Absolute Honor

Chapter 1093: The Secret of the Flying Eagle Project

Qin Fei thought for a while and immediately replied: "Try to worry that the cornerstone project's motivation for paying attention to Achilles's heel is not so simple. Am I right?"

Michelle stared at Qin Fei, and looked at Qin Fei a little bit nervously.

"I'm very curious about what kind of training you have received in p1a. Depending on your age, I am afraid that your qualifications in the army will not be too high, but it depends on your ability to analyze intelligence and determination. If you have not read your information, I doubt if you are from the intelligence department."

"Me? Intelligence department?" Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter, "I am a student of Chinese language and literature in university, and I am not a military academy major in intelligence. How could I be a member of the intelligence department."

What Qin Fei said was not a lie. If someone like Michel lied in front of her, she would be easy to see through.

But now I am not lying. I have no doubt that I am a member of the special forces, but it is true that I am a member of the intelligence department.

Seeing Qin Fei smile so openly, it made Michelle feel a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, this is just my guess."

"Okay, Major, I didn’t blame you. I’m just a mercenary leader. My goal is only the Black Sun organization. If you want to deal with the Black Sun, I’m happy to work with you because I know that the Quds Army and The Black Sun organization has a deep connection, otherwise I would not be interested in working for your empire, because the Black Sun organization will not let me and my teammates go even if I don’t chase them right now. Cooperation, I ask you not to be too suspicious, including Mister, he is not happy to be treated as a ghost by you all day."

"Well, I admit that I don't have any good views on Americans." Michelle said, "I also know that my previous suspicion about Mistre was a bit wronged on him. If possible, I want you to convey my apologies for me. ."

"Well, get back to business."

Qin Fei said: "The reason why you don't want to cooperate with the people on the cornerstone project, Major, is because the Achilles heel itself comes from the United States. The outflow of this hard drive is just an accident. If that is the case, then the Americans should be the most Those who came out to stop the situation from expanding, I think you are also very clear that this hard drive itself belongs to an organization called the Flying Eagle Project, right?"

Michel said: "Not only do I know, I also know very well that the Flying Eagle Organization is actually an organization similar to the shadow government. This organization was actually a branch of some extreme right-wing whites in the Freemasonry. Adhering to Anglo-Saxonism, the supremacy of white people, and the belief that other races are inferior, this idea has become hostile to the mainstream moderate group in the Freemasonry. They broke away from the Freemasonry and formed the mysterious society of the Flying Eagle Organization. "

"Shortly after the end of the Civil War, with the support of the Flying Eagle Project organization, the extremist military retired white officers and veterans formed the notorious KKK Party. The military and intelligence circles, but because their behavior was too rampant and caused extremely bad influence in the United States, they were finally infiltrated and suppressed by the fbi, and they began to decline."

"To this day, the Flying Eagle Project still has its own strength in the political, intelligence, and military circles, and it is deeply hidden. Their organization is tight. Few people know how many people are in the elders at the top of the organization. How many are upper-level members, including our intelligence organizations, although they know the existence of this organization and have confirmed the list of some suspected politicians, but there has been no evidence. Therefore, we avoid dealing with members of the Flying Eagle organization, let alone do not want to deal with them. The intelligence organizations or secret agencies that are implicated in them have related cooperation."

"The hard disk you obtained is actually a hard disk used by the Flying Eagle organization to store their overseas black funds, but as Baron Harvey said to you, we believe that the funds in some of these accounts have flowed to some terror. In the organization’s account, and involved in one or more nuclear and biological weapons programs."

"So what I worry about is that the secret organization of the Cornerstone Project is a derivative organization of the Flying Eagle Project. Then we cooperated with them, didn't we help them? Why did the Cornerstone Project rush to recover the hard drive? Is it because of anti-terrorism? There are also anti-terrorism. Departments such as netsa are doing it. Judging from the composition of their combat members, the tactical team under this project is actually prepared for the execution of black operations. All recruits are sentenced or killed directly for violation of military regulations. Soldiers, one more thing, you don’t have them now. Their members are all white. None of the people who found the information are people of color."

Qin Fei heard a cold sweat on his back.

This information was something Harvey had never explained to himself in detail before.

The reason why Michelle was so heartbroken to herself was that after several previous battles, she already thought that Qin Fei was her own, at least there was no need to hide Qin Fei on the Poison Operation project.

Especially after Qin Fei’s real hard drive was lost by them, he was rewarded more or less, and the information related to Achilles’ Heel was Major Michel’s reward to Qin Fei, showing that he was truly cooperative. Sincerity, lest Qin Fei bite the hard drive and is overbearing about missing things. After all, Qin Fei is also the matchmaker for Ms. M. Now things are happening like this, I'm afraid Ms. M's face will really not look good.

"One thing, I haven't figured it out." Qin Fei said: "I got this hard drive from the inheritance left to him by my friend and her sister. In other words, this hard drive was in her sister's hands before. Her sister, I think you guys know who I’m talking about. It’s Zhang Lan after the ice. You said a drug dealer, how could she have a ledger of the entire black capital flow of the Flying Eagle Project in her hands? I thought it was just a record of Zhang The transaction reconciliation book between Lan’s drug cartel and the Black Sun organization ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn't expect it to be so complicated."

"We have also tracked down the reasons for this. The hard drive was not Zhang Lan's, but someone hired by Zhang Lan grabbed it. It is said that the order was Hei Sun’s Fan Tianlong, that is, the one who defected from you. It’s a pity that they later I really don’t know what internal strife happened. Why Zhang Lan would buckle the hard drive after he succeeded. The reason may only be known to the dead and Fan Tianlong. But I guess there may be a possibility."

"What's the possibility?"

"Because guessing."

"Guess the tyrant?"

This is Kunchai's brother-in-law, Zhang Lan's husband, Qin Fei has heard of this name.

"The news of Guaiba's death at the time has not been announced. Zhang Lan thought Guaiba was still serving his sentence in a prison in the United States, so she asked Fan Tianlong to use this hard drive to notify the Flying Eagle organization to release Guaiba through a special channel. As a result, Guaiba was killed. Huang Quan, of course Fan Tianlong can't hand over someone, maybe he didn't plan to hand over someone either..."

"So Zhang Lan detained the hard drive?" Qin Fei said.

"Maybe." Michelle said, "Everything is just maybe."

"Okay, then what are you going to do now? Tell Baron Harvey about the situation here or continue to conceal it?" In Qin Fei's view, Michelle was taking great risks to conceal the situation here because of the foundation stone project. People may come to the door soon, and may unavoidably fight face-to-face again. Once the fire exchanges, the two sides will inevitably suffer casualties.

This is an absolute responsibility for a commander.

Michelle supported her chin with both hands, covered her mouth with her palms, stared at the wall in front, and did not immediately answer Qin Fei.


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