Absolute Honor

Chapter 1171: Model of Special Forces Maritime Assault Operations (2)

Just as a hint of surprise floated in Benigno's heart, his smile had not been completely released from the corners of his slightly raised mouth, his shot had already passed through a huge hornet's nest.

More than a dozen clusters of bright muzzle flames flashed on the two hard-shell inflatable rubber boats chasing from the rear, so that even the people on the rubber boats were clearly reflected.

Benigno felt that his chest was hit by a heavy hammer, and his hands were so painful that he couldn't hold the R5RGP automatic rifle in pain. Then, a cold bullet hit his eye, as if penetrating one. It explodes immediately like fresh lemons.

Those muzzle flames that suddenly appeared like stars were the last scenes Benigno saw in this world.

The SASR team members on the hard-hulled rubber boat behind, although the machine gun was fired, someone immediately stood up and operated the M60 machine gun to continue shooting towards the two rubber boats fleeing in front.

In fact, the M60 machine guns on the two hard-shell inflatable inflatable boats have fairings, which are commonly known as bulletproof plates. Normal rifle bullets cannot penetrate the fairing.

However, Benigno’s marksmanship is really good, especially from the Philippine Special Forces training. Marine shooting is a masterpiece. Secondly, the fairing is not a golden bell after all, and it cannot hold the whole body, especially the position of the machine gun barrel. There is a gap.

A lucky bullet passed through the gap in the fairing and hit the body armor of the SASR special forces member. The impact combined with the inflatable rubber boat was driving at high speed, which made it hard to fall backwards.

Someone rushed over and checked the wound of the machine gunner who had been shot. After finding that there was nothing serious, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Benigno's behavior completely angered the members of the two special forces rubber boats, and almost all the light and heavy weapons greeted poor Benigno.

In an instant, Benigno became a sieve.

The raindrops of bullets strafed from the stern of the fleeing boat until it penetrated, and then the SASR team members replaced the new magazines with great enthusiasm, and plowed the first two boats that were fleeing again.

This shot not only smashed the boat's sprinkler, the two engines, and Gebeninho's men on it, but also shot the shot into the fuel tank, creating a cloud of neat gasoline and water.

Immediately afterwards, a lucky bullet at the back finally completed all the remaining tail-sweeping work-hitting the aluminum shell of the engine of the inflatable boat, splashing a ball of sparks, and the sparks instantly ignited those with a very high proportion of gasoline. In the high clouds, the boat where Benigno was in instantly exploded violently, and the flames rose up in the shape of mushrooms, like a large firework lit on the ground.

The two escaped boats finally stopped.

The large rubber boat of the special forces behind caught up, circled the two small boats, and immediately reloaded the guns when they saw that they were still alive.

Then, make another circle to make sure that everyone on the boat is completely dead-actually, it doesn’t need to be seen. Benigno and his two men were burned to black charcoal. It won’t be long before the two rubber boats The boat will be burned through, and then sink to the bottom of the sea, the carcass will become the feed of all kinds of fish in the ocean, and everything will be as if it had never happened before.

A SASR special forces officer stood by the side of a large hard-shell inflatable inflatable boat and used the GPS device on the handheld military Gaman navigation system to calibrate the wreckage area of ​​the two inflatable boats, confirming that it was only on the high seas and not Enter the exclusive territorial waters of the Solomon Islands-as special forces operating across regions, you must be very careful. Their helmets are equipped with real-time battlefield cameras to record everything in the operation to avoid international disputes, or You can prove your innocence when facing charges.

After doing all this, the officer waved his hand and yelled: "Let's go back!"

The two rubber dinghies turned their bows and headed towards the original location of the "Mermaid". The escaped enemies were dealt with. They can now return to the "Mermaid" to participate in the battle. There is now continuous gunfire, and it seems to be fighting very hard. It is lively.

At this moment, the battle on the "Mermaid" is coming to an end.

Captain Clark led his men into the yacht from three different directions and searched between the cabins.

They had studied this type of yacht beforehand and got the structure drawing of the yacht from the manufacturer.

The second floor of the yacht is the most luxurious place of the yacht, and it is also the location of the master room. If Ryuichi Kawasaki lives, then it must be the big room on the second floor near the stern.

That room has a huge balcony. If you wake up from the bed, pull the curtains and open the door, you can go out to the balcony, and you will immediately see the vast sea.

The gunfire on the first floor has gradually become sparse.

Obviously, the team that entered from the left and right sides of the ship went smoothly, but at this time it was the second floor that was in trouble.

Captain Clark's men received a fierce counterattack as they attacked the master room. What surprised them most was that some of the people who relied on the room to counterattack were actually women.

According to the original information, there are several women on this ship, but they all look like vase-like beauties.

No one would believe that these women would be so fierce that they have a large number of grenades besides automatic weapons.

In a small space, the power of grenades can be doubled. When initially attacking the tunnel entrance to the master room, two of Clark's team members were blown up by several grenades suddenly thrown out of the rooms on both sides of the tunnel. Fortunately, because the tunnel was pushed out in time, it was just some shrapnel scratches. They were wearing body armor and assault vests, which were double-protected, and the helmets were buckled with noise-reducing headphones. The impact of oscillating sound waves on the eardrums was also reduced. To the lowest point.

Captain Clark hid behind the bar in the living room, while observing the movement in the rooms on both sides of the corridor, he began to contact the sniper Sanchez who was still on the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter to provide fire cover for the assault team.

"Sanchez, can you see the people in the room? The room near the stern, second floor."

The S-70 Black Hawk helicopter made a circle around the "Mermaid", and the second floor was covered with black lights.

Sanchez picked up the heat source scanner and pointed it at the second floor, but found nothing.

"Captain, the room of this ship is a bit strange. My heat source scan did not see anyone!" Sanchez replied to Clark in surprise, "I can't aim, I can't even find the target."

All the rooms on the second floor have independent windows, and the windows are all glass.

How can the glass block the heat source detection instrument?

Only special shields can be used to block the detection of heat sources. For example, some camouflage suits are coated with a metal coating similar to aluminum foil or tin foil.

Captain Clark guessed that the curtains in those rooms must be made of this material.

Although the sniper couldn't aim at the target, it wasn't something to be careful, but Sanchez's answer made Captain Clark a little excited.

The reason is very simple. Since the ship has spent so much effort in arranging it, it means that the people who use this ship must not be the general population.

Then, Kawasaki Ryuichi, the "big BOSS" may also hide here.

Thinking that he was close to the KB tycoon who had been on the most wanted list for several years, Captain Clark felt that the blood in his veins was running twice as fast.

"Everyone, be careful. Kawasaki Ryuichi is likely to be on the ship, in the master room near the stern deck."

"Captain Clark, why did you stop the attack?" On another S-70 Black Hawk helicopter, Michel saw that the attack seemed to be hindered, so he quickly asked, "Is there any trouble?"

"Trouble? Of course, the major, those servants of Kawasaki Ryuichi, and his diehard female followers are hiding in front of his room. They have a large number of automatic weapons and grenades on their hands. The tunnel is too narrow. We are affected. check."

Clark said, his mind started to spin.

He had to figure out a way to break through this short passage of more than 20 meters long.

"Major, whether Kawasaki Takashi is dead or alive is not a problem, right?" Captain Clark suddenly asked again about the nature of the mission inexplicably.

"Of course!" Michelle looked a little unhappy, and said loudly in the communication channel: "Captain, do you want me to repeat the mission briefing here for you!?"

"No need! If you say that, I can do it."

Captain Clark leaned behind the bar counter, looked out the window, and pressed the call button.

"The two S-70 helicopters have listened to me. Use the Gatling guns in your cabin to greet our KB friends and let them know what the anger of our elite special forces in the British Empire is!"

"Yes! Do it now!"

"OK! Go!"

The two S-70 helicopters began to fly around the entire "Mermaid" yacht.

Each S-70 Black Hawk helicopter has a six-barrel Gatling gun between the cockpit and the cabin.

The helicopter is the most vulnerable and most likely to be hit and crashed when the helicopter is hovering in the air. Therefore, the role of the Gatling machine gun is to provide a certain limit of fire support for the aircraft and soldiers when the soldiers in the cabin are roped down.

Of course, this kind of support is not omnipotent, otherwise the U.S. military will not end in such a awkward end in Mogadishu.

But for a yacht, and a luxury yacht without strong defense capabilities, two Gatling guns are enough for the people on the boat to close a pot properly.

The Gatling gun is driven by a motor, and its hesitation speed and rate of fire are extremely high, so it sounds like a buzzing sound when shooting.

The airtight bullet is like a sharp saw, starting from the glass window of the first room, and shooting all the way to the final master room.

The 7.62MM cartridge case fell like raindrops, falling into the cold water and making a sizzling sound.

The glass became as fragile as a paper window under the strong firepower. The glass **** splashed everywhere, and the screams continued to be heard from the room. One of the rooms did not know why, and there was a grenade explosion. Maybe it was. The enemy in the room kept holding a grenade with the safety latch in his hand, but after his death he let go of his hand, causing an explosion.

The barrel of the Gatling machine gun turned red, and it was frightening to see Lai in the night sky with a dark red like **** lava.

The second floor of the "Mermaid" yacht has been completely silent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For a long time, Captain Clark's voice came back from the headset.

"The enemy has been cleaned up, now we start searching."

Sitting in the cabin of the helicopter, Qin Fei silently looked at the luxury yacht that had been riddled with holes, and couldn't help but smiled and said to Michelle: "It seems that the action tonight is going well, but it's a pity that this boat I heard that the cost is almost 300 million U.S. dollars."

Michelle's eyes looked strange in the green light from the night vision goggles, and she stared at the second floor of the huge yacht intently.

"If you can kill Kawasaki Ryuichi, I would be willing to let me blow up ten such yachts." (https:)

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