Absolute Honor

Chapter 1169: Action begins

"What's new?"

As soon as he walked in, Michelle couldn't wait to ask Lilith, "Did you confirm that Kawasaki Ryuichi was on board?"

"No." Lilith said: "Look at here."

Her finger clicked on the screen.

"Five minutes ago, the yacht started to speed up, started moving at a speed of 22 nautical miles per hour, and turned to the northwest."

"Did Kawasaki Ryuichi spot us? Michelle's tone became a little nervous.

"It is not clear about its intentions, but at this speed, if we continue to track, we will soon leave the open sea and enter the waters of Papua New Guinea." Lilith said.

Papua New Guinea is the second largest country in Oceania. Although it also belongs to the Commonwealth, it is an independent country after all.

To start a war in the exclusive waters of an independent country, and it is a joint operation of two countries working together, but without notifying the country involved, this is a risk.

If the operation needs to be legalized in Papua New Guinea’s exclusive waters, the country’s military must be notified, and the military and foreign affairs departments will decide to rule the president, and the president will approve the so-called "discretionary power." Only then can military operations be carried out in the statutory waters of other countries.

"No, we can't venture into other people's exclusive waters. I am afraid it is too late to contact Papua New Guinea. The efficiency of that country is too low. I am afraid that when they respond, Takashi Kawasaki will slip away early!" Michelle bit. Biting his lip, my heart seemed to be struggling whether to make a decisive decision.

"Mark, is there any new progress in your monitoring!?"

She turned to the "Global Hawk" drone operator.

"Not yet... that ship..."

Drone operator Mark did not finish his voice, and suddenly froze as if he had been tapped.

"and many more!"

He gently placed his right hand on the huge monitor earphone, and gently pressed it down to bring it closer to his ears.

Qin Fei walked over lightly and his eyes fell on the drone operation screen.

The signal spectrum began to jump sharply, and the curve became particularly dazzling.

"There is a signal overflow! It's a confidential satellite phone!" Mark said.

"Can't hear the content?" Michelle asked.

"Can't monitor the specific content." Mark nodded and said: "This can't be done, but the entire yacht only has one confidential satellite phone, probably Kawasaki Ryuichi. Ordinary members of the Quds Army are not eligible to use this. Phone, at least above the boss level."

"How many possibilities are there?" Michelle asked.

"Sixty percent." Mark didn't want to give the answer right away.

"Damn it!" Michelle stomped, grabbed his hair and walked in place for a few times, then suddenly stopped: "We can't take a risk. We only have this chance. The fake hard drive signal will be discovered sooner or later. Once Kawasaki Long Yi discovered that we might not have another chance again!"

She turned her head back and said to Lilith, "Let Captain Clark and the others prepare immediately. We will set out now, and everything will be carried out in accordance with the planned raid plan!"

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, once Michel's order was issued, the entire deck and several high-speed patrol boats immediately became lively.

SAS team members began to board the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter on the deck. These people have all put on black one-piece anti-terrorist suits, and added a layer of assault vest on the outer layer of the body armor.

This is definitely a situation of intending to attack. The double bulletproof insurance will not be injured even if it is attacked by an automatic rifle at close range. Of course-the premise is not to concentrate on the unprotected fragile areas such as arms, thighs and necks.

After doing all this, Captain Clark, sitting on the edge of the Black Hawk helicopter cabin, gave a thumbs up to the ground crew on the deck. The ground crew quickly ran away. The deck commander began to wave the fluorescent baton in his hand, and the Black Hawk pilot gently pushed Raise the joystick, increase the throttle, the helicopter leaves the deck, slowly rises to a height of ten meters, and then the nose flies towards the distance, and quickly disappears into the night sky.

Several “Armidale” class high-speed patrol ships were full of SAS and SASR special forces members on both sides of the ship’s gunwale, and their waists were buckled with safety ropes, so that they would not fall in the process of telling them to move forward. Ocean.

In the cabin of the "Canberra" amphibious assault ship, they had already opened the gates, and the 27,000-ton amphibious assault ship began to fill its belly with seawater.

Approximately 15,000 tons of sea water was merged into the well-shaped deck. When the sea water was injected to a certain extent, the hard-shell rubber boat inside the cabin floated, the crew started the engine, and the rubber boat began to slowly drive out of the rear compartment of the amphibious assault ship. door.

It took about ten minutes. Several rubber boats withdrew to the sea. They adjusted their position and direction. The SAS machine gunner was in place. The rest were all lying on the bottom of the boat. The high-horsepower engine sprayed on the stern of the boat. There was a huge white spray, the head of the boat was completely off the water, and it drove towards the target like an arrow.

Qin Fei and Michelle left the "Canberra" class amphibious assault ship last.

Since they didn't need to participate in the battle directly, they didn't carry heavy weapons. Of course, they still had to bring body armor and pistols.

Sitting in the cabin of the S-70, Qin Fei watched the huge amphibious assault ship gradually turn into a small bright spot on the sea level. He was wearing a tactical windshield and night vision goggles mounted on the dried cuttlefish rails of the helmet. The upper part has not been pushed down to the eye area, and there is no need to use night vision goggles.

All "Armidale" (Armidale) class high-speed patrol boats and hard-hull rubber boats are equipped with advanced radar systems, but they can only reluctantly turn it off for now.

This is actually a very risky behavior.

Navigating at high speed in the dark sea, turning off the radar and navigating with the original compass and the naked eye plus night vision is no different from running wildly in a black house where you can't see your fingers.

Even if night vision devices can detect surface targets, there is no time to avoid them at high speeds exceeding 25 knots. What is more, underwater obstacles, such as reefs, can disintegrate the ship in minutes.

The reason for doing so is under careful consideration.

No one knows what kind of equipment is in that big white yacht. Maybe Kawasaki Ryuichi will hit the radar detection device in his big yacht so that he can detect radar signals within a certain range.

Taking Kawasaki Ryuichi as a professional KB member and his extremely high IQ, this kind of caution is very necessary.

Therefore, before the action, the commanders of all ships must keep in mind the course that their ships will go through in the chase process, and have an understanding of the conditions in this area, so as to avoid the occurrence of death before leaving the army. The tragedy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two S-70 Black Hawk helicopters started to slow down after catching up with the fleet of high-speed patrol boats, slowing down, and keeping themselves behind the fleet so as not to reach the yacht too early. Over the sky.

It's 3:15 in the morning.

Captain Clark's voice suddenly came from Qin Fei's headset.

"Major, the target is already in sight, requesting an attack."

"Everything went according to the original plan." Michelle replied.

"Ask for attack level."

"As long as you kill, you only need to confirm your identity."


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