Absolute Honor

Chapter 1167: Action reconnaissance

It's 2:30 midnight.

The "Canberra" class amphibious assault ship has reached a little bit beyond the radar horizon of the big white yacht-here just beyond the yacht's radar detection range.

The yacht is now heading northwest at a speed of 6 knots. According to the intelligence command center's speculation, this luxurious advanced yacht should have activated its autopilot and cruised at a constant speed with the help of instruments.

In order not to disturb the yacht, the fleet led by the "Canberra" amphibious assault ship also slowed down and slowly followed the other side.

Little Michelle was pacing back and forth in the intelligence command center. She was waiting for the "Global Hawk" drone that had gone to reconnaissance to return. Before the action, she had to make a final confirmation.

Kawasaki Ryuichi is a big fish, and you must be cautious when dealing with this cunning big fish.

The three Armidale-class patrol ships following the Canberra-class amphibious assault ships have already been assigned to the British SAS special forces and the Australian SASR special forces. The high-speed patrol boat is busy, repeatedly conducting inspections and preparations before various tasks-engines, fuel tanks, radio communication equipment, weaponry, munitions and ammunition, etc.

Behind these Armidale-class patrol ships was towed a ten-meter-long monocoque inflatable boat, which was also full of special forces members participating in the operation, and their colleagues on the patrol boat. Are doing the same thing.

The briefing was over ten minutes ago. As usual, the next step is to start the mission and enter the designated area of ​​engagement for a surprise mission.

On the deck of the "Canberra" class amphibious assault ship, the bridge and deck are all brightly lit. There are many deck ground support personnel around the two S-70 Black Hawk helicopters. A box of 7.62MM caliber bullets were transported to the plane—two six-barreled Gatling machine guns were erected on both sides of the cabin of the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter. The rate of fire of this thing exceeds 1,000 rounds per minute, which can move the target Sieve instantly.

Of the two helicopters, one of them will carry eight SAS commandos, and the other will land at the end in the combat plan. The passengers in the Black Hawk helicopter that landed last were no one else, only the mechanics of the aircraft. Major Michelle of Changhe MI17, and Qin Fei who participated in this operation.

Qin Fei is not used as a front-line commando this time. The reason is simple. Special forces like SAS or SASR will not like to have a foreigner who is not in their own organization participating in operations.

A pig teammate is often more terrifying than a hundred enemies.

Every special force will think that the teammates they get along with are the most reliable and reliable partners. No matter how awesome the reputation of outsiders, they will avoid them.

Qin Fei was thus excluded from the action list by the SAS combat commander.

But for Qin Fei, he didn't think it mattered.

If you cooperate with people you don’t know, you are equally uneasy. It is better to work with the old torpedo and others to feel at ease.

Anyway, from the deployment of troops and the plan of action, Kawasaki Ryuichi has almost no possibility of escape-that yacht will not be Transformers, facing a 27,000-ton amphibious assault ship. , There are assault teams composed of fighter jets, helicopters, and high-speed patrol boats. It is simply young and strong adults bullying children in the kindergarten.

There is no suspense about the outcome.

Now, even the helicopter full of SAS special forces is equipped with snipers. The hull of the Armidale-class patrol ship is nearly 57 meters in length and can reach a maximum speed of 25 knots. The ship is equipped with a 25mm Rafael M242Q "King of the Jungle" gun; two 12.7mm caliber machine guns, as well as a ship-borne Gatling machine gun commonly known as the "Mi Ni Gun".

Each Armidale-class patrol ship also tows a hard-hull rubber boat. Although it is smaller and has weaker weapons and equipment than high-speed patrol boats, it is also very effective against ordinary yachts. Power-installed in the center of the hull is a 7.62MM M60 general-purpose machine gun. Next to it is an MK19 grenade launcher. Two six-cylinder turbo diesel engines provide it with a cruising speed of up to fifty miles.

The reason why this seemingly weaker boat is equipped is that this hard-shell rubber boat has advantages that high-speed patrol boats do not have-when it works with high-speed patrol boats, their movements are very dexterous, and they The flexible side walls can play a very good protective role, so that they will not be knocked over by large ships and sink, so that those members of SAS special forces can rely on small boats to quickly board the ship from the sides of the yacht. , To search from different angles.

Judging from the current operational configuration, the powerful fleet seems to be a bit of a sledgehammer.

However, Michelle dare not care, because the yacht does not mean it is what it looks like, because the big yacht in front of you is also more than forty meters long, because this yacht runs long sea routes all the year round. To prevent encountering pirates during the voyage, at the beginning of the design, the shipyard will do some bulletproof reinforcements, and even some will equip the yachts with weapons and equipment to resist pirates. Considering the background of Kawasaki Ryuichi, we must do the best Plan badly and make the most careful deployment.

In the intelligence and tactical command center, the drone operator began to control the "Global Hawk" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that has reached the air above the designated target. The operator pressed down the joystick to make its cruising altitude from 55,000 feet. It began to descend to 25,000 feet, and slowly circled over the yacht.

Due to the altitude problem and it is night again, this "Global Hawk" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is almost impossible to be seen by the people on the yacht, let alone heard. The large yacht below has absolutely no radar capable of detecting it. The device can find this kind of drone with excellent stealth performance, unless it is a military-grade phased array radar.

It hides quietly in the clouds, sometimes revealing its figure, sometimes hiding in the clouds, and begins to perform its monitoring tasks.

At this time, Major Michelle became impatient and walked to the operator, which made the latter feel pressured.

"Did you find anything?"

According to the procedure, this is the last reconnaissance procedure—before the operation is carried out, the operation force tonight must get the final confirmation to prove that Kawasaki Ryuichi must be on board the yacht.

"Major, don't worry, this matter can't come..." While comforting the irritated Michelle, the operator slowly watched the video data played by the drone.

"We are not only staring at their yachts, but we are also monitoring their communications, so I will do a wireless bandwidth search to see if there is an overflow of signal traffic. In this kind of place, I believe they must be using Satellite phones, so they don’t have ordinary cell phone signals. Wait a minute and give me five minutes. I will see how much information traffic overflows in his location. If their traffic is large enough, then it proves that someone is there. Make a call."

Michelle touched his chin and walked up and down behind the operator.

"Can we hear their call?"

"It is possible in theory, but it also depends on the specific situation. Not every communication technology can be intervened in the shortest time. What is needed is time." The operator pointed to a small screen in front of him and said: "You Take a look here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei followed his finger to see, it was a graphics software that looked like a spectrum, and many values ​​that Qin Fei could not understand were beating, a bit like the EQ spectrum display of a speaker. Same.

"This is their signal source spectrum meter. Once there is communication traffic, it will become very active, just like an electrocardiogram..."

Before the speech fell, the spectrogram suddenly really began to rise and fall like a tide.

Michelle hurried to the screen.

The operator put his index finger on his lips, signaled Michelle not to speak, and then said in a voice almost as small as a mosquito: "There is movement, they are using the 1620MHZ frequency band."

It seemed that his expression was very solemn.

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