Absolute Honor

Chapter 1166: Shark hunting

Two o'clock in the morning.

After 15 hours of flying, the VCl0C.1K transport plane landed at an air force base outside of Cairns, Australia, and then an S-70 Black Hawk helicopter flew towards the northeast.

An hour later, the plane landed on the deck of a "Canberra" class amphibious assault ship.

The Australian Navy has a total of 2 Canberra-class amphibious assault ships of 27,000 tons. In fact, this type of ship is designed and manufactured in Spain. It is one thing with the Spanish Navy’s strategic projectile ship. It combines the functions of an aircraft carrier and an amphibious assault ship. The area is still quite large, with a sliding rocker, the AV-8B "Harrier" multifunctional fighter that can take off and take off and land vertically, and it can also take off the latest F-35B American stealth fighter, and it can also reserve a deck. Supply 6 S-70 Black Hawk helicopters.

Speaking of combat effectiveness, this is currently the strongest surface ship of the Australian Navy.

At present, this "Canberra" class amphibious assault ship is slowly moving forward at a speed of seven knots per hour.

It is only 150 nautical miles from the Solomon Islands.

As soon as the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter was stable, Qin Fei and Michelle jumped out of the cabin, bent over and bowed their heads and ran towards the bridge in the huge air current.

An Australian Navy lieutenant colonel who came up to greet Major Michelle accompanied Michelle while running and pointed at the bridge: "They are all waiting for you at the combat intelligence command center on the second floor."

"How is the situation now? Is the target still in the waters of the Solomon Islands? How is the reconnaissance situation?" Michelle's series of questions made the lieutenant colonel a little overwhelmed.

People in the Kangaroo Country of Australia are more laid-back, and the neural reflex arcs are naturally not so agile.

The lieutenant colonel stammered a bit when Michelle kept asking.

"The target is always under surveillance... As for the situation... this..."

After a little whistling, Michelle has lost his patience.

She passed the lieutenant colonel and ran towards the second floor of the bridge.

Entering the combat intelligence command center, Michelle saw the other members of MI17 deployed here.

Obviously, this joint operation is dominated by MI17. For the Kangaroo country, they originally belonged to the Commonwealth and served a queen, so there was no obstacle to cooperation.

"Lilith, immediately check the information with the intelligence officer here, do a task briefing, and we will have a meeting in ten minutes!"

"Yes, sir!" Lilith is indeed a general. Compared with the lieutenant colonel of Kangaroo Country, her acting style is more agile. She immediately took her laptop and walked to the other colleagues to sit down and start to proceed. Information exchange and docking.

During the more than ten-hour flight of the VCl0C.1K transport aircraft to Cairns, MI17 intelligence personnel deployed on the "Canberra" amphibious assault ship have confirmed the source of the signal sent by the fake hard drive and mobilized a spy The satellite conducted a detailed reconnaissance of the sea here.

This shows how much the British side attached great importance to this action, especially to Kawasaki Ryuichi himself.

A genius leader of the KB organization, and has produced several extremely bad attacks in the territory of the British Empire. All British intelligence agencies regard Kawasaki Ryuichi as the number one enemy.

On the conference table of the command center, Major Michel stood by the table, and the natural leadership momentum was immediately revealed.

Although Michelle has the highest rank on this ship, no one here can question and replace her leadership.

Some people are born to be professional soldiers and are born to be leaders.

Baron Harvey's selection of Michelle as the operational commander of MI17 was not unfounded.

"I need where we are currently, the deployment of troops, the target situation, who can give me an answer?" Michelle put his hands on the table and looked around.

An intelligence officer of MI17, holding the IPAD in his hand, connected the data cable to an interface on the edge of the conference table, and then activated the software on the IPAD.

The desktop suddenly lit up.

Qin Fei discovered that this desktop has actually been modified, half of which is a hard LED panel, which can project images and display the data on the IPAD.

"Major, we are in this position now."

The intelligence officer pointed to a slowly moving green dot on the desktop screen.

"In addition to this amphibious assault ship, there are also several small special operations patrol boats. This mission is code-named'shark hunting'. The attack task is performed by the small patrol boat. The SAS and SASR members have already been prepared on board. Ready to attack, you can set off at any time."

"What about the target situation?" Michelle asked.

The intelligence officer tapped the screen to bring up the captain's picture.

"This is the latest set of pictures, taken twenty minutes ago."

Qin Fei’s gaze fell on the screen. In the picture, on the northeast sea of ​​the Solomon Islands, there seemed to be three boats, one large and two small. Thirty meters.

"I didn't expect the Quds Army to be quite rich!" He couldn't help joking.

"It's not surprising that these people use money to do things, not only for the money owner, but also for drug and weapon trafficking. They will not be short of money." Michelle said.

"It's unknown now, is the signal still going on?" Michelle asked the intelligence officer.

The intelligence officer nodded: "Well, it's still there, it hasn't disappeared."

"Can you be sure that Kawasaki Ryuichi is on board?" Michelle is actually a little nervous. Kawasaki Ryuichi has been hunted for many years, but many times the anti-terrorist forces have rushed into the air. Kawasaki Ryuichi was killed in an operation on the outskirts of Paris. It's a pity that through DNA comparison, it was discovered that this was just a Xibei goods, a counterfeit substitute.

Over the years, MI17 has organized several follow-up operations against the leader of the Quds Army, but they have all returned without success.

Later, I finally received information and learned that Takashi Kawasaki was very interested in Qin Fei’s Achilles’ heel, MI17 then ventured out to send the "multifaceted man" Reid to take up the task, and it took a lot of trouble to sneak in. Comoro stole the hard drive under the eyes of Qin Fei and others.

Now, Kawasaki Ryuichi seemed to be right in front of him, and Michelle was afraid that it would be empty again.

"This is another photo."

As the intelligence officer spoke, he called up another photo with extremely high resolution.

There seems to be a person in white clothes on the front deck of the big yacht in the photo, and there are also several bodyguards wearing similar combat vests with guns on their shoulders beside the railings around the deck.

The intelligence officer enlarged the deck to make the person in white clothes clear.

In fact, it is not some white clothes, but a set of bathrobes, white bathrobes.

The man in the bathrobe was holding a glass of drink in his hand, wearing a pair of sunglasses, and a bronze skin. He was lying on his back on the deck, looking leisurely, his face facing the sky.

This made his face all exposed to the high-precision lens of the spy satellite.

The intelligence officer framed the person's portrait, continued to zoom in separately, and activated the software to filter noise and increase pixels and sharpness.

Soon, the face of a man in his twenties appeared on the LED screen on the desktop.

The intelligence officer called up another photo, placed it in the upper right corner of the screen, and pointed to the two photos on the screen and said: "This is a photo taken just after four o'clock this afternoon, and this one, It is the original data photo of Kawasaki Ryuichi. We have done facial comparison and recognition ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and confirmed that it is Kawasaki Ryuichi. Since the photo was taken, no one has disembarked. We are sure that he is still on board."

Qin Fei touched his chin and looked at the legendary leader of the most cunning KB organization.

This guy is a mixed-race of East and West. His hair is black, but the outline of his face has a European taste, his cheeks and chin are cut like a knife, and he has deep eye sockets. It is a typical East-West joint venture product.

"I hope this time, it won't be his stand-in." Michelle murmured.

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Even if you are a substitute, you won't miss this opportunity, major, right?"

"Of course, I have to try my luck in what I say." Michelle turned around and shouted at Lilith: "Is the data docked? Is the briefing ready? You can connect the high-speed patrol boat immediately and let SAS and All the members of the SASR commando team are online, and I will start the mission briefing immediately!"

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