Absolute Honor

Chapter 1164: New emergencies

After going out, the two got into an open-top military jeep with Qin Fei as the driver.

The car drove towards Victor's airport.

The cool sea breeze, the warm daylight, the blue sky and the blue sea, if not wearing CP camouflage uniforms all the time, Qin Fei must feel that he is in a coastal resort at this moment.

Major Michelle leaned his head back on the uncomfortable backrest of the seat-this BJ Jeep made in his own country is absolutely durable, but it has nothing to do with comfort.

Qin Fei asked Victor to help him buy dozens of these BJ212 jeeps and put them in the camp for the training team on Monday. The facts proved that this is definitely a clear choice, maintenance is simple and cheap, and the price of the car is almost the price of cabbage. , The performance is quite satisfactory, although not strong, it is also sufficient.

Looking at the urban combat training ground in the distance, the damage caused by the riot has now been completely repaired. A platoon of mercenaries can be seen by the seaside under the leadership of an instructor for morning exercises and running on the beach to exercise their physical fitness. .

Everything seems to be in a dream.

In two years, he had actually established such a large base overseas. This sea did not include the private island of Comoro.

The current strength of the X mercenary group has long been in the African region. Hearing this name can make people tremble. In order to win over the X mercenary group, many politicians of small countries directly send their special forces here for training, which is equivalent to sending them. Give Qin Fei the money to prevent him from participating in some civil wars.

Because wherever the X mercenary group participates in the war, the result will be one-sided.

On Monday, the entire contract training camp was run in an orderly manner, and the mercenary business was also thriving. The X mercenary group was no longer the old squad of the wild roads, and it was not when it was just established that it had to take over the task of selling life from other defense companies. Wu Xia Amon, the current scale, can only be described as reborn.

"Is that girl your girlfriend?" Michelle asked suddenly for no reason.

Qin Fei was stunned, and immediately remembered Little Pepper, so he said, "It's my fiancee. We have known each other since we were young. What's wrong?"

"She looks like a soldier." Michelle said.

Of course Qin Fei couldn't admit it, but he didn't want to deny it either, so he said, "We are all born in a military family. It's not surprising that we have a military smell on our bodies."

"Why?" Qin Fei deliberately retreated with advancement: "You care about my personal affairs so much too? Isn't it because of me?"

The reason for saying this is because Qin Fei knows that Michelle is the kind of woman who is married to the army. She is thirty years old and still single. It can be seen that she does not attach much importance to personal feelings, and of course she would not like it. Others deliberately talked about this aspect of her.

Sure enough, Michelle took a sip and said: "Qin, you are very confident, but overconfidence is equivalent to arrogance. You are a good partner, but you should not be too much with a male dog like Mister. Turning himself into a male dog, that guy definitely has weaknesses in terms of women."

"Lao Mi has a unique set of rhetoric about his behavior, do you want to hear it?" Qin Fei suddenly remembered what Mistral said.

Michelle said: "Let's talk about it."

"He said that men’s **** is related to the reproduction of the entire human race. That’s because males’ natural mating instinct promotes men’s lust, so if men are not lustful, humans will be extinct. Therefore, he thinks that as a normal male, the greatest The ideal is to sleep all the beautiful women in the world..."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

Michelle froze for a moment, then laughed, and finally said: "Bitches always have many excuses."

The car quickly arrived at Victor's airport.

Victor himself is not making appointments recently. He has a lot of business and is flying all over the world. Making appointments is just one of his points.

In charge of the daily operation of the airport is one of his confidants, a Russian, an old man named Maxim.

"Qin! Good morning!"

"Good morning, my friend!" Qin Fei parked the car on the lawn next to the airport, and gave a Russian hug to Maxim who came to say hello.

"It's okay to borrow your airport, right?" Qin Fei asked.

Maxim laughed loudly: "No problem, our boss explained that you are free of charge when you use the airport."

After speaking, he glanced at Michelle next to him and said: "Major, I will let my people use a car to help you transport the equipment to the camp, don't worry."

Qin Fei looked towards the far end of the runway.

A VCl0C.1K transport plane was parked on the apron next to the runway.

"Go, go over and take a look."

He shook his head and walked towards the plane.

Michelle and Maxim also followed.

When I arrived at the VCl0C.1K transport plane, I saw that the door behind the cabin had been lowered, and many MI17 operators and technicians were unloading the cargo with small forklifts.

"You brought a lot of things." Qin Fei said.

"Of course, Qin, I must take all precautions before I get the information on the hard drive. These equipment are used by our command center and alert center. I am worried that someone will raid here."

"Raid here?" Maxim smiled immediately.

"Major, in Africa, no one dared to raid the contract training camp, and no one dared to offend the X mercenary group."

Michelle sneered: “Of course I know that no ordinary small African country dares, and no one has the ability to attack you here, but I’m talking about an organization like the Flying Eagle Project. It’s very close. There are many U.S. troops deployed there, and many Arleigh Burke-class destroyers will be docked there. Maybe someone can use them."

"Aren't you making an international joke?" Maxim spread out his hands, incredible.

Michelle didn't bother to explain the secret to outsiders like Maxim, and Qin Fei could understand it.

Of course, Qin Fei also understood.

The offensive offer does not necessarily require actual combat personnel to enter. If the contents of the hard disk really involve the "Flying Eagle Project," they may really be able to use their forces in the military and intelligence departments to use regular troops to attack here.

It’s not the first day that the Yankees did this. Secretary of State Powell used a tube of laundry detergent as an excuse to dispatch a hundred thousand troops to destroy the silly damu at the UN General Assembly, and to find an excuse for anti-terrorism to attack the contract training camp. It's not a big deal.

He suddenly felt that it was a wise thing to invite MI17 to station.

Although the British Empire is not as powerful as the USA, it is also an ally, and MI17 has a large intelligence network, which can obtain threat information early. This can be used as a supplement to its own intelligence sources, and it can also be used as an umbrella for the withdrawal base. .


That's wonderful!

Qin Fei hadn't thought about this issue before, but now he suddenly realized that he was unintentional.

Suddenly, a blonde girl with short hair and full ears ran down on the plane. She looked like she was in her twenties. She saw Michelle immediately ran over in three steps and two steps.

"This is Lilith, replacing Joyce."

Michelle made a brief introduction to Qin Fei.

Joyce was originally the intelligence analysis officer of MI17 ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was killed in the operation of the South African Police Department. Now Lilith replaces her and seems to be in charge of MI17's operation team intelligence analysis and liaison work.

"Lilith, what's the matter?" Michel seemed to notice that Lilith's face was a bit wrong.

"Major, there is an emergency, we must talk about it right away." Lilith glanced at Qin Fei and then at Maxim. It seemed inconvenient to speak in person.

Michelle said to Qin Fei: "Wait here. Lilith and I have something to discuss separately."

After all, I got on the plane with Lilith and apparently hid away to talk about secrets with no one.

It looks like something big has happened.

Qin Fei raised a question mark in his heart, what is it?

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