, because you are facing a rapidly changing battlefield, just as the man in black did not expect that Qin Fei would stick to the door in violation of conventions—because No one would get so close to the target in an ambush, only a madman with no military knowledge would do that.

But Qin Fei did just that...

This is the so-called sixth sense of the battlefield, intuition.

Qin Fei rushed into the door, Mister's cry sounded in the earphones: "Be careful, there is another one upstairs."

What came into the sight of the night vision goggles were two men in black lying on the ground holding their heads. The sound and light bombs exploded under their feet. The sourness was really enough for them to drink a pot.

Qin Fei did not hesitate, and shot the two men directly in the head.

These two poor Special Forces veterans took the box lunch without even having a chance to cry.

After firing the shot, a dark shadow flashed on the corner of the stairs. Qin Fei heard a guy cursing, and subconsciously he quickly flashed to the lower side of the stairs. There was a shooting dead spot at the corner. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

Almost at the same time, the man in black around the corner fired a shuttle bullet at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei felt a pain in his left arm and almost couldn't hold the handguard of the submachine gun. He immediately countered the opponent and pulled the trigger.


The magazine of the submachine gun is empty, and the gun is shot in the empty compartment and hang up.

Qin Fei released the submachine gun and drew Glock 18 out of lightning to continue the attack.

There are more bullets in the opponent's gun than his own. As long as his firepower stops, the man in black on the stairs will definitely take the opportunity to counterattack. At that time, he can only be swept into a hornet's nest.

These men in black are all experienced veterans, and they won't even give themselves the chance to change the magazine.

The man in black on the stairs seemed a little irritable, and while exchanging fire with Qin Fei, he kept shouting the names of his companions.

Soon, he realized that his companion was dead.

The man in black cursed Qin Fei with the most vicious words in grief and indignation. He could hear him in the tone of his tone. If he could, he would swallow Qin Fei alive, peeling and slashing the flesh and dividing his body.

Suddenly, the gunfire stopped suddenly.

Qin Fei still had 8 bullets left in his Glock 18. He was wondering if he wanted to take the opportunity to change the magazine, but he didn't dare to change it, fearing that if he lowered his pistol to change the magazine, the opponent would take the opportunity to attack.

This is a trap that cannot be judged!

Qin Fei felt that his left arm was so hot and painful that his hands were shaking. The tremendous mental pressure made his breathing become like a boulder on his chest.

Change the magazine or not?

Suddenly, he heard the familiar voice again—tap!

The sound of the grenade spring bounce!


Qin Fei felt his head all stand up!


He is going to throw a grenade here!

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