Absolute Honor

Chapter 1174: Roshan kind of nurse

When Qin Fei woke up, he opened his eyes and saw the snow-white ceiling.

The light in the room was not bright, and he felt his headache as if he had been stuffed into a cactus ball. He just struggled to sit up, but his limbs seemed to fall apart, hurting everywhere, but he couldn't tell.

After finally sitting up, Qin Fei began to look at this strange place.

Of course, he soon recognized that this was a ward.


There was chaos in Qin Fei's mind.

Suddenly, the last scene of the S-70 Black Hawk helicopter before the crash appeared in his mind-a huge fireball was on the sea, the strong shock wave caused two helicopters close to the "Mermaid" to crash, and the cold water And the feeling of drowning in the dizziness.


Qin Fei immediately realized that apart from the mischief in the actions of the "Mermaid", it was a trap, a trap laid by Ryuichi Kawasaki!

So, if this operation is designed by Kawasaki Ryuichi, who are the people on the "Mermaid"?

The explosion was so violent, I don't know what happened to Michelle now.

What happened to the people of SAS and SASR Special Forces?

I vaguely remember that when Captain Clark exclaimed in his headset to make everyone withdraw from the "Mermaid", there were still many people on the **** yacht.

The most frightening thing is that the two Armidale-class patrol ships are still tied to the yacht full of explosives...

Perhaps because of too much thinking, Qin Fei's head suddenly hurts.

He held his head, gritted his teeth and struggled with a headache for nearly ten seconds. Soon, his head returned to normal again and it didn't hurt anymore.

How is this going?

What's wrong with yourself?

He lifted the quilt covering himself and struggled to get out of bed.

However, Qin Fei's knees softened just as he was about to stand up with his feet supporting his body, and then he felt the sky spin, as if he lost his balance bar in an instant and fell heavily to the ground.

This time, Qin Fei was completely frightened.

He can accept himself to die, but he cannot accept himself as a waste.

After checking the whole body, I couldn't find a wound.

Touched his upper body, and there were no residual wounds from the operation, which made Qin Fei feel a little relieved.

The blast damage caused by general explosives is nothing more than several aspects-one is shrapnel and fragments, the other is fire, and the third is shock waves.

One of the most terrifying is the shock wave. Shrapnel hits the human body as long as it is not a vital part of the body can be saved, but the shock wave acts on the human body, it is likely to cause internal organ rupture and internal bleeding, or even fracture.

There is no difference between this kind of Willick a truck directly hitting the body, the difference is only the distance between you and the center of the explosion, and whether the shock wave directly acts on you or is separated from each other by a hard barrier.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Qin Fei climbed back on the bed, yelling loudly, and checked whether there was an emergency call button at the bedside.

Fortunately, there is such a thing. After all, it is standard equipment in all hospitals.

He quickly stretched out his hand and pressed the emergency call button.

Soon, there were clear footsteps in the corridor outside the door.

The door was quickly opened with a creak, and a black girl in a nurse's uniform walked in.

"Oh! You can't get out of bed temporarily! I'll help you."

Qin Fei almost didn't startle when he saw this name.

This black girl is at least 300 pounds, two huge buttocks are like two basketballs stuffed on the buttocks, and the two lumps on the chest can only be described as "breast great". The R room swayed from left to right as she walked.


This black girl has no waist! It's exactly like hanging two basketballs at the front and two basketballs at the back on a pillar of the main hall!

Pounced towards him like a meat mountain.

Qin Fei suddenly raised his hand and shook before him, "No, no, no need..."

Surprisingly, although the black girl is as strong as an ox, she is extremely agile. Before Qin Fei could finish her words, the weak limbs of Qin Fei were immediately buried between the two **** of meat. It was cheap. The strong pungent smell of the perfume almost didn't suffocate Qin Fei!

"Oh! Babe, if you want to listen to the nurse, you have a serious concussion now and some sequelae. All you have to do now is to lie down on the bed and the doctor will come later..."

The black girl hugged Qin Fei's neck with her right hand, and hugged him tightly in her arms as if she was holding her own baby. She stretched out her other hand to erect the pillow for Qin Fei.

"If you don't want to lie down, at least you have to lean on the bed. I will tidy it up for you to make you more comfortable..."

"Um... Um..."

Qin Fei waved his hands desperately, trying to get rid of the black girl's control, but the concussion caused him not only to lose his sense of balance. The impact and crash last night made the muscles and ligaments in many parts of his body more or less stretched. Can't get strong.

Fortunately, this terrible situation didn't last long. The black girl's movements were still quite swift, and she arranged the pillow for Qin Fei, and then gently placed him on the pillow.

"Does this feel more comfortable?" The black girl looked at her "masterpiece" and made a very innocent expression. Perhaps in her opinion, Qin Fei looked handsome.

Women have a more or less natural affection for handsome men, regardless of national borders and skin color.

"Why are you panting so badly? Are you uncomfortable? Do you want to lie down?"

Seeing Qin Fei who was panting as if he was rescued from drowning, the black girl opened her arms and wanted to "serve" Qin Fei according to her guess.

Qin Fei suddenly lost his soul, and this time he didn't know where his strength came from, and he got up directly from the bed.

That kind of cheap perfume and the feeling of burying his face in Roshan is really uncomfortable, and it is no different from the feeling of drowning. Of course, Qin Fei does not want to "enjoy" this "super treatment" again.

"No, no, I'm very comfortable, I'm just... I'm just a little tired, by the way, can I ask a question? How am I here?"

"Why are you here?" The black girl stared at Qin Fei with incredible eyes. "You almost died last night. Someone from the military sent you in. You fainted and you almost fell in the water. Drown, oh! God, it seems that your concussion is really serious, and your memory is lost!"

Qin Fei touched his head, trying to recall everything last night.

The black girl seemed to be right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After she crashed, she almost fainted, but at the last minute she unloaded all her equipment, and then grabbed a piece of yacht wreck on the sea...

The last memory seems to stop here.

This is obviously an army hospital, and this black girl is obviously the kind of body that is now shocking after eating and drinking after participating in training.

"Last night... was there a major named Michelle who was taken to the hospital?"

"Major Michelle?" The black girl's eyes lit up, "Yes! She was sent in with you."

"She's okay, right?" Qin Fei hurriedly asked.

On the plane, other people, Qin Fei, don't need to care, and I still need to inquire about Michel's situation.

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