Absolute Honor

Chapter 1149: Yang Feng Yin violates

"This..." Major General Arnold looked awkward, and was thinking of making some excuses to stop him.

Suddenly, a noise came from the door.

A soldier from the anti-terrorist unit walked in from the door and saluted in front of Major General Arnold and Cook.

"General, Major Michel wants to see Deputy Chief Cook."

Arnold received an amnesty. At this time, he was in a dilemma. The appearance of Michelle solved his big problem.

"Invite her in."

Suppressing the inner ecstasy, Arnold didn't even think about it, and immediately asked his subordinates to invite Michel in.

Although I don't know why Michelle came here, at least he can solve his urgent need and avoid Cook's request.

The door was pushed open rudely with a bang, and Michelle came to Cook and Arnold as if engulfed in anger.

"Deputy Chief Cook, I ask you to stop chasing Qin Fei immediately!"

"Why?" Cook looked at Michelle in front of him, he vaguely felt something was wrong, and Cook was prepared for all the conditions that this action would take.

This includes that Michelle will come to ask himself sooner or later.

However, he did not expect it to be so early.

Something went beyond my expectations.

"Because your action was not approved by the CIA Action Committee, this is your private action!" Michelle said unceremoniously.

These words seem to have dropped a blockbuster in the command center.

Of course, for the cornerstone project agents in the command center, this has no effect, and they know the nature of their operations.

But Michelle is definitely not an idiot, she knows exactly what she wants.

Baron Harvey has now started to contact the CIA headquarters and their director. The reason why Michelle came here did not help the negotiation process at all.

However, by doing so, she can disrupt the steps and rhythm of the entire command center.

Cook and his men knew the nature of the action, but Colombia did not know it.

As a deputy director of the CIA, Cook has great powers. He has the power to approve temporary actions, but Michelle made such a noise, and other people in the command center thought carefully.

Especially the commander of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau, Major General Arnold, who himself was afraid of wolves.

He originally didn't know that the nature of Cook's operation was a temporary action that was privately approved, but now that he knows it, this has played a decisive role in his choice.

Michel's words are like adding a decisive weight to one end of a wobbly balance, allowing Arnold to jump out of the center of the whole event in an instant, and see the current state of affairs clearly with the mind of a bystander-Cook's actions are not It is completely regular, and MI17 has now grasped the opponent's handle.

Obviously, the head of MI17 will immediately contact the CIA, and the situation of seizing command will soon change. Although I don’t know what the result will be, Arnold has immediately seen where he is, and he decided not to take this trip. water.

"I am the deputy director, and I have the right to approve the action." Although Cook was shocked enough in his heart, there was no surprise on his face, and his expression still looked like a rock sculpture without any change: "Major Michelle , Please pay attention to your own identity, you are not worthy to point fingers at me in this command center! Who do you think you are? You are just an action commander. Let your superiors contact me. You are not allowed to call me here."

"General, this is your place, please invite Major Michelle out, and I want to direct the action." Cook cast his eyes on Arnold coldly.

Major General Arnold swallowed quietly, and experience told him that the most suitable role for him now is to act as a peacemaker, and no one can be guilty.

"Major." He walked to Michelle's side, his tone was no longer the same as before. For a major general, his military rank was several levels higher than Michelle, but at this time he used a similar tone. Yu Yangqiu's tone said: "At present, the command here is the responsibility of Deputy Director Cook. I think you should know that as a soldier, I also have difficulties. Don't make it difficult for me."

The meaning of these words is already very clear.

Of course Michelle can hear it, and she also knows that she can't change the situation right now, but the purpose of doing so has now been achieved. She wants everyone who is not part of the cornerstone project to know that Cook is abusing his power. .

Now everyone has clearly heard it clearly, and the corner of her sight tells herself that there are already many Colombian anti-terrorist soldiers and officers whispering and whispering.

The goal is reached, it's time to retreat.

Michelle glanced at Cook coldly: "Mr. Deputy Director, I think you should understand that your time is running out, and I warn you, don’t think that the British Empire really has nothing to do with the United States. The relationship between us is still an alliance. I declare here that it is also a word to you to convey to our superior Baron Harvey. Qin Fei is ours. If he has any mistakes, please take all the responsibilities."

After that, turn around and leave.

Arnold hesitated for less than half a second, and immediately followed Michele to the outside of the command center.

It seemed that he was appeasing Michelle, but in fact the major general didn't want to stay in the command center, especially by Cook's side for an extra second, lest the latter would give him some embarrassing orders.

In today’s situation, Major General Arnold, an old tortoise in the officialdom, has decided not to do anything. Even after he decides to walk out of the command center, he will give Lieutenant Colonel Mario an order to order all counter-terrorism forces not to get involved in this Cook’s command. He then left Cali city by plane and returned to Bogotá’s Counter-Terrorism Agency.

It was a puddle of muddy water, and he decided to withdraw.

When Major General Arnold and Michelle disappeared outside the door, Cook suddenly hit the conference table with a heavy punch.

He knows that all this has caused Michelle to confuse him. Although the counter-terrorism forces here are still obedient to their own command, they may have to send helicopters and drones to support the cornerstone project action team to fight in the jungle. impossible things.

"Damn it! Bastard!"

He couldn't think of it. Michelle discovered that this action was a temporary action that he had privately approved so quickly. This was Cook's biggest weakness.

Political and official methods, even the head of the intelligence department, cannot avoid it.

Now, there is really not much time left for myself.

He is well aware of the communication channel between MI17 and the CIA. If he guessed correctly, from now on, within two hours, the matter will be reached by the top leaders of both parties, and as the deputy director, he will also be invited to participate in the video conference. However, in the video conference, I did not have any good reason to continue to order Qin Fei, because as Michelle said, Qin Fei is a person of MI17, and the British Empire and the United States are allies and cannot attack his allies. , At least if the identity is already known.

The phone vibrated suddenly in his pocket.

Cook took it out and saw that the number was called by his immediate boss, the director of the CIA.

How fast!

He secretly scolded his mother, Harvey's old man is indeed an old man in the intelligence world, so soon he had his immediate boss, Director Rosen, call him.

Picking up the phone, he was about to press the call button when he suddenly stopped his finger on the keyboard.

"Anna, immediately contact'Bandituo', send a helicopter to take them here, and then drop them to the Garcia camp near the Amazon jungle, connect them and the action team's channel, and let them kill them within two hours. Qin Fei and Morris are dead!"

Anna suddenly did not respond to Kulai. After Michelle's troubles, many people felt that things had become complicated. Unexpectedly, Cook would suddenly issue an order to mobilize the SEAL troops, and what he issued was a killing order!

Obviously, this is a time difference, and it must cause Qin Fei to die. This approach is really risky.

"Quick! Do you want me to say it a second time!"

Cook became furious, like a vicious dog stepped on its tail, roaring frantically.

"YESSIR!" Anna shuddered, and immediately turned to contact.

Cook took the phone and walked to a corner of the command center and pressed the call button.

"Director Rosen, any instructions?"

"Cook, are you in Colombia?"

"Yes, I'm in Cali." Cook didn't intend to hide it, because he couldn't hide it.

"It is said that you are hunting down an employee of MI17? And you are going to kill him?" Rosen's voice looked a little displeased, "I don't seem to know this action."

"That's it, because we found the CIA traitor Morris in Cali, Colombia, and the MI17 employee I was hunting down killed our undercover agent in the Garcia drug cartel. Morris had already been arrested. We control it. They took Morris first. This is not as simple as Harvey told you. The reasons are very complicated. Director, my action is very important to us. Morris is in charge of us. With few top-secret technologies, this person will either be arrested back or let him disappear on the earth. I personally prefer the latter. He is a threat to us and is our CIA's bad assets."

Director Rosen was silent for a moment. Obviously, he was measuring the credibility of Cook's words.

Soon, Rosen replied: "Cook, things are making a big deal now. I think you know who Harvey is. If he wants, he can go to the Intelligence Committee. I don’t think you and I are willing to go to Congress. Members explained that they also want to participate in any hearings, so let’s go, he asked us to hold a video conference for everyone to talk face-to-face. I think it is necessary. You temporarily order your men not to kill each other."

"Yes, I accept the meeting arrangements." Cook said.

He can't refuse to agree ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he is absolutely unwilling to agree.

Cook already had a plan in his mind. He would not follow the so-called military orders abroad. Now he promised Lawson, and even if he killed Qin Fei later, he could use the signal to be disturbed, unable to contact the action team and so on as excuses.

Anyway, in places like Amazon, bad signal is common, and high-tech is not a panacea.

After disconnecting the phone, he turned around and asked Anna: "What's the arrangement?"

"The SEALs have been contacted. The'Bandituo' team is already organizing boarding. They will be airdropped to the designated area within an hour."

"Tell them, is it true?"

"Your instructions have been delivered." Anna finished speaking and quietly licked her lips. She felt a panic of tension, which made herself feel a little thirsty.

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