Absolute Honor

Chapter 1091: "Cornerstone" Project Office

Since Francis Square has already begun to cause riots and riots, the car can only go south along Russell Street, then turn into Victoria Heidi Road, and then drive to the east for nearly 2o kilometers to reach the seaside safety Room.

The car drove into the safe house garage and entered the door. Qin Fei saw Michelle walking around the coffee table in the living room with a preoccupied look.

The four exchanged glances, and they all felt the atmosphere in the room a bit heavy.

"Major, we are back." Hugo walked over to say hello first.

"Uh, are you back?" Michelle looked a little lost, glanced at a few people, and nodded: "It's safe."

After speaking, he walked back and forth on the stall with his head hooked.

Everyone went to the car to take the equipment back to the equipment room, and saw Yuri and George.

Hugo asked, "George, what's the matter with the major?"

"We may be in big trouble." George said.

"What's the big trouble?" Qin Fei couldn't help but ask first.

George looked at the other side of the living room and said, "You met a group of people in black in the dining room before. The major asked me to find out where these people came from. I collected all the information that I could collect. We also used our database to compare the list of passengers who entered Durban through the airport, terminal and station within three days, as well as the images captured by the surveillance system. Guess what I found?"

"What's there?" Hugo asked.

George turned on the computer, and a dozen photos popped up on the large screen next to him. The photos above were all headshots of soldiers in military uniforms.

"What is this?" Qin Fei frowned, as if vaguely guessed something, "Are these the men in black who are fighting against us?"

"Our liaison staff at the Durban Intelligence Station reported that they received information recently. Someone purchased a dozen mobiusmotors suvs in one go, and some people on the black market purchased some Kevlar and bulletproof steel materials. You must know that these materials are all Military supplies, so they aroused their vigilance. They thought it was the movement of the Quds Army, but they did not expect to trace it down. Now a businessman named Walker was doing these things. Later, through investigations, it seemed that Walker’s background information was not that simple. He is in contact with cia."

"The people at the Durban Intelligence Station just reported this information to the headquarters as ordinary intelligence, because they thought it might be CIA and other intelligence agencies that are going to carry out some secret operations here. For the intelligence agencies of our allies, we have never Supervisors are excessive to avoid misunderstandings."

"However, the scene combat images you sent back tonight, Yuri and I analyzed and sent them back to the headquarters, and compared them with the intelligence sent back by the contact person at the Durban Intelligence Station. Now you are shooting with the camera hole installed on your helmet. The suv I arrived is exactly the brand of mobiusmotors. This brand is an all-terrain off-road vehicle made in Kenya, but the brand is relatively unpopular, so we are sure that the people who bought these cars and used them were the people you met tonight."

"You mean, these people belong to the cia operations department?" Qin Fei asked.

George shook his head: "I didn't say that. I just thought Walker might be an agent of cia. Then he purchased a large number of mobiusmotors off-road vehicles and provided them to people in black, but I'm not sure which person in black belongs to. Intelligence department. The reason is because of the identities of these people..."

While talking, George pointed to the dozen or so portraits on the screen.

"These people are first-class soldiers. They come from various special forces of the U.S. Army, from the SEALs to the Delta Force, from the Green Hat to the Rangers, and even people from the PJ unit. It can be said that they have their own strengths and are very good. Obviously mixed together is a very powerful mini-special force."

"Maybe cia recruited them. I used to be harassed by cia people. These guys are like blow flies in the toilet."

Mister walked to the screen, touched his chin and looked at the heads of those people, then pointed to one of them and said: "This guy, I seem to have some impression, as if I have seen it."

"He is called Mein, with the rank of second lieutenant. He is a former member of the Delta Second Commando Team. He is 34 years old. Unfortunately, the information shows that he was killed during a secret mission in a South Asian country 4 years ago. ." George said.

"Dead?" Mister turned his head abruptly, his eyes lit up.

"That's right." George pointed to all the pictures on the screen: "These people are all'dead'. They served in their respective combat units, but the army files all show that they died in battle somewhere. That's right. ,and this……"

As he said, George stood up, walked to the screen, and tapped one of the black photos with his pen.

"This guy is called Lewis, a former Ranger assaulter. He was not killed. However, this guy was accused of abusing prisoners of war on the battlefield in the Middle East. After being charged, he was sent to prison. He should be serving his sentence now and should not appear in Durban, South Africa. here."

"Interesting!" Qin Fei smiled, and things seemed to be clear: "This is obviously a secret force that recruits the dead and prisoners. Interesting, it seems that the Black Ops team will do this."

"So I said that I don't think they are cia people. Although cia is dirty, it still has a little face." George said, "but it may also be related to cia. Generally, such black operations groups involve the senior management of cia. They often Establish some shady departments in private with parliament and even the military or the Anti-Terrorism Bureau."

"Can you find out what secret department they belong to?" Qin Fei asked.

George flattened his mouth and smiled: "It is said that it is a secret service, how can it be found so easily? However, it is not impossible to find out. At least I will gather all the clues and send them to our intelligence support team. After careful analysis, they believe that this action team may belong to a project office called'Cornerstone'."

"Cornerstone project?" Qin Fei also heard of this kind of department for the first time.

Of course, there are so many secret agencies in the United States that they can set up a special project team because of one thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It sounds like a company that builds a house, but in fact they are all black ops projects.

"This project office has never officially received official recognition. We only obtained some of their fragmentary information through certain special channels. It was established after 9/11. It is composed of some right-wing politicians, some right-wing members of the military, and some intelligence agencies. It is a joint establishment by high-level leaders who agree with the use of extreme means to attack the kb organization. It is said to be very mysterious. They admire Mossad's style of action and believe that everything must be blood for blood for blood. The style is very sturdy and unscrupulous."

George said: "If you really provoke these people, maybe the trouble will be great. Now the major worry is whether to directly report these situations to the Baron. After all, if we contact the Cornerstone Project Office in an official name, maybe everyone can negotiate. At once, you can even cooperate and figure out why they got involved in this matter."

"No wonder the major is so annoying." Hugo glanced at the living room and suddenly remembered something. He turned around and asked George: "If the major doesn't tell the baron, what will be the consequences?"

"As the commander, the major has the right to choose to make her own decisions when deploying on the front line, but the trouble is not whether she should report to the baron." George grinned bitterly: "It's you."

"Us?" everyone said almost in unison.

"Yes, I said that the Cornerstone Project is not an ordinary black operations department. They are very radical, and they pursue a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood. If they die four people tonight..."

At this point, George's face became a little ugly.

"They will find out who we are at all costs, and then no matter who we are, they will hunt us down at all costs."

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