Absolute Honor

Chapter 1264: The arrival of the ultimate goal

Bringing Qin Fei back to the cave again, watching his subordinates pour Qin Fei into the cell, Bavsky turned and walked to the largest and most spacious area in the cave-there was piled up with all kinds of military supplies in the center. There are several huge green PVC military boxes on which are mounted a few laptop computers.

The soldier who had just used his mobile phone to take pictures of Khasayev's cut throat stood aside, staring at the progress bar on the screen.

"How? Did you pass it up?"

"General, you will be well soon."

"Is IP cover up?" Baskif is most worried about the current high-tech. As a highly educated illegal armed leader, he even advances in science and technology.

Many of the targets of FSB were spotted by accidentally using various online tools, and finally attracted precision bombing by the Russian Air Force.

Even in this natural cave, it is still not safe.

To put it bluntly, in the line of action of modern weapons, it is difficult to find a truly safe place.

Although this cave is highly concealed and strong and reliable, throwing a vacuum bomb of АВБПМ, commonly known as the "father of bombs" here, the oxygen in the entire flash will be drained immediately, and only a pile will be left in the end. Deformed corpse.

Therefore, Baskif is very concerned about anti-tracking. The several technicians in front of them all come voluntarily from the Middle East and have received professional network technology training in a certain country. They can avoid FSB tracking and conceal network addresses.

"General, please rest assured, we are using an independent satellite channel, and the upload server is located on a site in the Gulf region that supports our organization, so the FSB can't track it at all, unless they can go to the Gulf region and get it directly. Go to that server, otherwise don’t even think about it."

"Very good." Baskif finally put his heart back in his stomach, and immediately turned his head to another technician who was sitting in front of the box facing the computer: "Hasha, how is your surveillance going? Is there any FSB? What's the reaction?"

"No, for the time being, all of their branches and the road leading to us have installed monitoring equipment, and I haven't seen a large-scale troop movement. Obviously..." He turned his head and turned the pen in his hand. The look was quite triumphant and said: "They don't even know where we are."

"Oh!" Baskif felt his nerves relax again.

However, he has always been cautious, and these are not enough to dispel his worries.

"Hasha, after the video is uploaded, send an anonymous email to the FSB website to let them go in and watch the video of Hasayev and the kid surnamed Qin. I want to see if this video can make them take action. They really act, so we have to see if they are coming in our direction. What I need is absolute security."

"No problem, General." Hasha said, "I will keep staring at them."

Baskiv returned to the side of the cave, where a camp bed was set up, where he slept.

Sitting on the bed, Baschief began to carefully sort out everything that had happened in the past few days.

FSB's actions were frustrated, MI17's face was ashamed in Georgia, Qin Fei infiltrated and was captured alone, everything showed that his luck seemed to be better than ever.

But it was because of goodness that this made him have to be more careful.

He is wondering if this is a trap, maybe FSB is just waiting for himself to get rid of it.

Therefore, he decided to let his subordinates record the video of Khasayev's throat cut and post it on the extreme website, and send the website address to the FSB in an anonymous email.

This is equivalent to declaring war on all FSB agents and taunting their incompetence.

If the FSB's response is normal, the next step should be to go out to the mountains around Vladikavkaz to round up itself. For an authoritative intelligence agency such as FSB, it is not difficult to mobilize the army and air forces of the Chechen Military Region, and they always think they are. It is in the village of Vali near the Caucasus Mountains in Vladimir.

But no one would have thought that he would have left Vladikavkaz in a short period of time and went to hide near Aragir, a hundred kilometers away.

From the very beginning, Baskiv knew that Khasayev was a traitor. Maybe the people at FSB didn't know that the owner of the Turkish bath in Itumkale had already been his eyeliner.

According to common sense, after killing Khasayev, Baskiv should warn the owner of the Turkish bath and let him leave.

Because Khasayev was instigated in less than an hour or something, the whole process took place in the Turkish bath and its back alleys. As long as the FSB agents were not stupid, they could guess that the loopholes lie in the matter. Where.

The normal response of the FSB should be to immediately arrest the owner of the Turkish bath and force his location out of his mouth.

It’s just that, for this move, Baschief was also prepared. He consciously contacted the owner of the Turkish bath to make him feel that he was in the Vladimir Caucasus Mountains 120 kilometers west of Itumkare, and even made him Knowing that he is in Valli Village.

If the FSB arrests the owner of the Turkish bath, the command they get is false information.

Once this strategy is successful, Baskif believes that the FSB will come out in a short time and mobilize troops in the direction of Vladikavkaz. Once this fact is confirmed, it means that the Aragir area where he is currently located is safe.

Now, I just wait for the many eyeliners I have already laid down on various traffic routes and even in the urban area of ​​Itumkale to confirm my conjecture~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Until then, I will feel at ease and Kawasaki Ryuichi trade.


A subordinate walked to Baskif and interrupted his contemplation.

"What's the matter?" Raising his head, Baskif looked a little worried, and now he didn't want to hear any bad news.

If everything goes well today, the military expenditures that your organization can get can make it possible for the next four years to have no worries about the time spent on military expenditures.

More importantly, cooperation with Fan Tianlong can obtain the right to use XS explosives.

Baskiv is not satisfied with these. What he wants is part of his own manufacturing rights. What he wants is technology and formula, so as to ensure freedom, instead of being restricted by Fan Tianlong’s Black Sun organization or Kawasaki Ryuichi’s Holy City Army. .

He wants to take a good share of the deal.

As for the chips?

A surnamed Qin is worth 100 million U.S. dollars, and the intelligence he obtained from other sources shows that Fan Tianlong's Black Sun organization and the Holy City Army have been hit hard recently, and bases and hideouts around the world have been attacked.

The black sun organization that once dominated Southeast Asia has now become a bereavement dog.

The only thing that can accept them and provide enough space for them to move around, except for the Caucasus, there is basically no hope and possibility in the rest of the location.

"Mr. Fan is online and wants to talk to you."

"Oh?" Baskif said inwardly, what should have come finally came.

Before, I asked people to send Qin Fei's video to the other party, but now it seems that there is a response.

He turned out to be a confidential satellite phone, thought for a while, bit his lip, contemplated the language of negotiation, and then put the receiver on his ear.

"Mr. Fan, you must have received good news from me."

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