Absolute Honor

Chapter 1187: desert

"Fuck! This horrible place is simply not for people!"

Mister sat on a rock and drew out a dagger and stabbed a black emperor scorpion. This guy was 20 centimeters long. At this time, he was still flaring his teeth and claws on the tip of the knife, doing a dying struggle.

Qin Fei took the night vision binoculars and looked into the distance, and then tore the mask on the GPS display on his wrist-so as to avoid damage to the screen.

It is just after three o’clock in the morning and they have passed Bosasso (part of the coast between the northern seaport of Somalia and the Horn of Africa) and are preparing to pass through an area marked “Guban Bush” on the map. .

Somalia is not a mountain country. Large areas of land are covered with bushes and yellow sand.

This is actually not a good thing for infiltrators, because once you expose your whereabouts, you will never find a concealment that you can rely on and stick to when the enemy is chasing.

This is mostly true in many countries in Africa.

Some time ago, there was a lot of news. The green flat hats of the USA were attacked by militants in the desert zone of a certain African country, which resulted in the death of four special forces.

Qin Fei actually knew it well. In the current situation, once he and Mister are in a heavy siege, the possibility of surviving without transportation is almost zero.

Don’t say how awesome you are. In such unobstructed deserts and Gobi areas, you’re always talking about people, guns, and firepower, even top-notch special forces like Qin Fei and Mister. , When encountering a large group of militants, they will also die.

"Yo! The famous Delta Soldier is so physically weak?" Qin Fei couldn't help but teased Mister.

Since the airborne, the two have been walking in the desert for two full hours.

Qin Fei could see from the uniformity of breathing that Mister's physical strength was below him.

"This kind of ghost place, the sand is soft when you step on it, and it consumes the most energy!" Mister said: "When you were in the special forces school, didn't your instructor tell you?"

"I'm talking about your physical strength, not whether I know these common sense." Qin Fei suddenly remembered Mister's performance on the plane before, and couldn't help but jokingly said: "If the blonde sergeant major agrees to come with you now A "friendly match", do you say you agree or not?"

"Of course I agree!" Mister didn't even think about it, and immediately responded, "How can I refuse the lady's kindness?! Are you sick?!"

"The way you are now, it doesn't look like you still have the energy to do that." Qin Fei said.

"Do you think I used these two legs to play a'friendship'?" Mister rolled his eyes, "not to mention a strong waist."

"Since your stamina is okay, let's speed up and hurry!" Qin Fei was too lazy to talk to the old driver, chatting with this guy, and being easily led into the ditch, "You can't give you the Delta Troop People are embarrassed. In the future, you will go back and talk to people about this, saying that you can’t even compare to a Z army. That’s a shame."

"We are professional soldiers, not to mention that you are still young. I am a little older and I will not be forgiving. When you are in your 30s, you will tell me that you have good physical strength." The emperor scorpion shook off and stood up, "Let’s go, let’s go, we are not far from the destination, we have to enter the observation position before dawn. This ghost place is really evil, why didn’t those **** throw in during the airdrop? Some."

"Maybe it is worried that there are radars and the like in the laboratory. This is not the place where the civil aviation route passes. They will be alert if there is an airplane, so they can only cast a little farther." Qin Fei said.

Darkness still enveloped everything around.

Qin Fei walked all the way, keeping in touch with the offer.

The signal was okay at the beginning, but as it continued to deepen in the desert hinterland, the signal became a little weaker.

Qin Fei knows that this is related to the location of the satellite. To strengthen the signal, a satellite antenna must be used. After arriving at the observation position, the first thing to do is to set up the receiving antenna like a small pot.

Now, the two of them each carry a weight of up to 60 kilograms, which is equivalent to the body weight of an ordinary person. This is not an easy task in the desert.

This time, Mist chose a MK11MOD0 sniper rifle. After all, in the long-distance march, it is not easy to find a sniper rifle like MK11MOD0 that is powerful, relatively light, and has an automatic loading function.

The accuracy is higher than it is too heavy, the weight is lower than it, and the power is really small and pitiful, especially those sniper rifles that use 5.56mm caliber NATO bullets. People often hit the target and jump and disappear into sight. Embarrassment.

Qin Fei chose a relatively lighter SCAR-L assault rifle. Compared with the H-type, its weight is slightly lower. Originally, the M4A1 carbine was a good choice in terms of weight. There are doubts about the reliability under the conditions, so it is discarded.

In addition, the two of them do not have much requirements for weapons. Because it is a reconnaissance mission, the weight is occupied by other materials-including radio communication devices, optics, food, water, especially clean water. .

In desert areas, no water is equivalent to no combat effectiveness.

Now, the two of them can no longer care about leaving long footprints behind them. Originally, it was very important to cover up their traces in special operations, but now no one has the energy to deal with them.

If there is a patrol team near the base of the nuclear project, Qin Fei can only pray that the wind will lighten those footprints, or that it will not be inaccessible to the two of them.

The two began to walk on the barren land on the back of Somalia with GPS. In a relatively flat place, they turned a ninety-degree bend because there was a gravel beach, which was once the sea perhaps 10,000 years ago.

The exposed stones on the ground can effectively conceal the footprints of the two of them. They chose to do this, and they walked on the stones without leaving any footprints.

After walking for a full kilometer on the stone, the two of them were already exhausted and the effect had been achieved. They found a bush and carefully checked whether they were hiding from a poisonous snake-in the desert, if you see bushes, you are lucky. When you find the shade or water source, you must also be aware of a rule-that is, snakes like animals also like shade. Don't get in and rest without looking at them. It may be the territory of a poisonous snake.

After the inspection, the two of them sat by the bushes and ate some energy bars and water to replenish their physical strength. The reason why they ate energy bars is because they can provide enough calories, but they don’t produce too much. Excreta, you know, **** also takes time!

Fifteen minutes later, the two of them once again carried their heavy bags and began to march towards the mysterious coordinates.

They planned to go to the coordinates before dawn the next day. According to the map, it was a valley without vegetation. Qin Fei believed that a suitable observation location could be found in the rubble on the nearby hillside~www.wuxiaspot. com~The messy stones will provide enough protection for yourself and Mistor.

This night, the two of them walked in silence most of the time. Except for occasional breaks, they could chat and chat. During most of the travel time, they communicated in sign language or directly spoke in a low voice using throat-shaking earphones.

Because chatting is also a very bad habit in the infiltration operation of the dark night. You don’t know if a person will suddenly pop up around you. He will hear your voice and cause unnecessary trouble.

An hour before the first ray of sunshine rose in the northern desert of Somalia, Qin Fei and Mist finally reached their destination.

The two didn't even have time to rest. They tiptoed and carefully climbed up to the commanding heights, then chose a rock pile that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and after observing the surrounding terrain, they began to prepare for the reconnaissance mission.

This is also a technical job.

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