Absolute Honor

Chapter 1160: Evacuate South America

When Michel called Qin Fei, the latter heard the roar of helicopter propellers in the background sound of the microphone.

"Hi, major, good morning!"

Qin Fei glanced at his watch subconsciously, it was six o'clock in the morning.

"Qin, what are you playing? How about you!?" Michelle's tone didn't sound very friendly.

It is no wonder that after the three-party video conference was over, everything went as Michelle expected, and a settlement agreement was reached between MI17 and the CIA.

The Colombian operation was first initiated by MI17. Although the CIA was not notified before, the operation itself was top-secret. It was aimed at the cunning Quds Army leader and terrorist tycoon Kawasaki Ryuichi. The explanation given by Baron Harvey was for fear of leakage. The wind, so everything is controlled in the MI17 operation department controlled by Michel. MI17 and the CIA were not without cooperation in the Quds Force strike operations before, and even tried with the French DGSE (General Administration of Foreign Security). The joint operation, but in the end only killed a Kawasaki Ryuichi stand-in.

In fact, all the intelligence agencies involved in the operation know that joint operations are the easiest way to leak the wind.

The so-called joint operations are usually relatively complicated in terms of communication channels. The intelligence of the operation itself often flows between several departments through the hands of multiple people, which is difficult to control in a small area, so the risk also increases and leakage There is nothing surprising about the wind.

After that joint operation, several intelligence organizations of NATO member states have reached a consensus during the review process-to catch Kawasaki Ryuichi, I am afraid that joint operations cannot be adopted.

The Quds Army itself was born in Europe, so the penetration into Europe is particularly serious. No one knows who is the person and who is the ghost in each other's institutions.

Baron Harvey’s explanation was approved by Chief Rosen, a brother of the CIA.

In South Africa’s operations, the Cornerstone Project Action Team commanded by Cook was not actually affiliated to any CIA department. He was originally a secret department responsible for black operations. This operation department did not even understand Rosen. After all, Individuals have their own terms of reference, and the CIA also has a bureaucratic atmosphere.

Although Cook is a deputy director, even Rosen knows his backer, and he is afraid of three points.

Therefore, as long as the covert operations department did not use CIA resources, but was just under the name of the CIA, and did not do anything out of the ordinary, Director Rosen would not have been involved.

Only this time, South Africa's actions did arouse Rosen's vigilance.

It seems that the bottom of his buttocks is not clean.

But as a brother of the CIA, Rosen did not accuse Cook in the three-party video conference, and he actually defended it.

The reason is easy to understand. Although the Cornerstone Project is not a secret organization approved through public discussion, Rosen is not responsible for it, but it is under the name of the CIA after all, and the founder is the deputy director Cook.

This is itself a scandal within the CIA. If Rosen accused Cook on the spot, it would be tantamount to making the scandal public. It would be better to simply admit that the Cornerstone Project was established with the approval of the CIA.

Of course, acknowledging in front of Baron Harvey does not mean that Rosen has endured Cook's approach.

It’s not just a moment’s past that Cook has something to do. Cook is backed by members of the Senate and the House of Representatives and backed by bigwigs from the National Intelligence Committee. He took office back then and was also based on the recommendation of a few bigwigs.

Director Rosen is well versed in officialdom politics. In the so-called "democratic" politics of Western politicians, the eternal essence is "deal."

The transaction has a commercial flavor, and it shouldn’t be used in politics, so after some packaging in the mouths of politicians, it became another word that sounds more professional and easier to be accepted by the public, but has the same meaning. balance.

The core of business transactions is balance itself-the balance of interests is equally feasible in politics. The balance of interests between parties and the balance of power and interests between politicians are actually a trick of changing the soup without changing the medicine.

When the big men in suits and leather shoes talk in the Senate and the House of Representatives as if they are not giving way, they often want to do business secretly to negotiate a power exchange transaction.

Rosen and Cook are not the same people, they have different backgrounds, so many agents have died, Cook can't escape the blame. This is the bargaining chip in Rosen's hand, but in front of Baron Harvey, he can't make the family ugly. Outwardly, because once things go wrong, the bargaining chips lose their value as a threat.

At the end of the meeting, the CIA made concessions, and the command of the Columbia operation was returned to MI17, under the command of Michel.

Michel, who was granted command, quickly sent a search force to take a Mi-17 helicopter to the Amazon jungle to search for Qin Fei, but found nothing but the SEALs from the "Bandituo" assault platoon participating in the operation.

After inquiring, I knew that Qin Fei had already withdrawn.

Back at the base, Michelle remembered that he had Qin Fei's satellite phone number, so he quickly dialed it.

"Major, congratulations on regaining the command of action." Qin Fei grinned and talked with Michelle, and the old fish next to him re-wrapped the wound on his left arm.

He stood up and glanced around.

There was a heavy fog on the open sea early in the morning—Qin Fei was now on a Panamanian cargo ship.

The destination of this cargo ship is Costa Rica.

"I have no time to talk nonsense with you, Qin, there is an agreement between us. You and I are a cooperative relationship. Where is Morris now?" Michel felt betrayed by Qin Fei, "Where are you now? Immediately bring Morris back to the anti-terrorist base! I want to see him immediately!"

Originally, the relationship between the X mercenary group and MI17 was a cooperative relationship, but Qin Fei disappeared from the Amazon jungle after finding Morris. Now he doesn’t know where the others are. The most terrible thing is Achilles’ Heel. It's in Qin Fei's hands!

In this way, Qin Fei has already obtained the two most crucial keys to unlock the secret of Achilles' Heel-the computer genius "Professor" Morris and the hard drive!

If, as the rumors, the hard disk is full of secrets, then its price will be a sky-high price. As long as Qin Fei speaks, any intelligence agency and underground organization in the world will pay a sky-high price for the information in Qin Fei's hand.

That's why Michelle wondered if Qin Fei had forgotten the benefits and left the cooperative relationship between the two parties behind. He took the hard drive and ran away with Morris.

Thinking of this, Michelle's cold sweat ran down.

The action was directed by himself, and if Qin Fei ran away, he would probably bear the blame.

"Major, I will not return to Colombia." Qin Fei resolutely said: "It is not safe there. You MI17 can be deprived of command on the spot. I don't expect you to be there to protect my safety and protect Morris. If you continue to stay in the city of Cali, no one can guarantee that something new will happen."

Michel wanted to refute, but suddenly found that Qin Fei's words made sense.

Indeed, before the eyes of the public, I was instantly deprived of command by the CIA, and I was ambushed by FACR guerrilla members on the way from Colombia to disembark. Everything shows that this place in Colombia is not safe.

"What do you mean by leaving with Morris?"

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who likes to sell partners." Qin Fei said: "I said, I can share the information in Achilles' heel with you MI17, then I will do what I say."

Seeing Michelle in such a hurry, Qin Fei was a little bit ridiculous.

It seems that Michelle still doesn't know his true identity.

No matter how much information and information are in the hard disk, Qin Fei will not sell it as a gold mine. What Qin Fei wants is the information inside, pointing to the information of the Black Sun organization.

In the final analysis, Qin Fei's goal is to eradicate the Black Sun organization and expose the big boss behind the scenes of the "Flying Eagle Project" to the sun.

To do all this, Qin Fei will never offend a powerful helper, that is, the intelligence agencies of the British Empire, such as MI17 and MI6.

"Major, I should return to Eritrea in 24 hours. You know where I can be found. I am waiting for you. There is my territory. I will feel safe when I return there." Qin Fei said.

Michelle couldn't believe her ears, and Qin Fei agreed so easily. It sounds like this member of Country Z does not seem to swallow a hard drive, maybe...

Maybe it's really like what he said, only because of safety considerations, he decided to leave Colombia immediately.

"Okay, I'll arrange the plane to go to the appointment right away, Qin, don't play tricks in front of me, you will lose more than you can if you offend us." Michel did not forget to warn Qin Fei.

Qin Fei laughed loudly: "Major, I dare to kill all the members of the secret department of the CIA. Do you think I am afraid of offending people?"

Michelle is speechless again.

In the Amazon jungle, Michelle personally saw the members of the cornerstone project search team being put into body bags. According to the description of the seals of "Bandituo", these people were all under Qin Fei’s men. Shot dead.

This guy is not bragging, he is really not afraid of CIA and MI17.

"OK, I apologize to you, wait for me, I will go to Eritrea to find you immediately."

The two cut off the call~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei took the satellite phone and stood by the deck railing for a while.

Lei Ming walked to Qin Fei's side and said in a low voice: "After half an hour, a helicopter will follow the ship. We will board the helicopter with a soft ladder, and then go to Costa Rica, where we will transfer to the Global 6000 business jet. Make an appointment."

"A helicopter?" Qin Fei was a little inexplicable. He turned his head and glanced in the direction of the pilot building, "Can you sit down?"

The Crow Squad, the 3rd Squad, and the Ghost Squad, which are nearly 20 people tall, are difficult to sit down unless a helicopter is a large transport plane.

"The ghost group does not follow us to make an appointment, they have another task." Lei Ming said. (https:)

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