Absolute Honor

Chapter 1180: Jigsaw puzzle in everyone's hands

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After Michelle left with his men, Qin Fei sat back at the table in the conference room.

Looking around everyone, his eyes finally fell on Mister.

"Lao Mi, did you also make a copy of your boss?"

Mister has been following Qin Fei, but Qin Fei believes that this guy's purpose is also for the things in the hard drive.

"I haven't, but..."

Seeing Qin Fei's question about this matter, Mister inevitably became a little nervous.

Previously agreed to cooperate with Qin Fei on the basis of sharing. Now that Qin Fei mentioned this in front of everyone, he was a little worried that Qin Fei would regret it.

After all, the hard disk is now cracked, and the information is in hand, and there is not much use value in my own eyes, in case you regret it...

"But I really hope to get a copy, Qin, you know, the support I get is based on the premise that I still have use value to my superiors. If I can't get the hard disk data... I'm afraid I can't explain it. past."

After all, the eyeballs swept around everyone, paying attention to everyone's expression.

As long as there is opposition, there will be changes in this matter.

This is what Mister worries most. Although he was once a member of the Delta Force, in this house, when it comes to fighting hard, he doesn't seem to have any advantage.

Qin Fei smiled and looked at Mister, who was slightly nervous, and calmly said: "Okay, don't be nervous, do you think I'm the kind of person who crosses the river?"

It's coming, turning his head and looking at Little Pepper.

"Ruosu, now take Mister to copy a copy of the hard disk data and let him send it to his superior."

Mister didn't expect it to be that simple, and he was rather unexpected. People froze on the chair and didn't react.

"Why are you still stunned?" Qin Fei said, "Hurry up, before I feel regretful, otherwise things will be difficult to handle."

Mister stood up abruptly from his chair, nodded to Qin Fei, did not speak, but his eyes were full of admiration and gratitude.

After Xiaojiao led Misite away, Thunder sitting next to Qin Fei turned his face to ask Qin Fei: "You really don't regret it?"

Qin Fei frowned and looked at the door before saying, "I don't regret it."

"He is a former member of the Delta Force, and his background is vague, but because one thing is certain, his **oss is also a powerful organization." Lei Ming said: "Even we can't figure out the background. People, don’t you worry?"

"No!" Qin Fei shook his head.

"For what reason?" Lei Ming said: "Trust? In our circle, the word trust is too expensive, and the price is not affordable for ordinary people."

"Lei team, I am not an ordinary person." Qin Fei smiled: "Does anyone know my exact background? I am a mercenary. This is well known. I have a private grievance with the Black Sun organization. This is also clear to many people. I It is estimated that many people are still wary of my identity and background, but they still cooperate with me? Look at the Major Michelle just now, it is obvious that she trusts me, but she is not sure that her superiors treat me. That’s why she took people away. I believe she is contacting the Baron Harvey of mi17 at this time, and seeking permission from her superiors will continue to cooperate with us, but then I’m relieved.”

not worried?

Thunder was a little surprised.

Soon, he immediately understood the meaning of Qin Fei's words.

"You mean, they have secrets and information about this hard drive that are not known in the decrypted data?"

"Of course, maybe it's just a little bit, but it's enough." Qin Fei said: "Except for the father, the first time I heard the information on the hard disk related to a nuclear weapons program in other populations was in Baron Harvey's. What you learned from your mouth, you can think about it, they must have the answer to some information in this hard drive that we haven’t decrypted yet, right? Because of this, they will be scrupulous. The so-called barefoot is not afraid to wear it. For the shoes, because mi17 has something in their hands and their feet are not bare, they are considering whether to cooperate with us. They want to see what trump cards we have in our hands that are worth swapping with us."

Thunder was stunned.

I have to say that Qin Fei admired himself.

One of his soldiers had been released overseas for two years and spent two years in the mercenary world. This kind of careless, clever, or deadly weak-eating circle inspired all Qin Fei's potential.

Today, Qin Fei has already completed his role transition, from a special forces soldier to a leader, he is no longer the little soldier who can only answer "yes" to obey orders by shouting at him.

"As for Mister..."

Qin Fei slowed down his speech and said almost every word: "I have no choice."

"Huh?" This time, thunderous brows frowned, "You mean..."

"Team Lei, I believe that the declassification of Achilles' heel has spread." Qin Fei said.

Lei Ming suddenly realized, slapped his thigh and said: "Yes! Paper can't contain fire!"

"If you were the person involved in the hard drive, and you were engaged in a secret plan and action, what would you do?"

"Of course it is to withdraw quickly, complete the project as quickly as possible, and then destroy the evidence and leave." Lei Ming said: "Otherwise, the special forces will come soon."

"So, we don't have to hide the data on the hard drive at all. I think the fact that the hard drive was decrypted has been spread in the intelligence circle after Morris was sent back to the training camp. Qin Fei said: "But it's good, if you don't mow the grass, the snake won't get out of the hole. No matter how cautious people, in such a short period of time, they will end some projects, I am afraid they will show some feet to us. It is advantageous. Besides..."

"Besides what?"

"Furthermore, our current priority is to immediately decrypt the data obtained in the hard disk a second time, and figure out what secrets are hidden behind it. For us, time is of the essence, because once the hard disk is decrypted, the contents inside A lot of information will have a certain timeliness, we are rushing for time."

Having said this, Qin Fei was confident.

"We are like this, mi17 is like this. Similarly, the boss behind Mister will think so too. If you are me, what would you do?"

Leiming laughed and joked: "You kid is a ghost, I know what you are thinking."

"Team Lei, you are also very good, you understand when I say it." Qin Fei smiled.

Lei Ming touched his chin, if he muttered thoughtfully: "You are using all available resources to find out the information about the nuclear weapons project in the plethora of data on the hard disk at the fastest speed, and since we have encountered this situation , Mi17 will do the same, and Mister’s superiors will do the same. Now everyone is playing puzzles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and we have some fragmentary and incomplete fragments in our hands, or we just You have to find the remaining pieces yourself, or the best way is for everyone to take the pieces out and cooperate and complete the puzzle as quickly as possible."

"All in! Long live Lei team!"


When the two were joking with each other, there was a sudden noise at the door.

Morris broke in from outside the door, his chubby body blocked almost all the light in the doorway.

The fat nerd looked at Qin Fei, as if a little angrily, as if Qin Fei owed him five hundred yuan.

"Are you talking about it?!"

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