Absolute Honor

Chapter 1175: List of dead

"She’s fine, she’s injured less than you, she just suffered a little skin trauma, and some concussion like you, but her condition is much better than you, I heard the doctor say that if you didn’t wear a helmet last night, maybe now you I have no chance to lie on the hospital bed, but sent to the morgue." The black girl said to Qin Fei with a look of rejoicing.

Qin Fei asked, "So, where is Major Michelle now?"

"She?" said the black girl nurse: "I saw her just now, it seems that her mental condition is not very good..."

The operation failed, and the casualties must be serious. Of course, Michelle would not be in a good mood as the person in charge of the operation.

Qin Fei didn't know what MI17 was an officer who handled situations like Michelle. However, as an intelligence agency, although Michelle had followed the process in yesterday's operation, there were risk factors involved.

If the investigation and hearing are carried out afterwards, she may still have to bear certain responsibilities.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei couldn't help feeling pity for Michelle.

In fact, this MI17 major really did nothing wrong. At least since working with her, Qin Fei felt that no one was more serious and responsible than her in pursuing the Holy City Army in Kawasaki Ryuichi.

After all, Michelle just lacked a little luck.

But military operations are more or less a part of luck. Even a military genius like a founding general cannot always go far in his life, and he will not win every battle in his life.

"By the way, nurse, I want to ask one thing." Qin Fei said.

The black girl nurse really seems to have a good impression of Qin Fei. Qin Fei hasn't refused to say anything. She just nodded and said: "You ask, I will tell you if I know."

"The wounded after the action last night and..." Speaking of this, Qin Fei couldn't bear to say the words "dead person". He hesitated for a while before saying: "I want to know how many actions were sent in last night. The team member is dead..."

Speaking of the death list, the black nurse's face suddenly faded when she saw it.

"A total of thirty-two people sent in last night, including you, saved nine, and the others..."

At this point, the black girl sighed and said nothing, then comforted Qin Fei: "Baby, don't be too sad. Although I don't know you, you are all soldiers, and I can see that. You must be members of the special forces. I admire you very much. You are heroes!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Qin Fei a strong encouragement with his eyes.

"I have to go to work. If you have something to do, press the emergency bell, and I will show up soon."

After all, the black girl turned and twisted her two big blue **** and wobbled out of the ward.

Qin Fei sat on the bed and thought for a while.

Of the thirty-two people, only nine were rescued. All of the nine people must have been injured. The extent of the injuries is still unknown, but the death of 23 people is already a matter of nails and nails.

Twenty-three lives, twenty-three world-class special forces members...

SAS Royal Special Air Crew...

SASR special forces...

Each one is an elite selected from a million, and all of them were killed by an explosion.

This action can only be described as heavy losses.

Qin Fei thought and thought about it on the hospital bed, and finally fell asleep inadvertently.

When I woke up again, the time seemed to have reached dusk.

The curtain was opened a gap, and Qin Fei could vaguely see the golden slanting sun outside the window from the gap.

He tried to move his hands and feet, which seemed to be much better than in the morning.

His body has been rigorously exercised over a long period of time. Of course, the physique of the special forces is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and the recovery ability is naturally much stronger.

He picked up the water glass on the bedside table, took a drink, moisturized his dry lips, and then tried to get out of bed.

no problem.

The joints are not as painful as before. Perhaps the doctors here have used some analgesics.

Qin Fei pulled out the needle from the back of his hand, then stood up slowly.

Fortunately, except for some faint pain in some parts of the body, his actions were as usual.

Qin Fei leaned on the wall and slowly got used to walking.

After all, after a concussion, the human body is prone to lose balance and fall easily.

Out of the ward, Qin Fei walked forward along the corridor.

He didn't know where he was going or what he should do. His mind was now chaotic and he couldn't think at all. It seemed that this kind of brain damage would continue for a few more days, which was really annoying.

When I arrived at the nurse's station, I didn't see the black girl nurse, otherwise Qin Fei could continue to inquire about some updates from her.

When several white nurses saw Qin Fei, they just took a few more glances, and didn't step forward to stop or inquire.

Suddenly, the emergency light in the nurse's station turned on, and then a white nurse rushed into the ICU. After a while, it seemed that the entire floor was busy.

The nurses and doctors seemed to emerge from the ground, all concentrated in the direction of the ICU.

Qin Fei slowly followed them towards the direction of the ICU.

When he arrived at the ICU, he was stopped by a nurse: "Sorry, rescue is underway here, please stop."

Qin Fei pointed to the inside and asked, "Are you the soldier who sent in with me last night?"

"Yeah." The white nurse nodded.

Qin Fei asked, "Who is it?"

"A captain named Clark," the nurse said.

Qin Fei asked: "How is his situation?"

"Very bad, more fractures, internal bleeding, severe burns..." the nurse said, her voice getting smaller and smaller: "The doctor has been working hard, but the situation is not optimistic. It has appeared several times since last night. The heart stopped beating and it was all rescued."

Qin Fei couldn't help feeling a little sad. Clark and himself had seen him on an amphibious assault ship several times. He was a standard professional soldier with first-class quality, loyalty and bravery.


It seems that there is another one to be added to the list of twenty-three people killed in battle.

Qin Fei didn't want to stay here anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He asked the nurse: "Do you know where the ward of Major Michelle is?"

"Go forward, turn right at the end, and then the third one."

Qin Fei slowly left with a heavy step. Perhaps the best thing to do now is to comfort Michelle.

Those were the subordinates under her command, so many people died, and every human life was a mountain on Michelle's shoulders, and she didn't know when it would completely crush her.

The corridor of more than 30 meters seemed to have been walking for half a century. Qin Fei turned the corner and came to Michel's room, reaching out and knocking on the door.

No one answered. Qin Fei grabbed the doorknob and twisted it lightly. The door opened.

The room layout is the same as my own, but the bed is empty, Michelle is gone...

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