Absolute Honor

Chapter 1165: Trail of Kawasaki Taka 1

After waiting under the plane for more than ten minutes, Michelle returned to Qin Fei's sight again.

"Qin, we must talk."

"Now?" Qin Fei asked.

Michelle nodded and said, "Yes, it's urgent, just now."

"Where to talk?"

"Get on the plane." Michelle finished speaking and took the lead towards the plane.

Qin Fei had to follow her, and the two of them boarded the transport plane one after the other.

The cabin is noisy, and many MI17 people are unloading cargo.

Michel led Qin Fei towards the nose. At the end of the cabin, there was a small cabin before reaching the cockpit. After entering, Qin Feicai found that it was a place similar to an electronic warfare command center, measuring ten square meters. The left and right sides, on both sides, are all computers and command system equipment, and the screens are all software interfaces, which look like communication or monitoring equipment.

Lilith was sitting in one of the seats, wearing a pair of communication earphones. Seeing Qin Fei and Michelle coming in, she took off the earphones and pointed to a bright spot on the screen.

"Major, I have confirmed the location. It is in the waters of Melanesia, near the Solomon Islands between Palau and Nauru."

"What is that?" Qin Fei looked at the bright spot, which was obviously a signal source.

"Remember the fake hard drive that Reid replaced in South Africa?" Michel said: "The fake hard drive that was taken away by the leader of the Quds Army, Ahmed Abbas, was made by us. Fake hard drive with tracking device."


Qin Fei remembered that with the help of Reid’s lover Carmen, the guy killed Reid and took the hard drive. It was also because he wanted to deliberately let go of this guy, which led to the first place in MI17 and the Cornerstone project. Rush.

Abbas is a typical KB member. He was the former leader of the Isaac Martyrs Brigade. He was active in the Middle East three years ago and caused several IED bombings. He was spotted by Mossad and fled before disappearing. Without a trace.

"Is this the signal from the fake hard drive?" Qin Fei asked.

"Yes, I said that it will automatically activate at 72 hours, and send out a secret tracking signal after it is sent. Our military satellites have been searching for this signal. Twenty minutes ago, the signal was activated." Michelle said .

Qin Fei frowned, pointing to the bright spot and said, "You mean, the hard drive has fallen into the hands of the leader of the Holy City Army Kawasaki Ryuichi?"

"I guess that is the case. In my personal speculation, I am at least 80% sure." Michel said, "The hard drive is very important to the Quds Army. It is something that is enough for Kawasaki Ryuichi to show up."

Qin Fei leaned in front of the screen and carefully looked at the latitude and longitude of the bright spot.

"It looks like an ocean there."

He turned his head and looked at Michelle: "Is it a boat?"

"I think so, we have already started to mobilize spy satellites, and will arrive in the predetermined orbit for shooting in an hour, and soon we will be able to determine the source of the signal." Michelle said: "Very well. The big possibility is a ship, because Lilith has checked a detailed map. There is no land there, there are only some coral islands, which is not enough to establish a base."

"What shall we do now?"

Michele said: "You need to act now. There is still a long distance from the Lamenician waters. We must hurry up and set off immediately. I think you must be very interested in following us to act, right?"

"Yes, I take my team?" Qin Fei asked.

"No need, don’t forget. Now you have a more important thing in your base, that is the real hard drive. I suggest you keep your elite forces here. We MI17 has a counter-terrorism force in Australia. They will Combine the SASR counter-terrorism forces of the Australian military to the designated sea area and cooperate with our people to act together."

The SASR of the Australian military refers to Australia’s most elite counter-terrorism force. The unit can be traced back to 1957. At the beginning of its establishment, it was actually modeled on the British Special Air Service Regiment. The company’s “hoDaresins” training followed the force. The regiment also absorbed Australia during World War II. Special reconnaissance and commando units have actual combat experience. Its base is Campbell Barracks in Western Australia.

"Okay, then I'll go back and prepare now."

Leaving the transport plane, Qin Fei drove his jeep back to the training camp immediately, and found Thunder first.

"Lee team, I have to go to Australia with Michelle."

"Australia? What's the matter?" Lei Ming was a little surprised: "You just came back yesterday, and you are leaving again?"

"Well, MI17 has been operating undercover operations in South Africa for several years. Now it’s time to close the network. A fake hard drive with a tracking device that they deliberately placed has now been activated. The satellite has received the tracking signal. The people at MI17 estimate that the hard drive is It is in the hands of Kawasaki Ryuichi, the leader of the Holy City Army, so they plan to go and capture it."

"The Holy City Army? Are you talking about Kawasaki Ryuichi, who has been in close contact with Fan Tianlong recently?" Lei Ming asked.

Qin Fei nodded and said, "That's right, so it's a big deal. I have to go with Michelle."

"Need our help?" Lei Ming asked.

Qin Fei shook his head: "No, they have MI17 operations in Australia, and Australia's SASR special forces will also send people to cooperate with the operation. It is estimated that there is no problem. Don't forget, the most important thing is currently in the training camp. The hard drive and Morris, Lei team, after I leave, everything here must be entrusted to you. You must ensure that the hard drive and Morris are okay. What I am most worried about now is the Flying Eagle Project. They won’t just let it go. Sheel said that she brought a lot of security equipment this time, including anti-aircraft missiles, in order to avoid any changes in the nearby U.S. forces in Jebuti, and in case the Flying Eagle Project takes the risk, use their power in the military. Mobilize the Burke-class destroyers to launch several cruise missiles here, and things will get worse."

After hearing Qin Fei's judgment, Thunder also took a breath.

This is indeed indispensable.

"Don't worry, then leave it to me." Lei Ming said, "I will contact the headquarters immediately. Don't forget that we also have a base in Jebuti and can do something."

"What are you going to do?" Qin Fei asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They can send destroyers, we can send them, and we can directly use training as an excuse to carry out electronic interference in nearby waters, before Morris unlocks the secret of the hard drive , So that their cruise missiles cannot be launched, even if they dare to launch, they must interfere with their navigation equipment. "Leiming said:" I guess they will measure it. "

"Okay, don't worry if you have this sentence." Qin Fei said, "I will prepare now. It is estimated that Michelle and her people will leave in half an hour. After I leave, MI17 will leave a few observers. Watch Morris’ decryption work here, and you can just watch them when the time comes."

"Okay, leave it to me." Lei Ming stretched out his hand and patted Qin Fei's shoulder again: "You have to take care and pay attention to safety."

"No problem." Qin Fei said: "My life is big!" (https:)

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