Absolute Honor

Chapter 112: The most special wake up number


   The first shock bomb that rolled in front exploded.

   Qin Fei had already rolled under the bed with the quilt, shrank into the corner of the bedside table, and blindly covered his head with the quilt.

   All the students in the row room were awakened by the huge explosion, their heads buzzed, and they sat on the bed with their heads in their arms.

   "Be careful! Shocking bullets!"

   Qin Fei shouted, trying to remind his teammates.

   But obviously this kind of shouting is useless at this time.

   When everyone did not react, the second bomb rolled behind exploded.


   is still a shock bomb.

Qin Fei felt like his heart was pushed by someone’s knees, a burst of nausea surged to his throat, a powerful wave of air rushed through, the sheets on the mattress were lifted, the mouth cup and toothbrush on the bedside table were overturned and fell to the ground. .

   Fortunately, he covered his ears and eyes with a quilt. Even so, he felt dizzy and strong tinnitus. The whole person felt a little trance, as if he was drunk.


   The third bomb exploded.

   The sound is much lower than the previous two, and it does not have such a strong impact.

   Qin Fei shook his head vigorously. In his sight, everything appeared in ghost images.

   After three full seconds, his pupils regained focus, but a pungent smell came from his nostrils, and there was a tingling sensation in his eyes, and he couldn't help but want to sneeze.

   This is a tear gas!

   Qin Fei hurriedly grabbed the towel hanging on the side of the bedside table, and poured the water from the kettle on the towel, covering his nose.

   da da da da da da da da-

   Intensive gunfire sounded at the door, and in the smoke, Qin Fei saw several vigorous figures wearing gas masks appearing at the door, holding an automatic rifle in his hand and shooting into the room.

   After playing a full magazine, the leader coldly threw a sentence.

   "Get up! Gather at the door within three minutes, and those who are late will be disqualified directly!"

   Qin Fei heard that it was Lei Gong’s voice.

   This guy really has a new trick, this time he threw shock bombs directly at everyone.

three minutes.

   In normal times, it is not difficult to gather in full gear for three minutes, it is a piece of cake.

   But the situation is completely different now.

The power of shock bombs is generally 15 to 30 meters in an open area. It will be multiplied when exploding indoors. The strong sonic boom generated at the moment of the explosion will make the victim feel like a heavy hammer in the chest, and dizziness and strong tinnitus will occur at the same time. In a trance, there will be transient hearing loss in both ears in about 15 minutes.

Everyone in the room was holding their heads in pain and rolling on the bed. They had a strong willpower and wanted to stand up desperately to find equipment and clothes. Unexpectedly, they couldn't balance their feet when they stepped on the ground. The world turned around and fell down with a grunt. On the ground.

   A strong irritating smoke filled the entire space, and Qin Fei realized that Lei Gong did not know when all the doors and windows had been closed.

   This trick is really amazing!

   Qin Fei was secretly surprised, and secretly rejoicing, if he didn't wake up exactly ten minutes earlier, I am afraid that he would not be able to stand still like everyone else.

   At present, the best personal status is to count himself. Qin Fei put a wet towel on his mouth and nose, and he didn't care about tears in his eyes, so he immediately put on camouflage uniforms and carried his equipment and guns quickly.

  Due to the intense hell-style training during this period of time, everyone is in a state of tension. Every night they sleep, they are used to stacking their clothes and equipment on the head of the bed, placing them in the most convenient way to wear them.

   If it weren't for an attack, under normal circumstances, everyone would be able to dress up and walk out of the room within a minute.

   Putting on the equipment, Qin Fei immediately touched the right side, Xu Wu was sleeping on his right side.

   Xu Wu was a little confused at this time, leaning against the window and struggling desperately to get up, but the irritating smoke made him cough violently, his nose and tears were hanging on his face, very embarrassed.

   Qin Fei poured out the water from the kettle on the bedside table, dampened a towel and wiped Xu Wu's face vigorously, then poured the cold water from the kettle directly on Xu Wu's head.

   The cold water irritated Xu Wu and made him sober.

  Qin Fei knew that he didn't have much time, and could help a few or a few, so he tucked the towel into Xu Wu and said, "Old Xu, can you do it?"

   "It can do it... **** Lei Gong!"

   After all, he is not an ordinary soldier. Xu Wu got the help of Qin Fei and immediately recovered a little sober. He seemed to realize what was happening now.

   "Go help other teammates!"

   He pushed Qin Fei away, got up by himself, staggered and began to put on his clothes.

   Qin Fei wanted to go to the left to help Zhong Zhentao, and suddenly stopped when he walked to the window.

   He realized that he had just made a wrong choice.

   helped one by one, not many at all.

   He kicked on the window, and Qin Fei kicked the wooden window into the air.

   The sea breeze in the early morning outside suddenly poured into the room, and the smoke of the tear gas was blown by the wind, and it faded a lot.

   Qin Fei picked up the Type 95 automatic rifle and slammed it through the windows one by one.

   I care about his mother’s damage to the public property of the barracks, and take the people out.

  Lei Gong thought all day long how to eliminate most of the people in this group of super endurance special forces. Qin Fei believed that this guy was definitely not talking about it.

   After more than three minutes, the sentiment guy will really drive away the students who have not reached the standard.

   smashed four windows with a face, and the air in the house became refreshed with the original muddy stimulation.

  The special forces students who knew what had happened began to wear their equipment to the best of their ability. Although the speed was slower than usual, it was much better than before.

   found Gao Ming, this guy has long lost his usual calmness, and is also embarrassed like Xu Wu, cursing Lei Gong while touching his nose and tears.

   "God slain, Thunder God! This is so special!"

Liu Feilong is the most unlucky one. Although this guy is five big and three thick, but the first shock bomb went directly to his bed and exploded. This guy felt like he was swept in the forehead by someone else's heavy whip on the ring. Did not slow down.

   Qin Fei had to pick up the camouflage uniform and put it on him directly, and then took the equipment and tied it on his body.

   looked at his watch, the time lock had the last forty seconds left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Feilong wanted to stand up and walk out desperately. He lost his balance after walking a few steps and fell directly to the ground.

   Qin Fei could only run over and stand him up, and the two of them staggered towards the outside of the house.

Liu Feilong's feet are more than 170 kilograms, put it normally, Qin Fei doesn't take it seriously, but this time his head is also dizzy. Just out of the door of the row house, the two of them tripped to the ground at the same time. He fell into a mouthful of sand.

   Thunder is standing on the sand in front of the door, staring coldly at the door of the row house.

   Qin Fei was the first to appear, his eyes changed slightly.

   looked at the stopwatch in his hand, there was nearly a minute left.

   "Qin Fei, are you okay!?"

   Xu Wu also rushed out, helped up and asked diligently.

   "It's okay, I think the least problem is me among everyone." Qin Fei smiled.

   Gao Ming patted Qin Fei's shoulder while wiping his tears: "Brother, you are such a lucky star! I remember, Gao Ming, I owe you a favor."

   Xu Wu looked around and clicked on the number of people.

   "Where is Jin Donghai?"

   "I don't know." Zhong Zhentao sat down on the ground, picked up the kettle, unscrewed the lid, and poured it on his head. The water slid down his hair. He desperately washed his face, trying to remove the remaining irritating substances.

   "I am afraid that time is not enough." Hu Yong said.

   "You go to gather, I'll go in and take a look." Qin Fei looked at the time, there were more than 30 seconds left, then turned and rushed back to the row room.

   "Qin Fei!"

   There were screams from everyone behind, but Qin Fei didn't mean to stop, and soon rushed into the room still lingering with smoke.

   Xu Wu stomped his feet and said to everyone: "You all go and gather! Right now!"

   He turned back and rushed in.

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