Absolute Honor

Chapter 1168: The biggest problem of being a good soldier!

"What do you mean?" Qin Fei asked.

The drone operator turned his head and smiled, showing his white teeth, "That’s right, there are many encrypted chats, such as incoming and outgoing calls, because Kawasaki Ryuichi generally uses encrypted satellite phones, so Even we can’t monitor what they’re talking about, but we can see if the frequency he dials in and out is frequent. If you get to the ship and you can get the satellite phone he uses, we can check his call information , And then give it to the technicians to decrypt, and maybe get the text of their chat."

"You mean, Kawasaki Ryuichi is using satellite phones to talk to people on the ship now?" Qin Fei asked.

"I didn't say that." The operator shrugged, turned his head and continued to stare at the screen, while saying: "Now the communication is not an encrypted satellite phone. I can hear this content, but it's just one of the bodyguards. I’m talking to my girlfriend, just talking about love."

Qin Fei almost choked this unstinting fellow to death.

There is no important discovery, but I have been bragging about it with myself for so long.

Qin Fei really couldn't understand the foreigner's sense of humor. When is this, this guy is still in the mood to listen to other people's words of love.

"Well, you continue to monitor. Once you confirm that there is Kawasaki Ryuichi's information, tell us immediately." After Michelle finished speaking, and Qin Fei exchanged glances, the two left the drone operating position.

"Don't stay here, let's go outside to breathe." Michelle pointed to the outside of the Intelligence Tactics Center.

Out of the spoway, the two stood on the railings of the second floor of the bridge, looking down on the deck.

On the deck, all preparations have been completed, and the noise has returned to calm again, only the lights are still on.

"It's really annoying, if you can smoke here, it's fine." Michelle complained, while taking out the chewing gum from his pocket, bit one by himself, and handed the other one to Qin Fei.

There are regulations on combat ships, many sensitive areas do not need to smoke.

Qin Fei took the chewing gum, tore off the tin foil and chewed in his mouth.

He saw that Michelle looked a little anxious.

"Your mood looks a little anxious," he said.

Michel said: "It has been four years since I joined MI17. During these four years, I have been responsible for tracking Kawasaki Ryuichi. Not only us, but the entire MI17 is tracking the Quds Force and its comrades. In me Before, the CIA, the French Foreign Intelligence Agency, and we have tried to deploy the net countless times, but we have never caught Kawasaki Ryuichi. Over the years, including Joyce, my men have sacrificed a total of eight people."

She turned her head to look at Qin Fei.

"Eight. Do you understand the meaning of this? I am the commander. These eight lives were killed under my command. Their souls are asking me every day, when will I be able to catch Kawasaki Ryuichi? In the past few years, I have hardly slept a few good nights."

Qin Fei said, "Major, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If this goes on, you will collapse."

Michelle’s impression of Qin Fei has always been that kind of gloomy feeling. He looks very worried every day, and the faint haggard is always indispensable between his eyebrows.

As a commander, Qin Fei certainly understands Michelle, but his subordinates haven't lost money yet, so there is no need to carry Michelle's baggage.

In fact, Qin Fei suddenly discovered that he didn't hurt his waist while talking while standing. It was always a simple matter to persuade people, but it really fell on his own head, maybe worse than others.

Imagine if anyone in the crow team died, or one of the comrades in the 3rd team died, what would you feel like?

Thinking of this, Qin Fei didn't dare to think further.

That was a terrible thing, Qin Fei hoped that it would never come.

"My father was also the commander of the counter-terrorism force." Michelle said, "He once said a word to me, but I was still young and didn't understand the meaning, but now I slowly understand."

"What are you talking about?" Qin Fei asked.

Michelle sighed, looked at the night sky, and said for a long time: "He said, the biggest problem with being an excellent soldier is not how high your training and military quality can be. The only problem is... you prepare Sacrifice is good to sacrifice anything."

Qin Fei's heart shook wildly.

He hadn't considered this issue carefully before.


When he was in the army, he always thought that as long as he is well trained, as long as he is strong enough, as long as he forces others to be good enough in the military, then he can become a good soldier like his father or the other 203 predecessors. .

Unexpectedly, to this day, I actually got such an answer from a female commander of the British secret intelligence service that I couldn't refute.

Yes, being a good soldier is not how awesome your military is, but what you are willing to sacrifice!



Or is it your affection?

Just like his father, what he sacrificed was his family. For the task, he could actually endure so many years of infamy, be misunderstood by so many people, and even be regarded as a traitor, making his wife and children suffer the pain of dishonesty.

Just like the people in the ghost group, they covered their faces, even if they didn't cover their faces, they would wear silicone masks. What did they sacrifice? youth? Affection? Even life!

If you don't have the spirit of sacrifice, you can't be the same as the martyrs behind the names engraved behind the heroic wall of Unit 203.

They are all the best soldiers in the Republic, and they are the unsung heroes most worthy of the respect of this country and people.

Just as Qin Fei was receiving a spiritual baptism in his heart, Captain Clark, the SAS commander in charge of the entire assault, stepped up from the gangway.

"Major Michel, when can we leave? My brothers have been blowing the sea breeze for almost two hours on the patrol boat and rubber dinghy."

"It's not possible for the time being. The final confirmation procedure has not been completed. You are a veteran and you should know how the procedure goes." Michelle looked at the surrounding tactical commanders who were more anxious than himself and said: "We must have a percentage. The ninety degree of certainty confirms that Kawasaki Ryuichi is on the yacht before he can start."

"Hasn't it been confirmed once in the afternoon?" Clark was a little dissatisfied: "I hate this kind of bureaucratic rigid rules ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ such a large ocean, can he still run in a submarine? ?"

"Stop talking nonsense with me, this is an order!" Michelle was sympathetic to Clark, but didn't bother to explain to him, because he also knew the procedure very well. The reason why he came up here to complain to himself is just to act sooner.

Clark stomped his foot, turned and got off the bridge, and walked towards the high-speed patrol ship hung in the stern.

Not long after the captain commander had left, Lilith protruded half of her body from the stern hatch of the Tactical Intelligence Center and said to Michelle: "Major, there is a new situation!"

Michelle loosened his hands twisted on his chest and glanced at Qin Fei. The two of them flew into the tactical intelligence center almost as if they knew it.


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