Absolute Honor

Chapter 1186: Dangerous journey

Location: Uklan, thousands of miles away.

Time: Twenty hours ago.

Two elderly former Soviet pilots boarded the cockpit of their ancient Li-2PG passenger and cargo plane.

The main pilot seated heavily in the dilapidated chair with stitches, touched his red rosacea, and took out a 500ML bottle of vodka from the old flight suit—the one on the label. A brown bear shows that this bottle of vodka is produced in Russia and has an intimidating degree.

Pushing the mouth of the bottle into his mouth, the pilot who was already in his fifties grumbled his head and took a few sips, then stretched it to the side and handed it to the co-pilot.

"Yakov, take a sip!"

The co-pilot grinned, showing jagged big yellow teeth.

He took the vodka and poured two sips into his mouth without hesitation. He bared his teeth and half-closed his eyes, enjoying the burning sensation caused by the high-strength liquor sliding through the esophagus into the stomach. The nerves in his body seemed to be affected. After the ultimate stimulus, it was completely activated at once.

It was completely different from the exhausted appearance of half asleep in the cockpit just now, the co-pilot Yakov seemed to be resurrected and filled with blood, and entered a state of excitement.

Cover the wine bottle and pass it back to his owner-the main pilot Osbelev, Yakov swiftly turned on the switches of various instruments-actually there are not many switches, this type of -2PG aircraft is in Introduced in the early 1980s, it has been used as a multi-purpose passenger and cargo aircraft, and some models have been converted into reconnaissance aircraft.

However, with the disintegration of the huge former Soviet Union, the divided Ukraine did not have the ability to maintain these aircraft. Except for a small part of them that remained in the military, the rest were either acquired by private companies or thrown in the aircraft cemetery. Moldy inside, the fate is the same as that once glorious empire.

This plane touched both Osbelev and Yakov very much. It was a tool for them to make a living.

Both of them were of Ukrainian descent. After the disintegration, both of them who had stable pilot jobs were unemployed. Later, the Air Force handled a batch of Li-2PG dual-purpose passenger and cargo aircraft. Together, the two of them produced a few of them. The savings were bought and used to ship goods and occasionally people.

As former Air Force pilots, they seem to be very tall, but they actually didn't live as well as dogs during the time when the motherland was split. It's not bad to have a job.

Business is not doing well recently, and Osbelev is about to fall ill. He has no income and can't afford the plane.

But things took a turn for the better, and luck came just as it said, and it slammed Osbelev on the head.

A week ago, a middle-aged man who claimed to be the owner of a trading company came to the door and said that there was a business to take care of Osbelev, but he asked Osbelev not to intervene with anything other than the flight route and timetable. Things, be a blind and deaf in the whole process.

After some talk, the old spicy Osbelev smelled an unusual taste.

This transportation business may not be as simple as it seems-the destination is Somalia in Africa. When he heard the name, Osbelev suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

That's not a good place.

To transport a batch of goods that cannot be seen in the desert of an out-of-control country, the water in it can be as deep as it is, and it's weapons or something.

The so-called trading companies today are probably arms dealers.

Osbelev hadn't done such a job before.

In order to survive and live, he and his partner Yakov sometimes had to let go of the dignity of a former Soviet Air Force officer and take on some odd and even illegal tasks.

Just when Osbelev was thinking about how much he had to pay this guy to be worthy of his adventure, and deliberately ditching, the visitor directly slapped a stack of US banknotes on the table.

It was a stack of three bundles of cash dollar bills, the familiar green, Franklin's head, and the attractive 100-yuan number.

Osbelev almost didn't shed Haraz on the spot.

The guest told him that if he agreed, the 30,000 US dollars would be considered as a deposit, which would be used to refuel and maintain the plane. After a week, he would wait at the outskirts cargo airport. The guests would arrange everything else for them. As for the flight route, where to fly, Where to refuel, and then where to land, then all the specific route schedules will be sent to Osbelev's hands.

Sure enough, when Osbelev and Yakov checked all the aircraft's instruments and found them to be normal, the middle-aged man from the trading company appeared on the plane.

"Osbelev, is your plane okay!?"

The guests looked at the somewhat backward instrument panel of this old-fashioned plane and were a little worried.

Osbelev slapped his chest, and said in a big way: "No problem! I know every part of this plane very well. It has never been in such a good state now, just like a young man in his early twenties. Give him ten. No girl is enough! Hahahahaha!"

When he smiled, his mouth opened, and the strong vodka smell rose to the sky.

The guest frowned, but didn't say anything.

In the area of ​​the former Soviet Union, these big and second hairs drank vodka as Coke. It is said that some pilots don't know how to fly planes if you don't give them vodka.

"This is the flight schedule. You must fly and refuel strictly according to the above routes and locations. Remember not to make a mistake!"

Osbelev took the flight schedule, frowned and read it carefully, and then gave a thumbs up: "No problem!"

"Then everything is up to you. When you arrive in Somalia, someone will meet you. The landing place is a bit troublesome. It's not a regular airport, but I think it won't be hard for you, right?" the guest said.

Osbelev continues to do everything, when is it now? Nothing works! This is a big deal. The final payment is enough for him and his partner Yakov to go to the beach of the Black Sea to enjoy the beach sunshine for a long time, and it is also enough to pay for his piles of bills. Everything depends on this business. .

The guest nodded and got off the plane with a little worry.

When Osbelev saw the guest leaving, he closed the cabin door and stuck the flight table on the top of the cab.

"Yakov, this sale is not easy."

Yakov looked at the flight schedule, nodded and said, "Yes, refueling twice...Flying more than 8,000 kilometers, this is really a long journey..."

"I can't manage that much, it's important to make money!" Osbelev pushed the joystick and stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the plane began to slowly slide to the runway take-off position.

They all know that this is a difficult voyage, during which two refueling points, and the refueling points are in some unsafe and messy third world countries. Every time they stop to refuel, they are already in danger of being damaged by low-quality fuel. Fortunately, this aircraft was originally produced in the former Soviet Union, and it uses two Schwittersov M-62 Wright R under license. -1820 cyclone engine, although this thing is older, it is absolutely durable!

However, in the face of generous rewards, all dangers are clouds.

Their employer promised ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that if they arrive at the designated location in Somalia on time, they will receive a generous bonus. The two of them are no longer the former Soviet Air Force. They are flying for themselves, not for the Soviet Air Force that paid them decades ago. The sooner you complete the task, the sooner you get the money, and then go back to the country where you live to continue your little life, this is the kingly way.

Amidst the roar, the Li-2PG transport plane flew slowly into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the distant clouds.

On the ground, the guest who hired Osbelev and Yakov stood in a corner of the airport, watching the plane disappear from his sight, and then picked up the satellite phone and dialed a number.

"Everything is done, let the lab prepare."

He looked at his watch.

"All evacuation will begin in twenty-five hours."

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