Absolute Honor

Chapter 111: Shadow force

   The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Santos and Tony pulled the big suitcase and got out of the car. The doorman came over to help them put the suitcases on the cart.

   The two said goodbye to the young interpreter police officer and walked into the hotel door.

   "Tony, the female police officer named Li Li is not easy." Santos suddenly said a little thoughtlessly.

   Tony smiled: "You mean she is too beautiful?"

   "No." Santos said: "I guess Li Li is not her real name either. Trust me, I will not misunderstand the person. She is from the military, not from the police."

   Tony still had that kind of boring smile, and said, "We are just here to cooperate. As for who they send over, I don't really care."

   "This is the difference between the CIA and the FBI." Santos said with a faint smile: "By the way, what did you and Li Li say just now?"

   "Nothing, just ask some details."

   When they got to the elevator, the two of them got into the elevator.

   The door closed.

   Tony asked suddenly: "Santos, I remember you seemed to have served in the SEALs."

   "Yes, it happened many years ago." Santos sighed and seemed to miss the years at that time. "That was a missed time."

   "I ask you a question." Tony said.

   "Go ahead, my old friend."

   "Have you read the report carefully? The combat mode of the squad that robbed Zhang Lan this time seems to have the style of our military's special forces." Tony said.

Santos said coldly: "Not surprisingly, many of the soldiers and officers who retire from special forces every year go to private security companies, and some join mercenary organizations for money. You know, the retirement fee is only that small, and they return to the local area. There is no means of making a living. Fighting and killing are the only things they are good at."

   "You mean, we should investigate among retired special forces members?" Tony asked.

  Santos shrugged: "You can try."

   "I actually tried it. I excluded nearly 10,000 special forces soldiers and officers who had retired in recent years, but nothing was found."

  Santos smiled and said, "Maybe it is the special forces of other countries, such as SAS or SASR, who knows?"

   suddenly said again: "I am actually very interested in the Chinese soldier who killed two mercenaries. It is not easy for this soldier to chase a special squad in a frantic manner under the condition of one person, and kill two of them."

   "His name is not on the information, is it a special force?" Tony asked.

   Santos snorted and said, "Not only special forces, but also special forces. Tony, have you heard of Huaxia 203 units?"

Tony was taken aback, and said: "I have heard of this shadow unit, but the Huaxia government does not recognize the existence of such a unit. We have very little information on hand. You mean, the soldier who killed the two men in the pursuit team was 203 troops?"

   "Apart from that unit, I can't think of any other unit with this kind of capability." Santos said.

   The elevator reached the floor and stopped with a ding.

   The two got out of the elevator and walked down the corridor with their room keys.

   Tony is obviously interested in the topic of Troop 203, and continues to ask: "Santos, it seems that you know about Troop 203 very well, and have you dealt with them?"

   "Well. Although I was only in charge of anti-drugs, I was also in charge of Southeast Asian affairs. Three years ago, a seal squad of ours was hit hard in the jungle near the border of China in Country M. It was a cross-border operation of Troop 203."

"I've heard a little about that. At that time, your CIA was supporting the rebels, which affected the security of China's borders, plus China's support for the government of M country, so take this opportunity to start." Tony said: "But the international community is right. There seems to be no report on this incident, and it seems that the wind has been blocked very well."

"Can it be okay?" Santos said helplessly: "It was a loss and a shame. Originally, our operations in country M were secret operations. Everyone acted secretly. Private problems were solved privately. Everyone talked with their fists. Who won? Whoever is tough. After that, we withdrew there to avoid conflicts with them again."

   "If so, maybe they won't let us see the soldier."

   "You must see him. I think the people in Huaxia will conceal anything. Zhang Lan's last words before his death are very important."


   Qin Fei sneezed.

Woke up.

   He sat up lightly from the bed and looked around.

   There was darkness in the row of houses, and there was snoring everywhere.

   Last night, the perverted **** training continued until the highlight of the night, and finally ended with one of them withdrawing from the training.

   has been to this so-called farm for a week, without other military training, has been doing physical training with no end in sight, and every day training has to eliminate one person, otherwise thunder will not stop.

   If no one quits in one day, then two days, two days no, only three days, until someone crashes.

   The longest time, everyone did not close their eyes for two days and two nights, and finally someone fainted and was sent to the hospital by helicopter.

   The whistle hung on the wooden wall has been blew five times in this week.

   The five candidates who participated in the election announced their withdrawal.

   Today, I don’t know who will choose to leave again.

   Qin Fei turned over, his waist aches, and he couldn't help groaning.

   During this period, as long as the morning wake-up call sounds, he feels numb like a robot. He tries to avoid thinking about anything and avoiding any distracting thoughts, because any distracting thoughts will affect the will.

   As long as the will relax slightly, it will immediately collapse like a domino.

   Gao Ming said, Thunder is a psychological tactic.

In the past training camps, the instructors would make you insist on insisting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But here, Lei Ming took the loudspeaker and told everyone in the ears of the players every day that the selection rate was only 25%, you can’t. It was the one who persisted until the end. Someone quit after all. To quit is to give oneself a kind of relief, and it also gives other teammates a chance.

   Repeated infinite times of this kind of brainwashing indoctrination will slowly erode everyone's willpower, and subtly make you feel that what thunder is saying is true, and it makes sense.

   Qin Fei once had such thoughts.

   As long as letting go, it is liberation and giving others a chance.

   Why do you do this?

does it worth?

   Fortunately, at every critical moment, Qin Anguo's back will come unexpectedly in Qin Fei's mind.

   As long as he thinks of his father, Qin Fei will be drenched in a basin of ice water like a confused person, and he will wake up.

   He tore the gauze on the back of his hand. Fortunately, because the doctor Wang of Unit 203 changed his dressing on time every day, the wound seemed to heal well without inflammation, and the stitches were almost ready for removal.

   Outside the window, the sound of ocean waves rustled, and the salty and wet sea breeze blew into the row house from the open window.

   Qin Fei looked at his watch, and it was 5:50 in the morning.

   Lei Gong announced last night that everyone has four hours of sleep, that is, there are ten minutes to get up.

   Qin Fei sat on the bed, considering whether to keep squinting his eyes for a while or just get up first.

   was hesitating, and suddenly three round things rolled into the door.

   Qin Fei was taken aback, staring at the two things that were sparking and lighting up cigarettes.

   A second later, Qin Fei's judgment that was somewhat dull because of fatigue finally reacted.

   is a shock bomb!

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