Absolute Honor

Chapter 1092: Major's worry

Hugo was the first to express his disdain: "Then let the Yankees come, are we still afraid that they won't succeed? They didn't notify us before they acted, and we don't know who the other party is. Is he ruining a plan that we have worked so hard for more than a few years?"

"Let's go, take a shower! I was busy all night and was sweaty all over."

After that, Hugo gave Connor a wink, and the two of them left the equipment room nonchalantly.

"I'm going to relax too." Mister stretched out his hand and patted Qin Fei's shoulder: "Brother, don't worry too much. I've seen this kind of thing a lot. I had this situation before when I was in the Delta Force. , There was a problem with the information communication with the friendly forces, and the result was a fight at night. Remember, this kind of thing will not be the first time, and it will not be the last time."

"In general, what will you do in the end?" Qin Fei asked.

Mister shrugged and said, "How to deal with it? That's beyond the control of those of us who are soldiers. It's the high-level people above who are bragging about themselves. They will always find a way to balance it. Is it because of the lives of a few soldiers? ?"&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Before Qin Fei could react, Mister turned and left.

Qin Fei's heart suddenly filled with an unspeakable taste. Mistor was not exaggerating. This kind of thing had also appeared in the newspapers, but in more cases, if it was accidentally injured by a special action, it would even be covered up, often by soldiers. Fate may be wiped out by politicians sitting down and talking a few words.

Thinking about it, Mister was right. Now that the matter has happened, there is no need to think about it.

This action was organized and implemented by mi17, and of course mi17 came forward if something happened. Let them wrestle with the matter between Eagle Sauce and the sun never set.

Now the purpose of the action has been achieved. The hard drive was taken away by Carmen and Abbas. The fake hard drive was originally intended to be handed over by Reid in Johannesburg. He had started the tracking program when he was in the vault and the owner's video.

In other words, the program is started at 8 o'clock in the morning, and after 72 hours, it will automatically send out a positioning signal. At that time, the hard disk must have gone through countless testing procedures, and no one will doubt its safety. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In this way, mi17's operations department can track the location of the hard disk based on the location, and send surveillance personnel to conduct verification. As long as the trail of Kawasaki Ryuichi is present, it will immediately send a combat team to try to capture Kawasaki Ryuichi in one fell swoop.

What Qin Fei cares most now is the whereabouts of the real hard drive.

When he came to the living room, Major Michelle still circled the coffee table like a donkey, and Qin Fei didn't notice it.


Qin Fei yelled in a low voice.

Michelle did not respond.


Qin Fei raised his voice.

"Hmm--" Michelle raised her head suddenly, and looked at Qin Fei as if she had just woke up from a dream: "Is there something wrong?"

"Major, I want to talk to you about something." Qin Fei said. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Sit down." Michelle pointed to the sand, and sat down first.

"The'Poison' project has now been successfully completed, and then I will just wait for the signal from the fake hard drive. Then I want to ask, what clues do you have for the real hard drive?" Qin Fei said, "That's the most interesting one. A thing of value, I hope you don’t forget about it just because you tracked down Kawasaki Ryuichi."

"Of course not." Michelle said: "I promised you to do it. Now we have sent all the informants in Johannesburg to follow up on this matter, especially paying attention to some transactions on the underworld, if it was at that time. The waiter or locals at the scene got the hard drive and stole the belongings from Rhett, so he must have a place to get rid of it. Pawnshops and some stolen dens are the best places to go, the stolen spots around the Hillbro block Both the pawnshop and the pawnshop were stared at by our people. As long as there is a movement, there will be information feedback here."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Thank you." Qin Fei nodded, at least Michelle did so to show his sincerity.

"Major, there is one thing I want to ask you." Looking at Michelle's frown, Qin Fei couldn't help but said again, "Do you think about how to deal with the matter tonight?"

"Not for the time being." Michelle didn't hide Qin Fei at all. "Things are a bit complicated."

"Leave it to your superior to contact usa. If it is really from the Blackstone project, I think Baron Harvey will reach an understanding with them."

Michelle suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Fei, her eyes blazing without blinking.

Qin Fei was a little hairy by her stare.

You know, I have no interest in the Golden Retriever Lion King.

"Are you afraid of revenge from the Blackstone Project?"

Michelle's words made Qin Fei secretly relieved. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

He shook his head and said, "No, if I am afraid of revenge, do you think I will always pursue the Black Sun organization? If you understand me, you should know why I chase them. Before, Black Sun deployed in South America and sent killers in Europe. The group, killed my teammate’s family, and almost killed my life in Rio, but I still want to hunt down the black sun."

"Well, I know these things about you, and there are these records in your information." Michelle nodded and said: "The reason why I didn't report the matter is because I know that if I report it, our actions will be immediately affected. To stop temporarily, it’s not that the poison plan does not need to be carried out, but if the Blackstone Project's action team is really operating in Durban, then they must also be eyeing the hard drive."

"I think what they are looking at is the real hard drive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei smiled and said: "Because of the current position, only we know that the hard drive is a fake. ”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Yes, you are very smart." Michelle said: "If that is the case, if you negotiate to get an understanding, things tonight may be able to calm down temporarily, but -"

At this point, Michelle's eyes became a little cold.

"But the people of the Blackstone Project will use their four dead team members as a bargaining chip and ask us to give them the leadership of the entire poison plan. Don't say whether I will give up our efforts for several years. The biggest worry is not here."

"What are you worried about?" Qin Fei asked.

Major Michel said: "Qin, have you ever wondered why the Blackstone Project is interested in real hard drives?"

Qin Fei was taken aback.

By the way, did these guys also take a fancy to the information inside?

"They also want to get the information inside." He said.

Michelle sneered: "It's not the first time I've dealt with Yankees. I know these guys. They are unprofitable. To be honest, if they just feel that the information inside is useful for their anti-terrorism work. It’s helpful. I can share with them. The problem is, it’s not necessarily.”

Qin Fei watched Michelle's eyes gradually become deeper, and suddenly his heart was shocked. It seemed that something had opened his seven orifices. Suddenly, many conjectures and thoughts poured out like spring water, and his heart suddenly became bright.

He suddenly understood what Michelle said about distrust.

Maybe, this is what makes the heart wise and understandable?

"Do you know what I'm referring to?" Michelle asked.

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