Absolute Honor

Chapter 1150: Soldiers who, deception also!

When the sound of a violent explosion came from the direction of the river beach, Qin Fei and Morris only ran less than one kilometer away. He knew that the action team of the Cornerstone Project must have triggered the booby mine next to the broad knife mine when it evacuated.

In the primitive jungle at night, the speed of advancement was restricted by various restrictions, not to mention that he is still carrying Morris, an otaku who usually stays at home and is as fat as a pig.

This guy had already felt deeply desperate for this harsh environment, so he almost lay on the ground and howled. If he hadn’t known that a well-trained team was searching for himself, he wanted to send himself to see God. Just a lazy donkey rolled and lay on the ground and refused to leave.

The sound of the explosion gave this ghostly fat otaku a chance.

He pretended to be taken aback, and slipped to the ground with one foot in the air.

"No way, no way, I'm crippled, I can't walk...really...I can't walk anymore..."

"Professor" Morris was lying in the grass, his white face had long been stained with sweat, various tree shavings and dirt, and his plaid cotton shirt was so wet that he could wring out water.

His mouth grew like a dog, panting heavily, looking up at the night sky with a dying look.

"You...you set up the bomb?"

"That's not a bomb." Qin Fei knew that it would be useless to force this fat pig, so he could only sit down and wait for him to take a few breaths. "It was a booby mine device. I added something to his broad-sword mine. ."

Morris' state gave Qin Fei a headache.

If you are alone, things will not be too difficult.

Although Qin Fei knew that he had no chance of winning in the face of an elite hunting squad, it was not impossible to escape.

The primitive jungle is so big and it's night time, even if the other party has the most advanced night vision equipment, it's a big deal to fight with them.

Speaking of physical strength, Qin Fei was not at all ashamed of the professional soldiers and agents in the Action Team of the Cornerstone Project.

The level of equipment of all the troops on this planet cannot be said to be the first, but the training intensity is definitely the first, especially personal physical strength and jungle combat capabilities.

This has a great relationship with the philosophy and tradition of the entire army. The rabbits were poor and lacked the physical strength to make up the equipment. As a result, a bunch of Scuds of the Chinese army came out.

When Qin Fei was in the army, he had seen the internal training materials of the SEALs, and their 3km full-loaded raid would be considered as passing as long as 11 minutes, but this result is simply not worth mentioning in the army.

In this situation, Qin Fei's physical strength is useless. After all, he has to take care of Morris, an otaku.

"I think you are really crazy!" Morris suddenly complained.

Qin Fei glanced at this guy and couldn't help asking, "I'm crazy? Why?"

"We are just two people. I don't have a gun yet, but you ran to install a booby trap to provoke them. Didn't you tell them that we were already here?" Morris said, "We should grease the soles of our feet. , The farther away from those evil stars, the better."

Qin Fei did not speak, and pulled out the Glock 18 from his waist and handed it to Morris.

"Do you want a gun? Here it is."

"Why do I want a gun?" Morris said in amazement: "I'm a technical talent, I'm not a killer, I don't know how to play guns."

"You also know that you don't know how to use a gun? Then give me less nonsense. You are better than me on the Internet, and here, I am better than you." Qin Fei put away the gun and couldn't help but sneered: "Even if you give it. You get a set of equipment for nothing, so don't question my actions. I have my own measure. Now I can kill a few of them. If I have a chance, I will kill them."

After speaking, Qin Fei looked around, got up and walked aside, reached out and touched the ground, then put his hand under his nostril and sniffed.

"come over."

"Me?" Morris asked, pointing to his nose.

"Are there anyone else here besides me and you?" Qin Fei really wanted to kick this stupid otaku to death.

Although this guy is a network technology genius, his emotional intelligence in reality does not seem to be very high.

Using both hands and feet, Morris crawled to Qin Fei's side.

"What are you doing?!"

"Raise your head and close your eyes."

"What are you going to do!?" Morris's eyes were panicked.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't want to die and do as I say." Qin Fei said bluntly: "Stop wasting my time here, and I won't harm you. There are hundreds of opportunities to kill you."

Morris thinks about it, too, the Z national in front of him was right, if he wanted to kill himself, ten lives would have been ruined early.

So he closed his eyes, raised his head, and squatted there like a dog.

Soon, there was a stench in his nostrils, and before he opened his eyes to see what it was, a sticky thing clattered on his face.


The smell turned his stomach upside down, and he couldn't help but retching.

Morris couldn't help but open his eyes and saw Qin Fei holding a cloud of dark stuff in his hand, smearing it on his face and neck.

"God! What is this!? It smells so bad!"

"Don't move! Just listen to me! This stuff smells a little bit stinky, it can save your life!" Qin Fei grabbed the fat otaku by the hair, just like when an old mother was a child, he grabbed the hair of his disobedient son. He washed his face and wiped those sticky, smelly and somewhat cool things on Morris's face.


Morris didn't dare to open his mouth, he was afraid that he would accidentally swallow some of those things by opening his mouth.

Qin Fei painted his face and neck all over, and then painted it thoroughly on his bare hands.

Soon, Morris became a clay figure, and Qin Fei wiped out many parts of his upper body.

"All right."

Qin Fei wiped out the sticky things on his body and said to Morris, "You can open your eyes."

Morris frowned and said in pain, "Oh! What is this thing! It smells like shit!"

"These are sludge, mixed with water after the leaves have decomposed." Qin Fei said.

Morris wailed in pain, "But I smell like shit, and my nose can hardly breathe."

Qin Fei said: "Well, there may be animal discrimination, and there will also be small animal carcasses rotting in it, and I don't know the specific ingredients."

"God! Why are you wiping these things on me? No, I want to wash them off! Damn! It's not much better than falling into a cesspit!"

"Don't wash it!" Qin Fei warned: "If you want to kill you, just wash it. I tell you, in the primitive jungle, there are many advantages to putting on these things. One is that it can block a part of the infrared radiation emitted by your body and let others It’s not so easy to spot you. Secondly, the animals in the primitive jungle are very territorial. They can smell the scent of alien creatures entering their territory. If you don’t put on these things to cover up your own smell and sweat, they Will treat you as an enemy and attack you without hesitation. If you put on these things, you can at least cover a part of it, so that your chances of being attacked by wild animals are greatly reduced, understand?"

"You said so well, why didn't you wipe it yourself?!" Morris cried out, and he could see that he was really disgusted with the mud on his body.

Qin Fei said: "I applied jungle oil, which has a little anti-infrared effect."

Morris had no choice but to stop, not daring to rub off the mud on his body, after all, it was better to smell bad than death.

"Is it because I painted these things and they couldn't find me?"

Qin Fei shook his head: "That's not true. Unless it is a special infrared protective suit, we can still be seen by sophisticated heat source detection. This thing is not omnipotent."

"What shall we do now? Continue to escape?" Morris asked.

Qin Fei thought for a while and said, "No, we won't run away. With you, we won't escape far, we will only be caught by them..."

Hearing Qin Fei said that he must not run far with himself, Morriston was dumbfounded, and asked with a sad face, "What do you mean? You mean, we are dead?"

"Listen to my arrangements, maybe there is a chance, my people are definitely looking for me, they will do everything possible to find me, understand?"

"What are your plans now?" Morris asked.

Qin Fei said: "I guess that their sniper has been abandoned, and may die, but this will make them even more angry. Later, they will chase us at all costs. The explosion told them a news that we are nearby. If I were their leader, they would immediately start a search. It is only one kilometer from the explosion point, and they are expected to return soon."

Hearing that the tracked cornerstone project operatives would arrive soon, Morris couldn't help getting nervous and looked around.

Qin Fei said: "According to my guess, they will think how far and how far we ran, just like you just said, but I plan to take a risk now."

"Adventure?" Morris turned pale when he heard that he was going to take risks. Fortunately, he wiped the mud and couldn't see it.

"That's right, the tactics are like this. The gambling is just like you are playing cards at a gambling table." Qin Fei said: "I plan to come to a stud~www.wuxiaspot.com~Stud?" Morris changed again. Be even more nervous, "How are you going to stud?"

"If we only rely on running, we will not be able to get past them. With you, we can only wait for death, so we can only hide near here. I will create traces to make them think that we have ran far to the north and wait for them to pass. We, we will go out again to a new evacuation point."

Qin Fei looked at the GPS, "Now there is a jungle road that is only five kilometers away from the new evacuation point. It is not difficult to get there. I believe my people will come to rescue us, but maybe later than the people in the cornerstone project. , As long as we survive this time difference, when my people come, we will be considered a victory."


"Nothing," Qin Fei said: "These people who track us are all special forces elites, and they are not much worse than me. If they get caught and chase in the direction I designed, they won't be able to chase for long. There is no trace for two or three kilometers. Their commander will know that he is in the game, and then return to search for us. If it is myself, I am confident to rush to the retreat point, but with you, I am not confident..."

"No confidence..." Morris was a little desperate at hearing, "You mean, we are out of help?"

"If two people are together, there will be no help, but if we are separated, maybe there will be help..."

"What do you mean?" Morris asked.

Qin Fei leaned into Morris' ear and told this guy about his plan.

Morris became more frightened as he listened, shaking a few times: "I...I'm afraid I can't..."

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