Absolute Honor

Chapter 1266: Fall out


Not long after ending the call with Fan Tianlong, Baskif's men rushed over excitedly.

"FSB is dispatched."

"Really?!" Baskif bounced from his camp bed: "Where did they go!?"

As he spoke, Baskif's heart became extremely tense, and the cigar caught on his fingertips snorted and was crushed.

The direction of the FSB and the Chechen Military Region's force mobilization will directly affect the success or failure of the entire plan.

Whether the trap you set up will work or not depends on the intelligence feedback this time.

"Our plan was successful! General! Your plan worked! According to intelligence feedback from various places, a large number of army and special forces are currently dispatched by the Chechen Military Region, and FSB agents have also come out, all of them are moving towards Fra I went to Kigaucasus!" The eyes of the subordinates were shining: "It didn't come toward us! Now we are very safe here!"

"Very good!"

The good news of Tianda made Baskif even a little at a loss. He went around in two circles, raised his hand, thought for a moment, and pointed to the direction Qin Fei was imprisoned. We will arrive in three hours. Also, immediately send someone to bring out the Z national surnamed Qin, and we will set off now!"


Grozny, temporary command post, inside Alexanderkovic’s office.

"Colonel! I have a lot of doubt about your FSB's tactical command and intelligence sources!" Michelle patted the table, and the man stood up like an angry lioness, staring at the opposite desk behind the pipe silent intelligence. The leader Alexanderkovic.

"Are you crazy!? Qin is definitely not in Vladimir Caucasus right now. If you think about it with your toes, you will know that there is no use for you to transfer so many troops there to search the mountains in a carpet style!"

"Major, I don't need you to teach me how to direct my subordinates." Alexanderkovich's expression looked as cold as a sculpture, as if he didn't listen to Michelle's opinion at all.

"I think if you have any questions about my personal command ability, you can report it to your superiors and let Baron Harvey communicate with my superiors. Here, you have no right to yell at me!"

"Qin is dangerous now!" Michel was unable to suppress the anger in his heart: "Do you know that he fell into the hands of Baschief, it is likely that he fell into the hands of Kawasaki Ryuichi and Fan Tianlong, these years , He killed a lot of people from the Black Sun organization, and he also killed a lot of Quds Forces in Africa, they can't wait to tear him up!"

"I know, of course I know." Alexanderkovich spread his hands and pointed outside and said: "Look, now I have mobilized all the troops I can mobilize to search, don't I just care enough about this matter? ?"

"Oh! Fack!" Michelle felt like he was going crazy. "Colonel, didn't you hear what I was saying? I said Qin couldn't be in the Vladimir Caucasus! That was just a trap. , Just one of a series of traps! Just like the abandoned mine in Kazbeji in Georgia, it is a series of sets! Baskiv knew that Hasayev had betrayed, and he deliberately asked Hasayev to Qin led to the Vladimir Caucasus! Can't you see it?"

"I didn't know before, but now I know. I have sent someone to the Turkish bath. They will soon find out who betrayed Khasayev from there, and they will soon learn about Pakistan from the inner ghost. Skif’s exact location.” Alexanderkovich said.

"Fack! Are you really crazy or pretending to be crazy? Colonel!" Michelle roared like a fierce tigress, "You think Basquief will deliberately leave a hammam inside ghost for you to go. Catch? I'm afraid the inner ghost has long since escaped! He will stay there and wait for your agents to catch someone!?"

"Major, please be respectful!" Aleksanderkovich warned, "I want to remind you that everything I said is not baseless, because just a few minutes ago I had received the news that the ghost in the Turkish bath It has been found out, and we have been taken to a nearby mobile interrogation vehicle for interrogation. I believe there will be results soon."


Just as Michelle was about to refute, the phone on the desk rang.

Alexanderkovic motioned to Michelle not to speak any more, and took the microphone with one hand and pressed it to his ear.

"It's me, Alexanderkovich."

After clarifying his identity, the colonel didn't say any more, but kept nodding his head slightly, and put down the phone for a moment.

"I said, my people will soon learn the whereabouts of Baskif from the inner ghost."

He smiled.

"The owner of the Turkish bath is the inner ghost. He discovered that Hasayev has cooperated with us, and he told Baskif everything. According to the results of the interrogation by the on-site agents, this guy provided Baskif hiding places. It is consistent with what I think, and the target is Vladimir Caucasus."

"Impossible!" Michelle stared at Alexanderkovich with incredulous eyes, and said loudly: "He is lying! Qin and Baschief can never be in Vladikavkaz!"

"You are questioning our ability to work~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Turkish bath owner's words were analyzed by his own agents and a polygraph. The accuracy rate is quite high. There is no evidence that he is lying." Still insisting on my own opinion: "It seems that my decision is not wrong, to transfer troops to Vladimir Caucasus, to completely surround Baskif before he leaves, and then conduct a carpet search. I don't believe they can hide in the cave. Throughout the whole winter."

Michelle suddenly understood that he couldn't deal with the FSB colonel who looked mature and serious but was actually arrogant.

She turned angrily, pushed the door and left.

"Mister, we can't stay here, we must leave immediately." Less than ten steps away from the office, Michel turned his head and said in a low voice: "We pretended to go to the side to rest first, and leave here without paying attention. We have a lurking action team in the Tbilisi area. It seems that we can no longer continue to cooperate with these FSB stupid people. We must act alone."

Mister was taken aback.

Michelle’s words meant that she had long distrusted the Russians. Tbilisi was the capital of Georgia. Since MI17 has deployed an action team there, it means that there has been a relationship between Michel and Harvey. Consensus, joining the Russians is unreliable, they have to rely on themselves.


Mister grabbed Michelle and looked around like a thief.

"Are you sure you want to transfer the action team to the Russian territory to act privately? If discovered, the consequences will be serious!"

"I can't control that much. If we really find Baskif and get rid of this guy, the Russians should thank us instead of asking questions."

"So, where do you think Qin Fei will be now? Do you have any information?" Mister asked.

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