Absolute Honor

Chapter 1162: Thunderous intuition

"The kid agreed to help?"

By the railing beside the deck, Lei Ming saw Qin Fei come out of the cabin, glanced behind him and asked, "Do you need our help?"

"Lee team, no need." Qin Fei said: "Morris does not seem to be the traditional USA'Patriot'. He helped the CIA design this confidential software in the past, only to eliminate the use of computer crimes. It’s just a series of crimes in the field, otherwise it would not later find a way to escape with suspended animation."

"This guy is really strange." Thunder said.

Qin Fei asked: "What's weird?"

"Morris is not the only top hacker recruited by the CIA. Basically everyone will be divided into CIA services and receive a good salary. Even the top hackers will be recruited to the cyber warfare unit, or As reserve talents on the FBI's watch list, the CIA and FBI both provide certain privileges to these people and care for them, but they have not seen anyone who can direct such a big show and escape overseas..."

"Morris' mother Comet. Bron is also a famous female police chief of LAPD. She was the director of the scene of suspended animation. After the accident, she was also forced to follow her son and die overseas." Lei Ming Looking sideways at Qin Fei: "Is it worth it?"

Qin Fei thought for a while and said: "Top hackers like Morris are all geniuses, and geniuses are often flawed in character. Maybe he doesn't want to be restrained at all and wants to live a free life."

"I don't think things are that simple." Lei Ming said: "Morris looks like a dead house, but I think his IQ is very high, at least not as simple as it looks."

"Team Lei, don't you want to interrogate him?" Qin Fei reminded: "Now that he has promised to help, even if he conceals a little private secret, it doesn't matter to us. What we want is the hard drive. It’s just the data."

"That's right, there is no need for extra branches." Lei Ming nodded, "In this case, what does he require?"

"Yes, I asked us to provide him with a series of decryption equipment. I looked at it and it seemed that they were all military professional equipment. I don't know it very well." Qin Fei said as he took out a blank sheet from his pocket. Paper, hand it to Thunder.

Thunder took it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"Well, it looks like professional equipment, I don't know much." After that, he raised his head and asked Qin Fei: "Do you need the headquarters to provide it for you? I believe it will be shipped to Africa soon."

"No, no, no." Qin Fei took back the list from Thunder and put it in his pocket carefully: "I will find someone to do it."


"Yes, this guy seems to have nothing he can't do." Qin Fei said.

"Have you asked him what exactly is the principle of Achilles' Heel? He Weiming has cracked it for a long time. According to him, the program is almost impossible to crack." Lei Ming said.

Qin Fei said: "I have asked. According to Morris, the protection program written to the hard disk is actually a defective program. It lacks a secret code, which seems to be fine. In fact, if you start decrypting, you will lose that string. The code is like walking into a maze, you can never find an exit."

Lei Ming said in amazement: "In this case, why does he need so much equipment? Just write that piece of code directly on the laptop."

"It’s not that simple. You need to make a physical key to turn on the hard drive, and the key needs to be made by professional equipment. And the most important thing is that each Achilles’ heel is actually different, and they are not related to each other. A program is missing a piece of code. Morris made four of this program. He stored all the codes and made a master key, but he never stayed with him, worried that he would be caught one day. , Even the life-saving trump card is gone."

"The code is just that, you can hide it anywhere." Lei Ming said: "The network is so big, you can find a place to store it, and you can download it as long as you have the network?"

Qin Fei shook his head and said: "It's not that simple. He worked in the CIA. According to him, the Internet is not completely secure. At least the root servers are controlled by Americans. The Starwind Project's monitoring, so he hid in a very unexpected place, the CIA did not expect him to hide things there."

"Where is it hiding?" Lei Ming asked.

Qin Fei pointed to the sky and said with a smile: "Hidden in a satellite."

"What?" Thunder's eyes were round.

Qin Fei said: "He said that he had hidden a few pieces of universal code in the memory of a spy satellite of the CIA. Each spy satellite has a large-capacity storage device, because the captured images and pictures need to be cached and then Send it back to the ground, so he made tricks in the satellite's memory, equivalent to a small space, and secretly put the code that was less than 1MB in capacity. For a spy satellite, it was 1MB less. The capacity is not noticeable. He also set the data to be unformatted, so it becomes his private storage. The reason for the devices on the list is that he needs to connect to the spy satellite, and there must be a dedicated one. tool."

Thunder seems to be listening to a fairy tale from the Arabian Nights.

There are people who are cunning to this point. This is equivalent to a small parasitic fish in the sea, which attaches specifically to the fierce big fish and lives by eating food residues.

Even if it is a ferocious man-eating shark, it has nothing to do with the parasitic small fish. One may not feel the existence of the small fish at all. Secondly, it is equivalent to a part of the shark's body, and no fierce shark can turn its head back on itself. Take a bite of meat on his back.

This is obviously Morris's idea and theoretical basis.

The CIA is indeed one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world. Especially in cyber warfare and surveillance, it does almost everything. As a hacker master, Morris is of course very aware of the capabilities of the CIA. He betrayed the CIA and wanted to find a security. I hide my code in a place, even if there is a portable hard drive, it doesn’t seem safe to take it with him. No one knows that one day he will be caught by a secret agent.

As long as it is placed in a satellite, no one can think of it, and no one can get it.

"Qin Fei, I always think there is something wrong with this Morris. What you say makes me feel that this person is not honest." Lei Ming said, "You have to beware of him."

"Um~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as he unlocks the hard drive, I won’t ask about anything else, because it doesn’t make sense to me. All I want is the data on the hard drive."

Qin Fei said: "The Flying Eagle Project, the Black Sun Organization, the Holy City Army, and MI17 are very concerned about the data in this hard drive. I am thinking, what makes so many intelligence agencies so close to the enemy? What is hidden."

"Did you not say last time that nuclear weapons were involved?" Lei Ming asked.

"It's just a guess." Qin Fei smiled and shook his head: "I am not a god, or even a professional intelligence analyst. It is estimated that asking Ruosu will be more professional."

"The superiors also attach great importance to the contents of the hard disk. If they are decrypted, they must copy a copy without knowing how to copy it and send it back to the headquarters immediately. I think the information inside will be very useful for us to maintain national security and counter-terrorism in the future." Lei Ming said: " Don’t you really want to know what Fan Tianlong wants to do? I guess there will be an answer soon."

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