Absolute Honor

Chapter 1152: The enemy shows up

"Damn, you're still not a man! If you're a man, you can't say no! If you don't work, you have to die. If you don't work, both of us have to die. You must do it. Believe in yourself! Understand? Remember the coordinates I gave you!"

As Qin Fei said, he took out both the GPS and the satellite phone, and handed them to Morris: "Take these, after we are separated, we will go to the evacuation point according to the coordinates and use the satellite phone to contact my friend Lao Yu. Tell him my plan and let them come to rescue me as soon as possible!"

"But, in case they catch you..."

"It's okay, they caught me, but if they didn't catch you, I wouldn't be in danger of life. They want to use me to find you, do you understand?" Qin Fei stretched out his hand and pressed heavily on Morris' muddy face. He took a shot and said in a deep voice: "Remember, it's up to you to succeed or not. If you want to survive, no matter how tired or hard you are, run to the evacuation point for me and find my friend, understand?!"


After all, Qin Fei took Morris to the side of the smelly quagmire and found a sunken den.

"Lie down for me! Hurry up!"

Although Morris hated the pungent smell from the mire, he had to lie down in the sticky mud like a boar, and then watched Qin Fei use dead leaves and the like to smash him. Buried.

After doing all this, Qin Fei carefully wiped out the marks on the ground, and then ran towards the north.

Along the way, he deliberately left many traces, until he ran a few hundred meters away, then he found a place to hide.

In fact, Qin Fei could continue to escape like this, but he was unwilling to do so.

Deliberately guide the other party to search in the wrong direction, which can waste the other party's time.

He and Morris agreed that once the search team had crossed Morris's location, Morris would crawl out of the quagmire after confirming that the surroundings were safe, and then ran in the opposite direction using GPS positioning.

The evacuation point agreed upon by Qin Fei and Lao Yu happened to be not far from the original evacuation point, which was just the lower reaches of the river.

This is a gambling mentality.

Qin Fei's bet was that the other party would never have thought that he would be so bold and would continue to find a second evacuation point nearby when the first evacuation point had been exposed.

All in all, Qin Fei has made a budget, including the worst case-being captured.

Once captured, Qin Fei still has a risky plan.

And whether all of this can be successful, it depends on whether Morris can overcome his own psychological barrier and rush to the second evacuation point as soon as possible to meet the old fish and the others.

Once Morris reunited with the old fish, thunder and ghosts, things were basically stable.

Of course, this was Qin Fei’s worst plan. Although he only had an AK-47 that didn’t even have a night sight in his hand, it was not enough to compete with the search team of the Cornerstone Project in terms of firepower. People who believe in the search team will not be able to catch up even if they find themselves.

About twenty minutes later, there was a slight noise in the jungle where the dead branches on the ground were being trampled off.


Qin Fei's nerves were tense all of a sudden, and he subconsciously held his breath and slowly lay his body in the dense bushes as much as possible, staring at the direction of the sound through the crisscross branches of bushes and thorns and canes.

After a while, a vine less than ten meters away was pushed away, and a dark shadow appeared in Qin Fei's sight.

Then, there were a lot of footsteps around.

Good guys!

Listen to the voice, this small team is full of seven or eight people!

They formed a formation, scattered into a single formation in the jungle, opened the gap and kept searching and advancing.

Qin Fei's heart began to beat violently, and the blood vessels in his temples were beating gently-as long as he made a little movement and was discovered by others, there would be no way out.

After observing for a while, Qin Fei quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became more nervous.

He breathed a sigh of relief because the other party was really caught in his own trap and traced it here following the traces he left deliberately.

The nervousness was because Qin Fei didn't know whether they caught Morris or not.

These people must have passed through Morris's lurking place first and then walked to themselves. I don't know if the fat otaku will show off his feet under the height of tension.

But for one thing, Qin Fei was full of hope for Morris to escape, because he didn't hear any gunshots.

These people wanted Morris' life, and if they caught Morris, they would shoot him and sieve him without hesitation.

Presumably based on this situation, Morris should be fine.

"Boss, there are traces here! They ran toward this side!"

Hearing the soldier's voice, two more dark shadows immediately moved closer.

One of them, who looked like the leader, found the clues Qin Fei had left on purpose, and said to the others: "He's going here!"


The other guy just responded and looked around. His gaze began to scan around. Several times, his gaze swept across Qin Fei's hiding place, which made Qin Fei cold sweat.

He didn't dare to move, didn't dare to breathe, he killed an undercover and a teammate of the other party himself, and he might not end well in their hands.

When the guy started looking in the direction Qin Fei was hiding, Qin Fei quickly closed his eyes.

In order to facilitate concealment, he hid all the night vision goggles.

After all, the weather tonight is really good. There are stars and moonlight. Qin Fei's most worried is that any reflections on his body will be noticed, and nothing will work.

Fortunately, Qin Fei not only painted oil on his body, but even his hands were dirty by helping Morris smeared mud. It was a natural anti-glare coating.

The action team member of the cornerstone project didn't seem to see Qin Fei after watching for a long time, but he still seemed to be worried. He raised the automatic rifle equipped with a muffler and swept a round of bullets.

The warhead pierced through the bushes and grass, making a rustling noise, which really shocked Qin Fei. At that moment, Qin Fei really thought that this guy had discovered himself, and his hand was already firmly in the Glock pistol. On the handle of the gun, I almost pulled it out and shot at these guys.

But Qin Fei knows very well that these people are too professional. Even if they come closer, not everyone will come closer. They are just a few core characters. Qin Fei can hear from the footsteps that there are a few people in the entire search team. Do not move, these people are responsible for vigilance.

Even when the enemy was discovered, these people showed no signs of turmoil, and they still performed their duties according to their positions, which made Qin Fei tickled with anger.

If they all get together, he would definitely jump up and use the AK-47 to light up a magazine at them and then use the Glock 18 to fill the gun. This way, there is a high chance that these guys can be killed.

Not now, Qin Fei believed that as long as he dared to shoot at the three people not far away, he would definitely not know where he would shoot a shuttle bullet from behind and around him.

Although it is not difficult to kill a few people in front of him, he will die.

Not cost-effective!

This is a gamble.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei suppressed the thought of killing that had grown madly in his heart.

Fortunately, the action team member who fired the shot seemed to only shoot blindly, and did not find Qin Fei.

"Kies, what are you doing?"

The leading operative seemed to be dissatisfied with the people who fired indiscriminately, so he warned: "Don't shoot indiscriminately, it will alarm the kid surnamed Qin."

"No, I just feel that there is something wrong with the silence..."

"Is it your intuition again?" The leader said: "You have been intuition a few times just now, don't be nervous."

The player who fired the gun lowered his muzzle with regret, spit on the ground and returned to the leader's side.

"Let's go, that kid is heading north, we continue to chase! Just now the head gave us instructions, things have changed, we only have two hours left, two hours, we must find each other." said the leader.

"Boss, how can we find such a large forest?"

"Don't worry! Deputy Director Cook has made arrangements, we just chase after them!"

After all, the leader waved his hand, and the three of them dispersed again and walked to the north.

After waiting in the bushes for about five minutes, Qin Fei slowly squatted up half of his body, carefully observed the surroundings, and then slowly stood up from the bushes after making sure that the surroundings were safe, took out the night vision goggles and put them on, and carefully observed the surroundings. After confirming that there was no danger, Qin Fei swiftly flashed into the jungle, and started fleeing frantically along the original road in the opposite direction.

Tonight, this is Qin Fei's second encounter with the search team. At least so far, Qin Fei has won two games, and things are developing in their favor.

I just heard the leader of the search team say that there are only two hours. It seems that these two hours are the key to my survival tonight.

Now, Qin Fei must find his way and go to the new evacuation point to meet Lao Yu and them.

However, he soon discovered a cruel fact that without a GPS locator, his movements became inconvenient.

It is already very difficult to identify directions in the jungle during the day, not to mention that at night, it is even more difficult to determine an accurate route without any GPS assistance.

This was the most difficult jungle field job Qin Fei faced.

Qin Fei took the paratrooper bracelet that had been dismantled from his pocket. Before he took it apart to link himself and Morris to avoid sinking into a deep pool in the swamp. Now, there is a simple compass at the top of the paratrooper rope. .

In order to determine if this thing was broken, Qin Fei took it down and looked up at the night sky.

The weather was very good, and Qin Fei did not take much effort to determine the position of the North Star.

This is also a simple way to identify the direction. There are many ways to determine the direction in the wild, such as trees, the sun, etc...

Among them, the North Star can be used at night. The North Star is the best compass, and the direction of the North Star is true north.

The Big Dipper is also the constellation Ursa Major ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a huge spoon, it is easy to find in the clear night sky, from the direction of the extension of the two stars on the side of the spoon, about 5 times apart, The brighter star is the North Star, which is true north.

The new evacuation point agreed by Qin Fei and Lao Yu was in the southeast. After determining the true north, Qin Fei stood facing the north, and then using the formula of going north, down south, left west, right east, found the approximate southeast, and then started Run wildly.

Although he did not know his exact location, Qin Fei knew that the distance between himself and the new evacuation point should not exceed seven kilometers.

It's only seven kilometers.

Qin Fei became a little anxious, but the complex terrain of the jungle prevented him from moving forward quickly. In many cases, he had to take out his mad dog advanced tactical knife to chop off the branches and bushes blocking his way.

Suddenly, Qin Fei seemed to hear a strange sound passing through the air.

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