Absolute Honor

Chapter 1179: Continue to cooperate or part ways?

"Gold mine?!" Qin Fei was a little surprised.

"Yes, that is the ironclad evidence of the Black Sun organization and the Flying Eagle Project's control of the global drug network, and they recorded all their funding trends, including Europe, Asia and the Americas, as well as some in Africa, but the supply in Africa is a little less. Because the warlords here have the final say. Hei Sun does not control the drug network in Africa, and even the Flying Eagle Project cannot do it."

Little Chili said: "All the funds involved 32 offshore company accounts, 4 banks, of which two are shadow banks, with a background of government intelligence agencies, involving a lot of people, some of the money flowed into the secrets of some U.S. politicians. In the account, this is reflected in the electronic ledger on the hard disk."

"It's no wonder that the'Flying Eagle Project' wants to destroy it. If this thing is revealed, I'm afraid that the members of Congress and senior officials will not be able to sit still?" Qin Fei said.

"Well, you can say that." Little Pepper said: "But all the information must be screened and verified, otherwise it may be fake. No one guarantees that the contents of the hard disk are all true."

"How to verify?" Qin Fei didn't understand the intelligence analysis at all. "You can't check one by one and ask one by one? They are not in our control."

"So, hand over the information to the headquarters and let someone verify it. We just need to grasp the key." Xiaojiao said: "I'm just surprised. MI17 has always said that the contents of the hard disk are likely to involve nuclear weapons projects, but I will not No funds flowed into relevant nuclear technology companies or countries."

"Didn’t Liu Hai rescue the Abkhala, that is, the secret intelligence officer of the former Iraqi government engaged in nuclear projects? Didn’t he confirm that this happened?" Qin Fei had done this with Mr. Qin before. Thoroughly talk about the information that may be involved in the hard disk, as well as those secret transactions between the Black Sun organization Fan Tianlong and the Flying Eagle Project organization.

"Liu Hai?" Xiao Jiao was taken aback, and then smiled: "Actually, he is not called Liu Hai. He is an agent of the second department. His real name is Zhuang Buping. We all call him Lao Zhuang. You didn't know him. Yu doesn’t fully trust you, so he didn’t reveal his real name. That’s right, so I have already responded to the headquarters and asked Lao Zhuang to fly here right away. He knows the situation of Abkhala and the nuclear experts best. Maybe we will gain more from analyzing the data on the hard disk together."

"When will he arrive?" Qin Fei asked.

Little Chili looked at his watch: "It's estimated at noon."

"Okay, I'll let go to talk to Michelle later. I guess the data on the hard drive is available. I will have a meeting with some of the British intelligence agencies. At least they should be able to get some information based on their intelligence capabilities. Useful information, you will contact the headquarters immediately and ask them, what is the bottom line of cooperation between us and the British intelligence service? Can all the information be thoroughly shared, if possible, then tell me early and let me and Harvey The Baron and Ms. M also had counts in their hearts when they had a meeting."

Little Chili said: "The exchange of information is definitely necessary. Since we are cooperating, we must of course be frank. The people of MI17 are not fools. If we are not frank and relative and come up with some useful information, they will not see rabbits or scatter eagles. Such a cooperative relationship. It can't be maintained."

"At present, the cooperation with them is beneficial to us. MI17 has always criticized the'Flying Eagle Project'. They believe that these underground organizations have directly or indirectly cultivated a large number of KB organizations to some extent, just like The Quds Army or Al Qaeda, once they lose control, they will often backfire. In recent years, the British have suffered a lot. They have been used by the United States a lot, and now they start to learn."

"Since we have a common goal in this matter, we all have to deal with the Flying Eagle Project, so cooperation is also possible. No matter what their purpose is, whether they intend to use these to threaten the other party or really want to eradicate the other party, anyway, they use it. If we produce real materials, we will come up with real materials. International cooperation is very necessary in the fight against terrorism."

"Intelligence and analysis are your strengths. I only need you to give me the results and then formulate my plan. These analyses and speculations are all left to you." Qin Fei has not received professional intelligence training. These things can only Rely on small peppers.

As the leader of a team, what you have to do is not to do everything yourself, you only need to make the best use of everything.

The convoy quickly returned to the office area of ​​the camp.

After Qin Fei got out of the car, he handed the luggage to the clerks of Zhou Yifa's staff so that they could return the luggage to their residence, and then walked into the meeting room that had already been arranged.

"Major, it seems that we have gained a lot this time. I have a suggestion." Qin Fei said while sitting down while pulling the stool.

Michelle said: "Say any suggestions."

"I want to hold a video conversation meeting. Both Harvey and Ms. M will participate. You have also copied the information. I think your British Empire’s intelligence database must have corresponding intelligence information about certain materials on this hard drive. I think we Since they are a cooperative relationship, they should be frank and relative."

Michel did not immediately answer Qin Fei.

She is a senior agent, and unlike Qin Fei, who is a half-dozen monk, she has been trained as an extremely professional spy and agent, so she has the same professional qualities as Xiao Jiao.

The exchange of information is a cautious topic, and you can't make a decision just because of personal relationships and feelings.

Intelligence is the core resource of major espionage organizations, just like the gold bricks in a bank vault, which is hard currency.

So she felt that she needed to think about it.

Seeing that Michelle did not answer immediately, as if he was considering it, Qin Fei said openly: "It is a good thing to join forces with each other. If you take out your wealth, we can also provide some information in exchange. I will not let you MI17 suffer. Yes, please tell Baron Harvey, we have common enemies and goals, and I hope to cooperate sincerely with each other, right?"

"That's right..." Michelle nodded unconsciously.

Qin Fei said, "In this way, you and your subordinates will go back and talk for yourself first, and I can wait for your answer. At present, our cooperation seems to have completed the first stage, and you and I have obtained the information that each other wants. As for Not to continue cooperation, please think carefully."

"Well, I really need a place to communicate with my superiors."

After that, he got up and took Connor and waited for his men to leave.

"Connor, tell Lilith to set up a dedicated channel immediately and take all measures to prevent eavesdropping. I want to contact the superior."

Connor glanced back at the conference room in the camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He understood that Michelle said this out of caution. Although the relationship with the X mercenary group is a cooperative relationship, there is an old saying in the intelligence community "In this circle, You will never have a real friend", which means that no matter how good Michelle and Qin Fei’s personal relationship are, and the national interest is involved, Michelle must consider it all. This is her professionalism.

"Major, are we not going to work with them?" Connor asked.

"No, judging from the current situation, I am very much in favor of continuing to cooperate with Qin." Michel said: "This is good for us. The people under him are not ordinary mercenaries. Believe me, Connor, those are. Special forces or special agents with a national background are definitely not hired mercenaries as Qin said."

In her mind, the image of Thunder and others drifted past.

If so, it means cooperating with a big eastern country.

This is something that must be done with caution.

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