Absolute Honor

Chapter 1161: The secret of Achilles' heel

Morris looked a little disturbed. He was in a cabin under the deck, which was actually a sailor's room.

The cargo ship has a very large tonnage and is in the 10,000-ton level. Although the room facilities for the crew are not tall, they are better than ordinary boats. At least they are spacious, with beds, desks, and separate toilets.

Morris can't remember how many times he went to the bathroom. There was another person in his room besides himself, the guy named Eric, nicknamed Thor.

In fact, he didn't drink much water, but he had some urgency.

Whenever he enters and exits the bathroom, Thor, who is reclining on the small sofa holding a magazine at the door, will reveal his deep, Nordic eyes from the upper edge of the book. Those blue pupils seem to be as sharp as arrows. Morris felt a sense of being pierced.

The look in this guy's eyes is indeed disturbing, and it always makes Morris feel like a man on his back.

But in Thor's eyes, Morris was a freak.

After entering the room, I didn't see how much water the guy drank, but he ran to the toilet at least ten times.

"Morris, is there something wrong with your kidney? Would you like to see a doctor for you?"

For the last time, Thor Eric couldn't help it anymore. He was annoying that the fat man walked around in front of him, as annoying as a fly.

After being ridiculed by Eric, Morris finally sat down on his bedside, just like a domestic embezzler who was waiting for interrogators to come for questioning in China. He sat there and played with his fingers. .

The sad face and expression seemed to be a little white rabbit thrown into the pack of big bad wolves.

For Morris, what he worries most now is what purpose these people who brought themselves to this ship are for themselves.

Although Qin Fei repeatedly emphasized that he would not kill himself, he just wanted to unlock the **** hard drive by himself.

However, Morris knew his weight on the CIA's internal wanted list. As long as someone went to the CIA with his head, he would definitely get a generous reward.

No one knows whether Qin Fei will use it in waste after he unlocks the hard disk protection program. He shoots his head and takes a picture and sends it to the CIA to receive the reward.

There are too many people who want to kill themselves.

"Eric." Qin Fei opened the door and said to Eric, "What about the kid?"

"Inside." Eric Nunu mouthed at the bed in the room.

Qin Fei walked in and saw Morris who was awkward.

He walked to the bed, pulled the pancreas chair, and sat down in front of Morris.

"Professor, I don't think I need to repeat it. You should also know what I am looking for you for."

"I know...it's the hard drive...Fack...The last regret I have in my life is to design the hard drive protection program for the CIA...but I really don't know what they are used for, let alone the hard drive. What's in it, I'm just a programmer who designs programs, a code word..."

Maurice Barabara, with a machine gun in his mouth, he kept chattering to explain to Qin Fei how involuntarily he made this software, and he didn't know how the program was used.

Qin Fei raised his hand and interrupted Morris.

"I want to know that this is not the case, what I want to know is, can you unlock that program?"

"Yes...not necessarily...maybe..."

Morris lowered his head, his voice was like a mosquito humming, even he couldn't hear him clearly.

Qin Fei couldn't laugh or cry, this guy looked terrified.

So he smiled and said: "Hey! You'd better think about it before answering me. You must know that your only value in my eyes is to decrypt the hard drive. If you don't even have this effect, I will regret that you risked your death from the cornerstone project. People rescued it, so I will throw you into the sea now and let you feed the sharks."

Morris was completely scared by these words, and the guy got up from the bed.

"No, no, no, I know how to decrypt it. The program was designed by me. No one in this world can unlock this program except the key holder of the CIA."

Qin Fei motioned Morris to sit down: "Don't be nervous, I'm just kidding."

I looked at Morris, and said: "You, Yuri and Kobayashi are both top hackers on the dark web. They have tried various methods and haven't been able to unlock your program for a whole month. Could it be Are you much better than the two of them?"

When it comes to procedures, it touches Morris's old line, and immediately makes him energetic.

"No, if you talk about the level alone, they are indeed a little bit worse than me, but they are not so much behind."

Morris said: "They just didn't understand my skills in designing this program. Of course, even if they knew it, they couldn't solve it, because the reason for not unlocking was not the programmer's own technology of decryption, but the program itself. Design issues."

Qin Fei was even more confused when he heard the explanation that went around.

"make it clear."

"It's actually very simple. There are no passwords and programs in the world that can't be cracked, but I didn't find the right way. I committed a crime, and after being recruited by the CIA, they asked me to make a program like this. It is a program that no one else can decrypt except for those who have the key, and the program is required to be like a lock. Everyone has a different door lock and cannot be opened with the same key..."

"You know..." Morris said here, with a slightly embarrassed expression, "I didn't have much interest in working for the CIA, but they can help me get rid of the crime of illegally hacking into servers and databases, so I I just agreed, not to mention that this job is indeed very challenging..."

Qin Fei interrupted him and said, "Wait, you said that Achilles' Heel is like the lock of everyone's door. There is no common key. Each lock has only one key?"

"You can understand that." Morris spread his hand.

Qin Fei had an idea in his heart.

The requirements of the CIA are very useful.

Because even the designer, if you design a security program, and each of the same security devices that hit different equipment vendors has a specific key, that is to say, even the designer himself may not be able to determine which one to use. The key can be unlocked.

This is equivalent to greatly reducing the harm of future designers to this confidential software.

But this gave Qin Fei new doubts.

So he asked: "If every Achilles' Heel in use has a different key, why should the people in the cornerstone project want to get rid of you?"

Morris said: "Because I designed only four programs in total, each of which was equipped with a separate key device, and then tried to feign death to escape the surveillance of the CIA, so they knew that I had the ability to unlock the four programs. It’s because I kept my eyes on the design and left a deadly back door, which is why I named the program Achilles’ Heel."

"So, can you decrypt it now? I have a laptop here." Qin Fei said: "The hard drive is also in my hands. If you can, you can start working now."

"No, I can't decrypt it now." Morris finished speaking, feeling that he seemed to offend Qin Fei by saying that, so he added: "It's not that I can't decrypt it for you. The conditions here are limited and it is impossible to decrypt it. It is necessary to decrypt this program. Special equipment, and as I said just now, the reason why other people can’t crack this program is not because of their low level, but because they don’t know my skills in designing this confidential software."

"What do you mean?" Qin Fei thought this matter sounds interesting.

"It's very simple, because every Achilles' Heel installed on a hard drive is not a complete program, but a defective product, understand? A defective product."

"What do you mean? The program is incomplete?" Qin Fei was really confused.

Morris became proud again, the pride that everyone was drunk and I was alone.

"Yes, each Achilles' heel is equal to a puzzle, and it is a puzzle with one piece missing. It is incomplete. It looks complete. In fact, no matter how you spell it, you feel that something is missing. Because of this, the confidential program will be locked and cannot be opened. Every time you open a hard disk that uses Achilles Heel, you need to use a unique physical key to link the interface of the hard disk, and then enter the designated digital password to open it. The reason for this is that there is actually a memory chip in the physical key, which is the missing piece of the puzzle in the program, which is a piece of program code. When the hard disk is operating, the code will automatically complete the Achilles’ heel defect. , Then you can enter the decryption mode, understand?"

Qin Fei asked: "What equipment do you want?"

Morris said: "Special satellite link equipment, military-grade computers with extremely high computing speeds, which are not comparable to ordinary retail computers."

When I was approaching, I suddenly added: "By the way, a sealed black room that shields the signal."

Qin Fei immediately remembered the closed operation room that Yuri and Xiaolin had done in the Comoro Palace before, but it was a pity that it was blown up by the MI17 agent and multifaceted Rhett.

That being said, I can only go back to the appointment and find a way to get these devices.

"Well, you will give me a list of the equipment you need. I will fax it to me immediately and prepare everything for you. This time we will go back to Africa. There is one of my military training bases there. You will be safe there. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, we can decipher the Achilles heel."

"This is okay, but, after the decryption, can you let me go?" Morris asked.

Qin Fei nodded and said: "Yes, as long as you turn on the hard disk and I get the information inside, I can guarantee your safety with personality, and provide you with a new identity and give you freedom."

Morris shook his head and said: "No, I need two people's identities, two people's new identities, I don't want remuneration, just need you to help me arrange the two people's new identities."

"Two people?" Qin Fei was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "You, and your girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"It's not my girlfriend, it's my mother!" Morris said. (https:)

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