Absolute Honor

Chapter 1171: Model of Special Forces Maritime Assault Operations (1)

"Give me the maximum horsepower and catch up with them!"

On another S-70 helicopter, Captain Clark opened his mouth and yelled into the microphone, only to overcome the roar of the helicopter propeller.

"Kill their driver!"

Clark’s Black Hawk helicopter has a sniper with a single-shot rear-spinning L96A1 sniper rifle produced by Precision International.


A bullet hit the windshield of the cab, and the special steel core armor-piercing warhead directly penetrated the thick glass.

The boat standing on the side of the bridge skewed, blood sprayed from his left chest, and immediately fell to the ground.

"They plan to resist to the end, and immediately attack according to the original plan!"

The command of Captain Clark was transmitted to each team member's noise reduction headset via radio waves, and the four ships immediately broke the original pursuit formation.

Two "Armidale" class high-speed patrol ships immediately sailed towards the sides of the "Mermaid" at maximum speed of 25 knots, and the other two hard-shell inflatable dinghies continued to bite. The rear of the "Mermaid" sailed side by side, and then gradually approached the left and right sides and the rear right side.

In the sky, the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter led by Captain Clark hovered above the "Mermaid" like a ghost, using a sniper rifle to kill bodyguards who dared to take their heads, providing cover for the SAS and SASR special forces members on the surface. .

Soon, the "Amidale"-class high-speed patrol boat squeezed the "Mermaid" from left to right. From the deck of the high-speed patrol boat, two high-speed air guns were launched.

The anchor hook connected to the high-strength nylon cable directly shot through the hull of the "Mermaid", and then the motor of the electric winch began to hum frantically.

Under the strong pulling force, the high-speed patrol boat and the "Mermaid" yacht were directly pulled together.

Then, the high-speed patrol boat began to reduce its speed, and continuously clamped the "Mermaid" through the full left rudder and the full right rudder. The sides of the three ships made a crunching sound and rubbing sound.

This is a very dangerous operation, and only the rigorously trained members of the special forces and skilled naval crews have this courage.

Otherwise, if you make a little mistake, the result will be the destruction of the ship.

Although the luxury yacht itself is more than fifty meters long, the two Armidale-class patrol ships are also not inferior, with a length of 56.8 meters and a displacement of 500 tons.

On the deck, the machine gunners of the special forces kept firing at the upper and lower decks and cabins of the Mermaid, using powerful firepower to press all the bodyguards so that they could not get out of the cabin at all.

Towed and flanked by the two patrol boats, the "mermaid" that lost its captain was quickly dragged by the whaling boat like a wounded whale, and finally exhausted.

Its engine was dragged so as to emit black smoke, and its speed slowed down slowly.

The S-70 Black Hawk helicopter hovering in the sky took the opportunity, slowly lowered its altitude and landed on the second deck of the "Mermaid", dropping a downhill cable.

Almost at the same time, on the high-speed patrol boats on both sides, the commandos who had been ambushing behind the cabins began to launch a surprise attack.

The high-strength nylon ropes tied the three ships together, so there was no gap between the ships. Under the cover of the deck machine gunner, the assault team boarded the ship at the fastest speed from the left and right sides at the same time.

And the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter hovering above the "Mermaid" began to lay eggs, and the shadows slipped out of the cabin and instantly landed on the top deck of the ship.

"GO! GO! GO!"

With an order from Captain Clark, the three teams started flanking from the left, right, and top at the same time.

Benigno, the bodyguard leader in charge of the safety of the entire yacht, hid behind the hatch close to the stern and saw everything clearly. He saw the armed ships with military paint approaching the yacht and the helicopter hovering in the sky. The gun killed the captain in the wheelhouse.

Faced with such a professional and powerful special forces, they and their dozens of bodyguards can only hold on for no more than 20 minutes. This is of course very important for Benigno, who has served in the Philippine special forces. clear.

When he saw several of his men smashed into sieves under the machine gun fire, Benigno knew that the situation was over.

Protecting employers is just a job, and Benigno feels that the situation is over now.

He immediately ordered four of his men to take a small high-speed rubber boat that was originally tied to the yacht, and drove to the bow of the ship before the high-speed patrol boat launched the anchor to capture the "Mermaid".

Then, taking the opportunity of the three assault teams boarding from both sides of the yacht, they quickly opened a movable glass from above the second deck and slid into the water.

Because it was night, and the three ships were all larger ships, Benigno's adventure paid off-he jumped on one of the speedboats, and then frantically gave orders to his men.

"Hurry! Drive near the Solomon Islands! Drive into their exclusive waters!"

He is not a fool. The only thing that can save himself now is to rush into the waters of the independent kingdom of Solomon Islands. Because of the problems of international disputes, the pursuing warships will not dare to enter the fire, at least with the military of Solomon Islands. Only after the government has contacted the authorization can it be obtained.

These hard-shell restart rubber dinghies originally tied to the rear of the "Mermaid" each have two engines with 250 horsepower and a sailing speed of a few yuan, but their speed is still not as fast as following the yacht. The other two ten-meter-long military hard-hull rubber boats.

The small rubber dinghy left the "Mermaid" and ran wildly towards the northwest, and quickly separated from the two high-speed patrol boats.

This is exactly what Benigno wanted to see, he was relieved, and he was sitting on the rubber dinghy, almost collapsed.

As long as you enter the waters of the Solomon Islands, you will be temporarily safe, and you will contact your security company after landing other things to ask them to help. After all, you are just a bodyguard, not a criminal.

This is just a job, and although it is well paid, it is not worth fighting for.

He recognized that the special forces who boarded the ship probably came from the Australian military, because the ship was painted with the Australian military's badge.

The Middle Eastern guy didn't know where to provoke these evil stars.

However, many of his men didn't know that their leader had escaped. One of the bodyguards heard movement on the top deck-it was the Black Hawk helicopter in the airborne assault team.

So the bodyguard carried the R5RGP assault rifle and climbed up the spiral staircase in the cabin, and then began to shoot at the helicopter.

Sparks spattered from the nose of the Black Hawk helicopter, the chief pilot in the cabin quickly loosened the downhill cable, and the pilot began to raise the altitude, so that the bodyguards could only shoot at the belly at the bottom of the plane—compared to driving. Room, where the armor is relatively hard.

Clark, who had descended to the deck and led the team to search for the second-story cabin, soon discovered the bodyguard who was shooting at the Black Hawk helicopter very vigorously.

This bodyguard actually resigned from the Philippine police special aircraft patrol unit. He is not a member of the military like Benigno. The Philippine special forces are trained by the special forces of the USA, so Beni Neo has a lot more knowledge than this policeman who is in the country.

He didn't even realize that his series of adventurous behaviors actually made him step into the coffin with one foot.


The gun in Captain Clark's hand fired a burst, and the bullet directly pierced the opponent's throat.

The bodyguard clutched his neck and rolled back to the cabin on the second floor along the spiral staircase. He was like a water bag that had been poked by someone. The blood kept flowing out like a creek, spraying everywhere. .

A SAS team member stepped forward, saying nothing at all, and did not let the bodyguard surrender.

All members of the Special Forces received the same order tonight-kill it!

In other words, anyone on this ship must die.

This is not an arrest operation, this is an annihilation operation.

On the surface of the sea, the breath that Benigno had just exhaled was suddenly swallowed back into his stomach by a roar from his subordinates.

"Captain! Someone is catching up behind!"

"Damn it!" Although Benigno knew that sooner or later someone would find himself and a few of his subordinates sneaking around, but he didn't expect the other party to react so quickly in the darkness around him.

Looking back, he saw two ships galloping towards this side, both of which were hard-shell inflatable inflatable boats, but the size of each other was much larger.

Through the night vision goggles, Benigno saw the black heads on the rubber dinghy behind them. Those were members of the special forces.


The rubber boat chasing behind suddenly uttered a tongue of fire.

The bullet hit the two high-power motors at the stern of the ship. Suddenly, one of the motors emitted black smoke, and the entire rubber boat trembled, and then the speed dropped significantly.

The distance between the two sides quickly became very close.

The subordinates began to anxiously ask Benigno: "Captain, what should we do?"

"How to do?"

Benigno heard the gunshots on the yacht and saw that one of his men was shot to death for no reason. The members of the special forces were like slaughtering chickens, ducks and geese. They ruthlessly killed every one of them on the "Mermaid". Animals that can walk and breathe.

He knew that this matter would never be kind tonight.

This is not an arrest at all. Otherwise, people need to be identified, and they will try their best to persuade them to surrender. These people did not persuade them to surrender at all. They are here to kill.

"They can slow our boat down, and we can slow them down."

A fierce color flashed in Benigno's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, the heroism that he had been trained in the special forces suddenly broke out.

Picking up the R5RGP assault rifle, Benigno fired a burst at one of the rubber boats behind.

The Philippines is an island country surrounded by the sea, so most of the Philippine special forces have very good water combat capabilities. This is also an important reason why Benigno was appointed as the leader of this security mission.

The maritime shooting subject is a compulsory course that every member of the Philippine Special Forces must learn.

On the rubber boat behind, a small piece of bulletproof board in front of the only machine gunner standing was hit, sparks splashed, and then the machine gunner himself seemed to be hit by a stray bullet and fell down with a scream. (https:)

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