Absolute Honor

Chapter 113: The compassionate Lei Gong?

   Ten seconds later, Qin Fei and Xu Wu rushed out of the room with Jin Donghai in their arms.

   Everyone hurried forward, wanting to help.

   Unexpectedly, Jin Donghai slammed his hand and broke away from Qin Fei's support. He twisted and broke free of Xu Wu's hand. He fell to the ground with a thump, and then lay on the ground and shouted at Qin Fei.

   "I don't need your help! I can do it on my own! Who will let your dog take the mouse to nosy! Do you think I can't do it!?"

   Everyone was taken aback.

   No one thought that Jin Donghai would "repay" Qin Fei with this attitude.

  At this time, Jin Donghai was very embarrassed. He was stimulated by the smoke from the tear gas, and his face was covered with tears and snot. After he fell to the ground, he was stained with sand. The helmet fell to the side, and his face was covered with sand.

   "There is no time! It's time to assemble!"

   What Qin Fei cares about now is not Jin Donghai's dogish attitude, but time!

   There will be twenty seconds before the time set by Lei Gong, and if it exceeds the time, there is a danger of being kicked away.

   He went up and wanted to pull up Jin Donghai who was on the ground, but he didn't expect Jin Donghai to kick him over and kick him all over the sky.

   Qin Fei's nameless fire was immediately ignited, and the breath in his chest was about to explode.

   "Jin Donghai of the dog day, I don't think you are my teammate, so grandson saves you the bastard! If you didn't say that you want to train together and win together, I wouldn't bother to care about your bastard!"

   Jin Donghai was taken aback, and then he lay on the ground and started crying inexplicably.

   As a result, everyone is at a loss.

   After this week of horror training, Jin Donghai has survived until now. Moreover, this guy is also an officer of the Thor team anyway, so there is no reason to be so fragile and cry in front of everyone.

   didn't know which rib was pulled.

   Xu Wu realized that Jin Donghai might be on the verge of collapse, and quickly put a kettle that had taken Jin Donghai away, unscrewed the lid, and poured it on his head.

   ordered Liu Feilong and Hu Yong: "You two come and help, and let him go over!"

   Jin Donghai was soaked in cold water, and he was shocked, and he seemed to react.

   Looking up at everyone standing in front of him, staring at him intently, Jin Donghai felt his face become hot.

   struggled to get up from the ground, and said stubbornly: "I can do it by myself! I don't need others to help!"

   "There is no time!" Xu Wu looked at the time and said, "Run! Use the fastest speed!"

   Everyone ran towards the meeting point. As soon as they arrived, the whistle that thunderously bit their mouths rang.

   put down the whistle, he turned his head and looked at Chen Kefan beside him and asked, "How many have not come out?"


   "Let people go in and have a look, maybe they are dizzy inside."

   After thundering, he walked to the middle of the team and walked in front of the players one by one.

   looked at everyone up and down, as if he didn't find any equipment missing, he went back to the front of the queue with a stern face.

   "Today is off to a good start, I am very happy, two more people are missing."

   No one in the team spoke.

   Thunder paced back and forth in front of the queue.

"You should know that you are all carefully selected elites. It is really not easy to eliminate you. I tell myself every day that I must think of ways to let the scumbags among you pick up your own. The backpack rolls back to its original unit."

"In the past week or so, you have proved that your physical fitness is strong enough with your strength, so I do not intend to continue to torture you with physical training. This is too uncreative for me! Today is the last day of physical training. You have prepared a special package. Those who can survive today will be one step closer to the final goal, but I believe—"

   He couldn't help grinning, with that kind of paradoxical smile.

   "Many of you will leave the team today."

   "The last thing I like to see is his smile..."

  In the queue, Wang Kai said in a low voice to Qin Fei beside him.

   "Damn, when Lei Gong smiles, I feel uncomfortable and cripple."

   Qin Fei had to admit that what Wang Kai said was the truth. Every time Lei Gong showed such a mysterious smile, the final result was not very good, and it had to suffer.


   The hearts of all the students were suspended in the air.

   The next training was far beyond everyone's expectations.

   The initial training was not as scary as Wang Kai imagined, and it was even a little lackluster.

   is nothing more than a variety of load-bearing running, a variety of log and assault boat training and hunter obstacles, plus a variety of extreme armed swimming and underwater training.

  Although it is still so cruel, it is still the same thing. There is no "special set meal" that Thunder said.

   At night, the exhausted students still rushed to eat like hungry wolves.

   In the dining hall.

   The singer bit the last piece of meat on the pork knuckle, threw away the bone, patted his belly and burped.

Then he said contentedly: "I thought there was something new in Lei Gong! It turned out to be the old style. I don't speak big words, the most terrifying of Hell Week is the first few days. When the time comes, everyone is training skin, and the sky is falling. Anyway, as soon as the wake-up number rings every day, I tell myself, I am a wooden person, so you can toss it as you like! Physical training can force me away? I don't believe Zhong Zhentao killed me!"

Although Qin Fei was full of suspicion, he still couldn't help reminding the singer: "I said you kid don't be too happy too early. It's only 7 o'clock in the evening. Usually, it's only 1 o'clock in the morning before letting us go to sleep. There are still 6 hours before the lights are turned off. , Today do you think the Thunder Society has shown great kindness to let us sleep peacefully?"

   The singer felt that what Qin Fei said was reasonable, and the pride on his face suddenly became ice cream in the sun.

   After the meal, the training continued without any accidents.

   until 2 o'clock in the morning.

   Although today’s training is not creative, it is more intense than any previous day.

   At two o'clock, when everyone was exhausted and crawling on the ground and unable to move, Lei Gong suddenly blew the assembly whistle.

   "This is the end of today's physical training! Assemble, collect the team!"

   Standing in front of the team, Lei Gong’s smile was darker than the sky.

   Looking at the dozens of special forces members standing in front of him, his eyes seemed like a big bad wolf looking at Pleasant Goat.

   "Today's training intensity is okay?"


   "Have you eaten dinner well!?"

"I've eaten!"

   "Are you hungry now?"


   Everyone's answers are getting less and less confident~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lei Gong's attitude is completely different from usual, making everyone feel chills in their spine.

  The barking dog does not bite.

   Then, a dog that didn't bark bit someone...

   Lei said when he was fair, he couldn’t wait to pierce the eardrums of others, but today he looks so kind and gentle.

   He noticed that there seemed to be people under the shade of trees not far behind Lei Gong.

   Is it another trap?

   Qin Fei tensed his nerves, staring at the few unidentified guys, not daring to relax for a moment.

   "It's easy to handle when you're hungry." Lei Gong turned around and shouted at several people standing under the shadow of the tree: "Cooking squad leader, bring supper here!"

   It turned out to be the security staff of the cooking class hiding in the shade of the tree.

   Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief. People felt extremely tired. Today's training intensity is greater than any previous day.

   But apart from the two players who forced away with strange tricks in the morning, Lei Gong still didn't force anyone else away.

   "It smells so good!" Zhong Zhentao sniffed a few times like a dog, "Qin Fei, do you smell it! It's milk...no, no, it's the scent of egg yolk..."

   A stainless steel vat was placed on the sand in front of the team.

   The cooking squad leader opened the lid.

   The mystery was revealed.

   "Singer, you belong to a dog? So good?" Qin Fei saw that the big bucket was actually a big bucket of milk with eggs, which was a bit yellow and full of fragrance.

   I have to say that it is a godsend to have a sip of this milk on an exhausting night.

   Qin Fei couldn't help licking his dry lips, and swallowed his sticky saliva.

   I really misunderstood Lei Gong today.

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