Absolute Honor

Chapter 1185: Give me a kiss

Nowhere in the world is more backward than Somalia, which has been fighting for years. Because of its backwardness, no one will spy on you and monitor you. Anarchy provides a great aspect for these dangerous projects. All you have to do is buy a warlord. , Give him enough weapons and money, then he will feel at ease for you to hear all the protection you need.

And because of the chaos here, basically the big powers will not be stationed here, but choose to leave a small number of intelligence personnel to monitor the situation here. After the Mogadishus in the 1990s, the American Eagle was broken here. Shensha, in the years to come, this is a corner forgotten by God. No one is interested in it at all, and no one wants to intervene in the political affairs here.

Putting the project here is nothing short of magical.

In view of the complexity of the situation in Somalia and the severe separation of local forces, it is impossible to carry out effective special operations. Even if it can penetrate, just a little basket will repeat the tragedy of the Delta and the Rangers.

However, because of the nuclear project involved, the use of cruise missile attacks is not feasible.

If the explosion produces a nuclear leak, it is not as simple as a dead person, and the political consequences are unbearable by any major country.

Everyone discussed overnight, and finally decided to adopt another method with a lower cost-to send scouts first, determine the surrounding environment, and then organize a small team to accurately deliver, raid at the fastest speed, and then remove all of them. Equipment and raw materials.

The reason for sending scouts was to absorb loopholes in the USA combat plan during the Mogadishu battle.

Many people in the Battle of Mogadishu often think that bad luck caused the Delta and the Rangers to pay a painful price. In fact, the biggest curse was planted from the beginning of the operation-the local intelligence personnel of the US Special Operations Command. Because of fear, the car used to mark the target building was not parked at the correct position. As a result, the special forces dropped to the wrong position during the first descent, and there was an oolong shot by the rangers in the delta.

Secondly, the command system at the time was very problematic. Due to the lack of effective ground guidance and unfamiliar terrain, the general Garrison and the staff who commanded operations used an extremely clumsy command method-using three 3 0H_58D observation helicopters. Take ground pictures above Mogadishu, and then send all the real-time data links of the battlefield back to a Black Hawk helicopter carrying two on-site guides, and then the Black Hawk helicopter will communicate with the ground convoy and combat troops to guide them. And command.

Doing so caused the vehicle to evade Mogadishu and search for the fallen Super-61 helicopter. The lag in data transmission caused the convoy to miss an accurate intersection like a headless fly. In the end, it not only suffered in the city. When it came to the crazy attack, it was impossible to get close to the crash site.

Therefore, it is the consensus of all participants in the conference to use scouts to conduct investigations and then accurately deliver them.

Qin Fei believes that it is indeed Fan Tianlong's initiative to deploy the nuclear project here in Somalia.

The reason is simple. Unit 203 has always known that Fan Tianlong's secret base is on an island in a small Southeast Asian country, but it cannot be wiped out for some reason, but it has been under surveillance.

Fan Tianlong also knows that his surroundings are full of the eyeliner of the intelligence department of Country Z. Every move I am afraid will not escape the eyes of others, not to mention the sensational things like nuclear weapons. There is a slight disturbance, let alone Country Z. Even the United States and British intelligence agencies will listen to the news.

This is not conducive to the development of the project.

It is a very wise choice to locate the project in Africa, thousands of miles away.

People there are more likely to be bought by money. For money, let alone nuclear or chemical weapons, they are willing to slaughter their compatriots.

Money is not a problem at all for Fan Tianlong.

A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Since the threat of the nuclear program looks serious and credible, the actions are classified as action codes-which means that the words and deeds of the participants performing this task will be severely restricted.

After careful thinking, Michelle proposed that 2-3 of the most elite personnel must be sent to infiltrate Somalia, because the operation would be quite dangerous. In case of detection during the reconnaissance process, almost dead.

Qin Fei and Mistre volunteered to perform this special reconnaissance mission. They are old partners, and they know each other’s combat capabilities. Among all, there does not seem to be a fighter who can surpass them. .

Therefore, arranged by the big boss behind Mister, in order to hide from others, the two took a British transport plane at Tiyo Airport to a US military base in a Gulf country, where they changed into casual clothes and left through a secret passage and entered by car. The official civilian airport, take a Gulfstream G5 controlled by the USA Air Force, and then fly back to Somalia.

The benefit of this is like being tracked while driving in the city, you have to keep changing cars to get rid of the opponent.

Since the intelligence department can monitor Fan Tianlong, no one can keep Fan Tianlong and Kawasaki Ryuichi sending people to stare at the offer.

As a result, Qin Fei and Misite started this special journey to Somalia at 8 o'clock the following night.

The Gulfstream G5 soon began to lower its height, which is too high, which is not good for skydiving.

When the altitude dropped to four kilometers, the modified special hatch slowly opened. The blonde flight attendant had already buckled his seat belt and pointed to the outside of the hatch and shouted: "Jump!"

Qin Fei and Mister now think of two clumsy fat men, each carrying at least eighty pounds of rucksacks-there are weapons, monitoring equipment, food, and water in them.

Somalia is an arid region, and no one knows how long to stay there.

Putting on the windshield, Qin Fei turned his head and gave Mister a thumbs up, then jumped out of the cabin.

Soon, he disappeared into the night sky.

Mister turned back to the blonde flight attendant and smiled loudly: "Beauty, I don't know if I can come back alive, can I give me a kiss before I leave!? If I die unfortunately, go to God, I can tell him that I was blessed by a beautiful woman!"

"Fak!" The blonde flight attendant did not expect that this guy would still be so stubborn at this time, and raised his **** at him.

"If you don't give me a kiss, I won't jump!" Mister, a member of the Delta Force, unexpectedly splashed.

As the chief sergeant of the Air Force, the blonde flight attendant certainly understood the consequences of Mister's dragging here. It would make him deviate too far from Qin Fei who jumped first, which would not be conducive to the two people meeting when landing.

"Why haven't you jumped yet!?!? Susan! What's the problem!?"

The captain’s anxious enquiry came from the speaker in the cabin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sergeant Major Susan stomped her foot, grabbed Mister's collar, and stamped her red lips on this end. On the big stallion's mouth, he finally gave him a hard bite on his lips.

"Ah--" Mister, who kissed greedily, could only let go of his mouth.

Looking at the blonde female Sergeant Major, he was content as if a hunter who resisted his prey and returned to the city to accept the admiration of the people, as proud as an Irish grouse, smiled triumphantly and jumped out of the cabin.

The female master sergeant stood by the cabin door, watching Mister disappear into the night sky, she was suddenly hit by something in her heart, and she thumped a few times.


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