Absolute Honor

Chapter 1265: Baskiv's Abacus

"I still question whether you really caught Qin Fei." Fan Tianlong's deep voice was hoarse, and there was no lack of surprise in his tone. "General, I want to remind you that maybe this is just a trap."

"What I sent you is a video, not a TV series. There are no actors here." Baskif felt offended.


If you say it is not right?

You say a trap is a trap?

His tone became unfriendly: "Mr. Fan, I care more about my safety than you. In the Caucasus, I am more familiar with everything here than you. I have been dealing with FSB for more than ten years. You come, I don’t know them even more? And the kid named Qin you mentioned, for the sake of God, he may really be extraordinary, but I mobilized a company of troops to encircle him. A dozen lives have been lost. Don’t you think my men are all wooden people? Can’t hundreds of people catch a single person?”

A series of questions expressed his dissatisfaction.

Baskiv is not actually afraid of Fan Tianlong. Although Fan Tianlong is well-known in the world's underground organizations, everyone knows that this person has strong financial resources and background.

But today is different.

Now Fan Tianlong seems to be in bad luck, has been blocked all over the world, and is already a bereaved dog.

And myself--

He is the only one who can take him in.

Without himself, it would be difficult for him to find a second shelter. Even the secret base in Somalia, Africa was discovered at the time, and it was so wasteful and fled in the end.

Now it is Fan Tianlong who asks for himself, not because of him.

Who is Zhuang and who is Xian, this is the fly on Bald's head-it is clear.

Fan Tianlong obviously also felt the unhappiness of Baskif. He had to appease the leader of this rather conceited illegal armed organization: "General, I don’t mean that. I just care about whether the cooperative relationship between you and me is safe. Since you think it’s safe, I also agree very much. After all, you are the most influential person in the Caucasus."

This exaggerated nonsense made Baskif very useful. He coughed twice and said: "The goods have now been shipped to the Republic of Aran. I think we should meet, and I will bring you the person you want. By the way, discuss our plans for the future. I think it’s better to have a face-to-face meeting for many things."

Baskiv's meaning is obvious, that is, he must meet Fan Tianlong.

"General, I can send my right-hand man Xuanwu to trade with you. After verifying Qin Fei's identity, one hundred million dollars will be transferred to your secret account through an offshore bank. I personally still have some things to deal with... …"

"Mr. Fan, I think you made a mistake. In our case, cooperation between brothers must face to face. This is respect for others. I don’t care what your right-hand man is, or if you send Mr. Chuanqi over, but This is our first cooperation. If you don’t show up here, it’s hard to show your sincerity."

Baskiv had long been thinking about it, and he had his own little abacus in his heart.

Although Fan Tianlong is also on the blacklists of many national intelligence agencies and special forces, who knows where this guy comes from?

Defenses can not do without.

Since discussing cooperation, I have been in the most dangerous position on the front line. All spearheads and attacks have been focused on myself, especially since this operation even involved the British and Americans.

To be honest, Baschief does not belong to the type of person who really doesn't buy it and has no scruples.

Simply bearing the pressure from Moscow is enough to make him nervous. With the addition of the British and Yankees, Baschief’s inner emotions are actually extremely complicated.

He wants to get the financial support of Fan Tianlong. In recent years, the FSB has stepped up the financial monitoring of the "Caucasus Warriors" organization, which makes Baskif feel more pressure.

It just so happens that Fan Tianlong is now looking for a safe foothold, and more importantly, he is willing to spend enough money, and there is enough money. This is what Baskif looks at, especially the XS gel explosive project. Able to complete, and get the technology yourself, it will be possible to reverse the whole situation.

He even imagined that if such a highly concealed explosive could be used for his own use, and he had the funds and technology to manufacture it, then there would be no safe place on Russian territory. Moscow might be forced to break it under pressure. In the past, I never negotiated with the "KB elements". I sat down and negotiated with myself.

Once this kind of thing becomes a reality, then you are the hero in the eyes of the people in the Caucasus.

Baskiv is not an ignorant and reckless man. He has greater plans and political needs, gains popularity, and reached a ceasefire agreement with Moscow. This will greatly affect his future elections for the president of the Caucasus. help.

This is what he wants, not really for the so-called faith and Moscow. That is a stupid style.

"I have arranged a meeting place for everyone. It is in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Karagir. It is my site, and I will notify you to meet only when it is absolutely safe. I hope you can show up."

"Do I have to show up?" Fan Tianlong asked.

"Of course, that is sincerity." Baskif emphasized that the so-called "sincerity" is actually not this idea at all.

He just wants to drag Fan Tianlong into the water completely, at least Fan Tianlong will come forward and trade with himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The security will be much improved.

Hei Sun's intelligence channels and defense networks are also top-notch. If Fan Tianlong personally comes forward, his subordinates will collect more information to ensure Karagir's safety, and will send a large number of personnel to guard.

Although Baskiv felt that he could deal with FSB agents, why not drag one more person into the water?

What's more, I really hate Fan Tianlong's mannerism, always hiding in the dark and planning everything, and then letting his subordinates do it. I am not his subordinate, and it is not his turn to point and point to him like a spit-worm.

This also involves Baschief’s self-esteem. Of course, people like him pay much attention to their own image of authority. If they are ordered by a guy who can’t even see one side, they will run into smoke from the bottom of their feet, in the eyes of their subordinates. , Didn't it lose the face that the leader should have?

Fan Tianlong seemed to hear from Baskif's tone that it was a condition that could not be compromised.

Without showing up, this illegally armed general will not reach a final cooperation agreement.

"Okay, I promise you to go personally." Fan Tianlong said: "After you are sure that it is safe, please send me the location and time, and I will be there on time."

"Mr. Fan is really refreshing. Okay, let's just say that. Now my people are monitoring the movements of the FSB. If they are selected, they will mobilize a large number of troops to the Vladimir Caucasus area, and Karagir will change. It’s very safe. I’m very familiar with it here. If the FSB wants to mobilize personnel, it must be transferred from the Chechen Military Region. There is my eyeliner inside and outside, including the periphery of every station. You will receive my message soon. ."

Baskiv seemed confident, and he almost didn't pat his chest.

"I wish us a happy cooperation!"

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