Absolute Honor

Chapter 1173: The gate of **** (thanks to the veteran kitchen knife is also a knife...

When Captain Clark and his men were blocked from attacking in the living room on the second floor, in the master room, Takashi Kawasaki gently opened a corner of the curtain and peeked out.

At this time, the "Mermaid" had come to a complete stop, and the helicopter hovered above the yacht.

He understands that everything has come to an end.

Walk to the corner of the room, where there are five LV brand travel bags.

After recognizing it, Kawasaki Ryuichi carefully dragged two of them to the side of the bed, then laid them on the ground, unzipped one of the large LV travel bags, and took out a black box from the inside.

This black box is connected with wires, and the wires are connected to several other square-like things sealed with high-density fiber cloth in the LV box.

Kawasaki Ryuichi carefully connected the wires and opened another LV bag. The first piece in it was like a long bar of soap, but it was much larger than ordinary soap.

The outer fiber cloth of these "soaps" are all printed with black English letters-GE.

He knows exactly what these things are.

This is the key to the gate of hell.

In fact, the two English words GE is the abbreviation of "gelexplosive", which translates to gel explosive.

This is a new type of gel explosive, the explosive power is more than four times that of C4, and the most powerful thing is that it does not have the common characteristics and smell of explosives such as C4 and TNT, even if it hits a bag or hides it through the airport. The security check cannot be recognized by the equipment and police dogs.

After linking the contents of the two LV bags, Kawasaki Takashi took out a blanket, and the person knelt on it and began to pray.


After the torrential rain of Gatling machine gun bullets passed, Captain Clark slowly walked out with the SCAR automatic rifle behind the bar counter in the second-floor living room.

He raised his left hand and made a tactical sign language for searching forward.

The soldiers hiding on both sides of the corridor began to march forward in columns, checking and searching from room to room.

The corridor was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder. The grenade that exploded just now left a strong smell of gunpowder in the air, and it was also mixed with a nauseating smell of blood.

There are no more livelihoods in the rooms on both sides, and there are only mutilated corpses on the ground.

Those maids with beautiful figures and gorgeous faces are now cold dead bodies lying on the ground, without any vitality anymore.

Approaching the door of the master room, Captain Clark stepped forward and grabbed the doorknob and twisted it slightly.

The door was not locked and the handle was twisted.

He nodded to the subordinate opposite to him, and then slammed the door open.

In the dark room, the laser beams emitted by several laser sights kept shaking, pointing to all the corners of the room where people might be Tibetans.

The soldiers of the SAS Special Air Service Regiment have already practiced many times. For this "Mermaid" yacht, they even built a simple simulation scene with wooden planks in the Australian military base, and they continued to practice repeatedly. For everything here These professional special forces members are already familiar with the road, and they can know the approximate placement of each corner with their eyes closed.

No one was seen in the room, there were traces of Gatling guns everywhere, and the wardrobe, dressing table, etc. were in a mess.

In the center of the house is a huge round waterbed, which has been pierced by bullets, and water is leaking out.

With each step, stepping on the soaked Persian wool carpet on the floor is like stepping on the turf of a golf course after the rain.

"There are people here!"

After bypassing the side of the waterbed, one of the soldiers issued a warning.

On the right side of the waterbed, the author is a guy wearing a white Arabian robe. He has no headscarf on his head. Only short black hair is exposed. In front of him are two huge LV travel bags.

Several blood holes appeared in the guy in the robe, and he was obviously hit by the bullet from the Gatling machine gun. It seemed that there was no sign of life.

The soldier suddenly saw a terrifying scene in the night vision goggles-a black box was placed in front of this guy. There seemed to be a small LCD screen on the box, with numbers beating on the screen, and a link to the black box. One of the wires, the thing at the end of the wire seems to be held in the hand by the guy in the robe!

Bomb device!

The soldier pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the automatic rifle with a silencer fired a beautiful burst.

He doesn't need to worry about anything, because this mission doesn't need to live.

Chi Chi -

With the gunshot, the person sitting on the side of the bed tilted, a flower of blood splashed on the white sheet behind him, and the corpse fell to the left.

When Captain Clark issued a warning from his subordinates, he had already dashed forward.

When he saw the beating digital screen, his hair immediately straightened as if it had been struck by lightning.

It is a dual-mode automatic detonation device, which can use the controller to detonate or detonate at a fixed time.

Obviously, this controller is not linked to something as sweet as Swiss candy, in this case it will only be a result-explosives.

"There is explosives! Evacuate! Evacuate everyone!"

Captain Clark deserves to be a qualified Special Forces officer. He did not choose to escape first. Instead, he grabbed his subordinates and pushed them out one by one, urging them to escape.

It is obviously not a wise choice to run directly out of the hallway from the living room and follow the original path, because the distance is too far.

Although all the SAS team members are facing great troubles, they are still very calm-they chose to escape from the windows that were shot by Gatling guns.

Jump out from the window, the sea outside is the most convenient way.


On the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter, Major Michel did not hear what she wanted to hear-Kawasaki Ryuichi was shot dead, the identity of the corpse was confirmed, and DNA sampling was waiting for the final verification result.

When the exclamation of Captain Clark came from the headset, Michelton understood that this is a trap!

"Retreat! Everyone on the boat retreats!"

Almost at the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a violent explosion occurred in the second-story cabin of the Mermaid. The huge air wave engulfed the entire ship in a ball of fire, which lifted up more than 30 like a mushroom cloud from an atomic bomb explosion. Meters high!

The two S-70 Black Hawk helicopters that had been hovering on both sides of the Mermaid Yacht were immediately affected by a powerful shock wave. Almost instantly, Qin Fei felt that the entire aircraft was like a paper plane in the wind, completely out of control. .

Various sirens were heard in the cab, and the red lights came on.

Before Qin Fei could react, he heard the sound of glass cracking in the cockpit of the Black Hawk helicopter, and then he felt like he had fallen into the air and fell into a dozen or so high-rise buildings.


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