Absolute Honor

Chapter 1177: Sudden turnaround

Qin Fei opened his mouth, wanting to comfort Michelle. Please Baidu search to see the most complete! !

However, he suddenly found that he was really powerless.

mi17 is a secret intelligence agency. Even if Michelle is still an officer, he has a military rank. Their organization has strict rules and regulations.

Even if I want to make Michelle better, it's impossible.

No one can look at his own hands and die so many people overnight.

They are not three-year-olds, no one is more mature, calm and objective.

Qin Fei believes that Michel will not give up whenever there is a chance to deal with Kawasaki Ryuichi.

From this point of view, the failure of this "shark hunting" operation in the waters off the Solomon Islands has completely lost Michelle command.

After thinking about it, Qin Fei didn't plan to say anything.

However, he felt he could do something.

Early the next morning.

Michelle carried his backpack and left the hospital for the airport.

In the car, she looked at the pleasant morning scene outside the window, and she was deeply moved.

Since entering mi17 as the commander of overseas operations, Michelle's first independent task was to track Kawasaki Ryuichi. Unexpectedly, this was his first and last task.

She is clear about the rules of mi17. I am afraid that after this time, even if the investigation committee concludes that she has made no mistakes, this action is purely a trap set by the enemy, and Michel, as the commander, does not need to do so. Take any responsibility.

Even so, she knew that it was impossible for her to "sex" return to the front-line command post.

Based on past experience and practice, she will be assigned to work at the mi17 headquarters on Whitehall 2 and do some work like office white-collar workers. Just like when she was in the Naval Intelligence Office, she would be called to analyze intelligence if it sounds good, but it doesn’t sound good. Do some boring chores in the office.

For Michelle, she is reluctant to work in this kind of position anyway.

There are only two roads for soldiers.

Either die in the battlefield, that is the best destination for being a fighter.

Either it’s a lifetime of luck to live to the end, and then be declared a glorious retirement, and sit by the stove in old age to blow to his children and grandchildren of the prestigious history of the year.

Instead, go to work? That is tantamount to giving up the identity of a soldier and becoming an insignificant passerby.

Michelle suddenly began to think about his future.

If things have really reached that point and you are announced to be transferred back to your post, how should you deal with it?

Back then, I made so much effort and sweat to squeeze into the special forces known as the man’s world, and later entered mi17 work through my own hard work, and got a valuable opportunity to go overseas to perform front-line intelligence work.

I paid so much, not just to find a job with a household registration behind a quiet desk.

She quickly made up her mind for herself, and if she was transferred, she would simply submit her retirement application, leave the army, and leave the intelligence circle.

After leaving, where do you go to work?

I'm afraid I can't engage in new related military work during the secret period. Otherwise, it would be a good choice to work for Qin Fei's x-mercenary group or the Gray Rabbit Defense Company in London.

Hu Si thought about it for a long time, and Michelle realized that he had nowhere to go.

To be the best soldier has already made myself rush forward. A person of my level, who has worked overseas for many years, knows too much.

This declassification period is too long, it will make oneself suffocated alive!

Stay and work hard to get back to the front line?

Is this still possible?

Michelle finally arrived at the airport, confused in his thoughts.

This military airport located on the outskirts of the city is stationed with a small number of troops who come to conduct military exchanges with the Australian military, so many weapons and materials are also transported here from this airport.

Today, a c-130 flying from the UK will land here. After unloading the cargo, it will return to the nato military base in Europe. According to the military’s internal dispatch, Michel will take this aircraft back to the motherland.

More importantly, she came here to handover work.

Because Baron Harvey said when he asked himself to surrender command and return to the UK, today this c-130 transport opportunity has a random passenger who will follow him.

This passenger, Michel, also knew him. He was a colleague of another action team in mi17, and his qualifications were much deeper than that of Michel.

This guy named Locke has arrived at the school, but he has been engaged in the most dangerous front-line intelligence work. He is considered a celebrity in mi17, and a star agent that no one knows.

Or, leave it to Locke to continue tracking Kawasaki Ryuichi, or leave it to a straw bag who doesn't understand the situation at all.

Major Michelle got out of the car and walked into the large warehouse next to the apron, where she was going to complete the handover of work with School Rock.

Although he was going to be cut off, Michel did not resist his emotions, and he didn't even want Baron Harvey to fight for the chance to stay.

After all, in her own heart, the more than 20 special forces members who died last night died because of her own mistakes.

He should be punished as he deserves, instead of having the face to argue.

The c-130 transport plane quickly appeared in the sky. After circling a circle, it chose the correct runway and the accurate landing position. It steadily landed on the ground, and then slowly drove to the hangar.

Michelle took out the USB flash drive from her rucksack—this afternoon, she spent some time sorting out these things, which contained all the data on her various actions in pursuit of Ryuichi Kawasaki over the years, as well as personal analysis of Ryuichi Kawasaki.

These are valuable first-hand information, with these, the work of the Rock School will be carried out more smoothly.

The hatch door at the rear of the plane slowly opened, and several British soldiers shouted and waved, asking the comrades in the airport to come and help.

The small forklift that had been prepared for a long time slowly opened the plane along the door panel at the tail, and used the forklift to fork up the materials one by one, then slowly reversed back to the ground, sending the equipment and materials away.

Major Michelle waited under the plane for a long time, but did not see Locke.

She looked at her watch, it was late.

Locke is an excellent agent engaged in secret work. The most important thing to do in this line is to be punctual. Now it is obvious that Locke is late.

However, Michelle soon discovered that something was wrong.

So she stopped a c-130 Hercules transport plane's chief pilot and told him that she was a major and was waiting for another colleague named Locke here, but she hasn't seen anyone there yet.

"Sir, there is no such person in our plane. Since take-off, our plane is now..."

As he said, he waved his hand and drew a circle in front of him.

"These people are there, nothing else."

"What?" Michelle couldn't believe her ears. She couldn't help taking out the satellite phone, and then dialed and walked into the belly of the phone.

In the cabin, there are still soldiers busy unloading goods, but it is as if the soldier who was dragged by himself answered just now, there is no Locke here at all.

"What the hell?!" Michelle finally dialed Baron Harvey's work phone.

But there was a busy tone on the other end, but it was not connected.

Michel looked at the screen of the satellite phone. She wanted to check the signal. It was because it was a military base and there was a special jamming channel that caused Baron Harvey to be unable to dial in at all.

The signal is full, no problem.

It seems that Baron Harvey’s phone is a problem, maybe it’s turned off.

Under normal circumstances, Baron Harvey's work phone is on 24 hours a day, because everything that reports to him is a major event.

Michelle called the same number again.

Sure enough, it still didn't get through, except for the busy tone of toot.


Even a woman couldn't provoke a curse.

What the **** is this? It's not that I should come to the airport to meet Rock School, and then transfer work with him in the hangar.

But the current situation, let alone Locke School, even Baron Harvey can't find anyone.

Suddenly Michelle felt that she was being tricked again, just like last night.


She cursed loudly, stepped off the deck, and left the plane.

The soldiers who unloaded looked at the female officer who was n grades higher than their rank, made faces and stuck out their tongues.

In their opinion, female majors like Michelle would actually swear vulgar words.

Of course, they didn't know that Michelle would not only curse vulgar words, but even beat people, even men.

Michelle stood on the tarmac thinking for a while, and dialed the office number of Baron Harvey.

Even if Harvey is not in the office, but there is his secretary there, the secretary should know where the old man went and why he shut down.

Sure enough, the answer was quickly obtained from the secretary in Baron Harvey's office.

The baron went to the Ministry of National Defense to have a meeting with others, because the content of the meeting was more sensitive, so the phone could not be answered during the process.

As for the affairs of Locke School, the secretary didn't know too much, leaving Michelle to figure it out.

While talking on the phone with Harvey's secretary, a green jeep drove to the lawn in front of the hangar door, and Qin Fei jumped out of the car when the door opened.

Looking at the hot pot ant like Major Michel, Qin Fei beckoned to her.

"Major! I have good news to tell you!"

Michelle ended the call with Harvey’s secretary, looked back at Qin Fei, and asked, "Qin, what's the good news?"’’

A good premonition drifted over Michelle's heart.

"You don't have to wait for Locke to school." Qin Fei said.

"Qin, did you do something the hell?" Michel seemed to have guessed something. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Qin Fei said: "I didn't do anything wrong, even if I did, I also did a good job."

While speaking, Qin Fei returned to the jeep and took out a rucksack.

Obviously, this is his luggage.

Shaking his head in the direction of the hangar, Qin Fei said to Michelle: "Let's go, let's sit in the hangar, and let's go when they finish unloading and refueling."

"Go? Where?" Michelle couldn't believe what she heard.

Things seem to have turned around.

But she still didn't know how Qin Fei could affect her future?

What method did he use?

Rely on Ms. M's help? Doesn't make sense, one intelligence agency interferes with the internal affairs of another intelligence agency? This is simply a fantasy! Absolute honor

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