Absolute Honor

Chapter 1188: Michelle's thoughts

A ray of light has appeared on the horizon, and it seems that there are signs of dawn.

This is a dry valley.

There are mountain slopes on both sides, and almost no grass grows. Maybe it used to be a riverbed, but because of changes in natural conditions and environment, it has become a desert.

Qin Fei and Misite quickly unloaded those heavy equipment behind the rocks.

Choosing this location is very conducive to observation—there are messy rocks everywhere, a dirt road runs straight through the dry valley in front, and there is a shallow **** just north of this road, which is almost east-west.

The surface of the shallow **** is very smooth and looks like a salt-alkali beach.

Qin Fei and Mist are located just behind a pile of messy rocks under an exposed cliff on the southern slope. They can hide here to observe outside without being discovered by people outside, even if the sun is from them. Moved from the left to the right of the location, it is impossible for the lenses on their surveillance equipment to reflect sunlight to expose themselves.

The two took out the equipment in the backpacks gently, put them into the recessed gap in the cliff, and then took out the important item in the backpacks—the camouflage blanket.

Each veteran will use different camouflage materials according to the terrain. In the eyes of the rookie, it seems that auspicious clothes are everything, so many rookies even use that fluffy auspicious clothes in urban combat, which makes people laugh.

The camouflage is about adapting measures to local conditions. Before coming, Qin Fei and Mist had studied the local satellite pictures.

This is obviously a barren land. It is definitely not suitable to use mesh auspicious clothes, because a bunch of fluffy things suddenly appeared on the bare rock surface. Even if the color is also khaki, it will make people look at it more often. .

The skill of tactical camouflage is that you have to integrate with the surrounding environment. To do this, Qin Fei must first make his camouflage not look abrupt in the surrounding environment.

Compared with auspicious clothes, camouflage blankets do not have this problem.

The camouflage blanket that Qin Fei chose was the same color as the stones and sand here, and they were all earthy yellow.

The camouflage blanket does not have any silky or velvet-like external objects, nor does it have the plant camouflage on the net-like auspicious clothing. It looks like a piece of yellow, orange and stiff cloth, but when Qin Fei puts it on, lies behind the stone. , And soon merged with the background here.

Even if someone was looking at this place tens of meters away, he could only see a mess of rocks, Qin Fei wearing a camouflage blanket was indistinguishable from the surrounding gravel and rock walls.

Mister skillfully equipped their PSC-5 satellite communication device and covered it with a camouflage to link a military rugged laptop.

This ruggedized military laptop computer is anti-fall, anti-seismic, waterproof and dustproof. It is specially designed for field operations, and it has a shell of different colors that can be replaced at any time, which is more conducive to achieving a concealed effect when used in the field.

Soon, the communication between the two people and the withdrawal command center became smooth, and this PSC-5 satellite communication device was able to provide a secure real-time voice link for the reconnaissance team.

Although the latest type of encrypted satellite phone does not need to use additional portable communication equipment, on the surface it is more conducive to reduce the burden on the two people and quickly connect the channel, but the satellite phone has a weakness, that is, it cannot send image data.

Although PSC-5 is larger in size and weight than encrypted satellite phones, it has obvious advantages. As long as the data cable is connected, it can process all the images captured by the two-person reconnaissance team camera, video camera, and helmet-mounted camera through the computer. Then sent to the command center.

Therefore, PSC-5 satellite communication equipment is indispensable in such occasions that require extreme reconnaissance.

After completing the communication setup, General Mister used his laptop computer on a rock on his right front side, handed Qin Fei a camera, and gently placed the MK11MOD0 sniper rifle on his left side.

After getting everything done, Mister took out the small tripod again, and began to click and click on a military SLR camera customized from Leica against everything in the dry valley.

To the east of the huge dry valley, a group of buildings the size of a football field appeared at the bottom of the gentle valley.

The surrounding buildings are surrounded by barbed wire. Soldiers with live ammunition are patrolling in the barbed wire. There are also three wooden watchtowers which are divided into triangles at three points in the building group. The watchtowers are more than five meters high. There is a soldier holding an AK-47 on board, monitoring all the conditions in the line of sight.

"The guards are really tight!" Mister couldn't help but said, "I don't know how armed there are."

Qin Fei used the camera to take pictures of the entire building complex, then fixed it to his side with a small tripod, adjusted the focus to the base.

He rolled over and stretched his waist and said, "It seems that there is nothing happening, Lao Mi, your information is not accurate. Didn't it mean that it was being demolished?"

"I don't know." Mister said as he took out a Carl Zeiss binoculars and fixed it on a tripod-several high-precision monitoring devices made Qin Fei and Mister look like Just like zoologists waiting for the emergence of rare wild animals in the wild.

"I'm still going to send a drone over. I didn't expect Michelle to disagree. Look, let us both run here. It's very dangerous, not to mention the exhaustion. We are in Jeb. There are drones. The military spends so much money on drone projects. They can actually perform this task on our behalf. Then we can drink cold beer, listen to music and watch movies. of……"

"Okay, don't complain." Qin Fei left the camera lens and turned his head to look at the resentful Mist. "Although you have a certain truth, living human reconnaissance is never a drone and can be thorough. Instead, the situation here is too complicated, and it is good to send us here. For example, it is impossible for drones to see the image of eye-level height like we do now, and we can judge the other party’s intention and Motivation, but drones can’t do this. If there is an emergency, at least the two of us are still on the scene and we might be able to control it.”

"What good shit, Qin, you are really naive, Michelle is not an ordinary woman, you can underestimate her thoughts, let me tell you, the person who engages in intelligence is different from the person in our special forces, and you can’t trust it. "Mister said: "I think it's just the hostile form in the subconscious that is doing the trick."

Qin Fei asked: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Mister rolled his eyes and said, "You still don't understand? After all, Michelle sent us to take the risk because he was wary of the Russians."


"Yes, there are Russian military ships that **** and search for pirates on the Gulf of Aden. Their radar will monitor the activities of our drones. Michel does not want the Russians to know that we are operating secretly in Somalia, so you see We parachuted here using a Gulfstream business jet, not a military jet."

Qin Fei thought for a while, and felt that what Mistor said was not unreasonable.

NATO has always had a deep vigilance towards Russia. This is caused by history, and it is not overnight.

Mister continued: "To put it bluntly, Michel doesn't want to let the Russians know our trajectory before the action, so they might intervene."

"Why intervene? This matter has something to do with the Russians for half a dime?"

"You can't say that." Mister lay down and looked up at the sky, thinking thoughtfully: "If the nuclear program is real, where did the materials and warheads for nuclear weapons come from? I think Michelle thought it was from the former Soviet Union. If the Russians knew about it, would they intervene? Besides, if they were really outflowing from their lack of supervision, it would be a huge scandal for them. , Do you think the agents on MI17 don’t want to get this to threaten the Russian government? So before the operation officially starts, she won’t let organizations like KGB know our whereabouts."

Qin Fei was taken aback and froze.

Mister's analysis is very reasonable, and he did not expect it before.

In fact, it is not surprising that Mister has been serving in the Delta Force~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The imaginary enemy besides the KB elements is probably the Russians.

In the subconscious, Mister and Michelle had the same overall view, but Qin Fei came out of the army, and was not as sensitive as Mister and Michelle on the issue of the Russians.

Although Mister once said that nuclear weapons and the like cannot come from Russia, Qin Fei is now a little worried.

In case, that thing really comes from Russia...


Qin Fei's heart stunned.

The situation is exactly as Michelle guessed, I am afraid that something big will happen. (https:)

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