Absolute Honor

Chapter 1178: There is a gold mine in the hard drive!

"I really want to know, how did you persuade Harvey."

Inside the C-130 transport plane, Michelle sat opposite Qin Fei, staring at him as if she wanted to see through the other party.

"Nothing." Qin Fei spread his hands: "Is Harvey a difficult person to convince?"

"That's it." Michelle said: "The things he decides rarely change."

Qin Fei smiled and said, "It depends on the situation. A qualified leader will of course weigh the severity of a matter and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages on the balance of choice."

"You haven't told me yet, what method did you use to keep me as a commander." Michelle still bit the most critical question.

Qin Fei said: "In fact, things are not as complicated and mysterious as you think. The Achilles heel has been decrypted. Now the initiative is in my hands. I said that I can cooperate with whoever I want to cooperate with. I can even contact the CIA. cooperate."

Michelle seemed to understand, and suddenly realized: "You really dare to bargain."

"Why not?" Qin Fei said, "Since I have a bargaining chip, I certainly have the right to choose a partner. Although Reid stole the hard drive from me at the beginning, I was very upset, but Morris was able to fall into mine. In your hand, you are very helpful in this matter. In fact, I have been looking for him before you, and even thought of many ways to determine his footing. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. You also contributed to this Colombian operation. You, I may have to pay more, and even the lives of my teammates can **** Morris. There is an old saying in China that we don’t forget to dig wells when we drink water. This credit..."

Having said that, Qin Fei pointed to his chest.

"I remember it all in my heart."

"I am a failed commander." Major Michelle's face dimmed again. "I know you want to comfort me. The operation will always encounter unforeseen circumstances, but the operation has indeed failed, even if my responsibility is not great. But bad luck is a fact, you choose to cooperate with me, are you afraid that I will be unlucky even with you?"


Qin Fei suddenly laughed, thinking of a bunch of crow mouths in the core squad of his X mercenary group.

"Michelle, do you know that the most elite squad of my mercenary group is the old fish, do you know the code name of the squad?"

"I haven't heard you say it before." Michelle said.

Qin Fei touched his chin, endured the writhing smile in his heart, and finally said, "We are called the Crow Squad."

"Crow?" Michel frowned, as if he didn't understand.

Qin Fei explained: "Have you ever seen a bird blacker than a crow?"

"Do you mean unlucky?" Michelle still didn't understand the expression.

"Yes, isn't it?" Qin Fei said, "My team is full of crow mouths. For example, we went on a mission together. It was going well. Then as long as someone in the team said, today is true. It went smoothly, something was wrong... Then, I promised that there would be something wrong that night, and the action would immediately become complicated and it would make me suffer."

"Hahahaha!" Michelle was also amused by Qin Fei's humor.

"How?" Qin Fei looked at Michelle with a wide smile: "Is it comfortable to laugh out loud? Feeling better, right?"

Michelle stopped laughing and thought for a while and said: "It seems to be."

Suddenly, the front of the conversation turned: "In fact, it's okay to call the Crows Squad. In the West, the crows also mean death and ominousness, but if you let the enemy do this, it's not bad."


After most of the flight, the C-130 Hercules landed on the Tiyo training camp airport in Eritrea early in the morning of the next day.

Lao Yu and Lei Ming, Xiao Chili, Michelle's subordinate Connor and others were already there waiting.

"It's not a visit from a country leader. Are you planning to give us a welcome ceremony?"

After getting off the plane, Qin Fei couldn't help but joked when seeing so many people.

"I heard that you almost died in the waters of the Solomon Islands. I'm here to see if you are missing any parts." Old Yu teased.

Little Chili rushed up and hugged Qin Fei.

Qin Fei was caught off guard by these two sudden actions, after all, this was in front of everyone.

But it seems that everyone's reaction is not unnatural.

The relationship between Pepper Anruosu is already an open secret, everything is logical, without any abruptness.

"Very well, you will be fine when you come back."

Little Chili hugged Qin Fei for a few seconds and then let go.

Actually embarking on the path of professional soldiers, especially overseas mercenary groups like Qin Fei, especially those who have special missions on their bodies, do all the work of dancing on the tip of a knife, and the danger will always be like your shadow. Follow you.

Xiaojiao was also a soldier, and even came from a professional soldier's family. In the face of the situation Qin Fei encountered in the Solomon Islands, he was much calmer than ordinary people.

"I said that my life is very big." Qin Fei said with a grin: "I will definitely not die, Lord Yan probably dislikes me..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Chili twisted his waist so hard that Qin Fei screamed in pain.

"I can accept that you are in danger, but I don't accept that you say some unlucky things with your big mouth all day long."

Qin Fei hissed in his mouth two cold airs and said, "Aren't we materialist dialectics? Do you also believe in those feudal superstitions?"

"I don't believe it in theory, but I just don't allow you to say it!"

In front of Qin Fei, Xiao Jiao was always brutal and unreasonable.

The old fish came up to round the scene and said: "Hey hey hey, in public, be careful, why do you want to go back to the room and close the door to get tired of yourself, don't sprinkle dog food here, and don't look at the number of single dogs here."

Little Chili's face turned red, and he quickly turned his head to the side and stopped talking.

Qin Fei said, "Okay, let's talk about business. The hard disk has been decrypted. Have you got the information inside?"

"We are all in hand, but the information is quite complicated. It involves some account transactions, and we don't see any clues involving nuclear and chemical weapons."

After the old fish finished speaking, he turned his head and pointed to Little Chili.

"Your girlfriend is combing through all the data, maybe there will be an answer soon."

Qin Fei said: "Let's get in the car and go back to the camp to talk."

Everyone got on the jeep parked by the runway and drove towards the office area of ​​the camp.

On the way, Qin Fei glanced at other vehicles, still some distance away from him, probably could not hear the conversation.

So Lei Ming asked: "Have you sent a copy of the information back to the headquarters?"

"Yes." Lei Ming said: "MI17 also wants a copy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for them. After all, it is a partner. We still rely on them for a lot of things now. The more low-key we are, the safer it is for us. "Qin Fei said.

Lei Ming knew that Qin Fei was referring to the true identity of the owner of the 3rd team.

It doesn't matter if MI17 leads the action, the key is to firmly control all the important things such as intelligence information.

After all, MI17 is a golden sign in the intelligence community. Even if there is something, they have to take the main responsibility. At least it is beneficial to the X mercenary group and the 203 troop.

"Ruosu, do you have any clues in sorting out the information?"

"Of course there is! And the harvest is very big!" Xiao Jiao glanced at Qin Fei and said, "You don't know, those materials and data are simply a gold mine!"

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