Absolute Honor

Chapter 125: Extinction

   A foreign-related hotel in a certain city, underground parking lot.

   At the elevator door, Santos and Tony walked out.

  Santos held a bottle of mineral water in his hand, drinking and talking.

   "Through the video call just now, it seems that the kid from Unit 203 doesn't know anything."

   "What do you want him to know? He is just a newbie. In that case, it would be nice to save his life." Tony's expression was like a deep pool of water, unable to see through.

   Santos shrugged and said with a smile: "I thought I could find any breakthrough from him, at least it can confirm the identity of the team that sneaked into the territory of China to kidnap Zhang Lan."

   Tony looked at Santos without speaking.

   The two walked to the corner of the parking lot, where a car was parked.

  Santos said: "I plan to visit their GA room later to see if there are any results in their screening of Zhang Lan's brother."

  As soon as his hand fell on the doorknob, Santos suddenly felt a cold in the back of his head.

   A Glock 17 pressed against the back of his head.

   "Santos, raise your hand."

   Tony's cold voice came from behind.

   Santos closed his eyes, then opened them, and slowly raised his hands, with a weird smile on his mouth.

   "Tony, what are you doing?"

   "You should know what I'm doing." Tony said as he touched Santos' waist, drew his pistol from there, and put it in his suit pocket.

Santos slowly turned around, still holding the uncomfortable smile and said: "Old friend, have you taken an expired spring/medicine? Are you crazy? You are pointing a gun at your old friend! You mean a CIA agent!"

   Tony shook his head: "You are not my friend, you are a traitor!"

   "Why?" Santos said as he stepped back into the corner.

   "Because of this!" Tony pressed harder and took out a plastic bag from his pocket with a bullet case inside.

   "Are you crazy? Use a bullet to question your partner!?" Santos shrugged, dissatisfied.

   Tony said: "Well, you and I are both veterans who have been engaged in investigative work for many years. No one is a fool. You know what this is."

  Santos said: "This is just a typical NATO caliber bullet, and the serial number has been erased. What can it say?"

Tony sneered: "Is it really that simple? This is not an ordinary bullet, it is a 5.56 caliber bullet with the model number M262. It is not available on the market, and this type of bullet will only be equipped with our country’s special forces. use."

"What does that mean!? Are you crazy?" Santos pointed to his forehead, "You are showing off here? This kind of bullet, even if it is not available on the market, is on the black market? Maybe it's the ranger or the green guy. Secretly take out a little cap for personal use, or give it to a friend..."

"Enough!" Tony interrupted Santos with angrily. "Do you think I am a three-year-old child? I took two cartridge cases. This is only one of them. The other one I have sent back to the FBI headquarters for inspection. Department, the inspection report came out last night. This is not an ordinary M262 bullet. According to the analysis of the gunpowder residue inside, it is specially equipped for our special units deployed in Southeast Asia. The gunpowder ratio has been specially carried out for the tropical rainy climate. , More suitable for combat in wet weather."

   The smile on Santos's face gradually ended, looking at Tony in front of him, but instead he gradually showed a fierce expression.

   "Oh! My friend, you are such a careful fellow."

"When the FBI was investigating the robbery of Carlos that year, it was discovered that someone from your CIA was involved in it. Therefore, we have established a huge ammunition component classification library, which contains various characteristics and composition analysis data of the ammunition produced throughout the country. As long as a comparison is made, I can even know which factory the M262 bullet was produced in."

   "Even if what you said is true." Santos said: "What does it have to do with me? Even if the attack on Zhang Lan is a special forces squad belonging to our country, what can it explain?"

   "Then this... how do you explain?"

   Tony took the phone out of his suit pocket, pressed it on, and pointed the screen at Santos.

   On the phone is a photo of Santos standing with a soldier-like figure with a slight beard.

"The person in the photo is called Walker, nicknamed FOX, with the rank of lieutenant in the navy. He is the head of the assault team deployed in Southeast Asia to be responsible for secret operations. You are the CIA Anti-Narcotics Commissioner for Southeast Asia. You have known FOX for a long time and have the right to mobilize them. A small team. I also found out that before Zhang Lan was kidnapped, you had been to Southeast Asia once, and one of the trips was to meet with FOX. Needless to say, Zhang Lan's kidnapping this time is definitely related to you."

   "Hahahahaha!" Santos looked up to the sky and smiled, "My friend, you really found it too clearly. Now, what are you going to do?"

   "Follow me back to the embassy, ​​I don't want to alarm the Huaxia police and the military. You and I were both soldiers. For the sake of friends for many years, Santos, you **** leave yourself a bit of military dignity." Tony said.

   "What if I don't go?" There was a fierce light in Santos's eyes.

"I advise you not to have too many other ideas." Tony said: "I have sorted out the clues I know last night and sent it back to our FBI headquarters in the form of a report. It is estimated that they have sent someone to the CIA to tell you. Your boss is everything about you."

"Is that really the case?" Santos smiled strangely: "Tony, do you think I have been a special forces commander for so many years, and have been in the CIA for so many years, will you find that you are suspicious of me? Tell you , Tony, the confidentiality card in your laptop, I made some tricks, and your report was not sent at all, but was intercepted by me."

   "What!?" Tony's pupils shrank instantly, "You are lying!"

   "Don't believe it?" Santos leaned sideways, "The intercepted information is stored in the USB flash drive in my pocket, you can see it."

   Tony frowned, holding a gun in one hand and approaching Santos in the other, reaching out to touch the windbreaker pocket on the right.

   His hand just touched the clothes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a flower in front of his eyes, and the wrist with the gun was painful.

   The Gloucester 17 turned into a magic trick, and it instantly fell into Santos's hands.

  Typical special forces gun shooting!

   Then, Tony, who could not panic, backed away, his neck was tightly wrapped around him, and he couldn't move at all.

   "I don't really want to kill you, old friend, but you forced me."

   Tony breathed his breath and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Hahahaha!" Santos laughed again, "Why? Tony, you boy scouts are so naive, why? Of course it is for money, do you know how much it is? Astronomical numbers! As long as I get it done, I can get some of it. , That’s enough for me and my teammates to live happily for the first half of their lives, instead of taking that poor salary and getting through to retirement, waiting for death in nursing homes all over the body and sickness! I shed blood, sweats, and sells for this country Fate! I deserve a better second half of my life! Understand!?"

   "You...you won't get what you want... ill-gotten wealth..."

"Don't tell me about ill-gotten gains! Don't tell me about military honor! It's all the hell! In this world, nothing is more important than money!" Santos put the Glotte 17 barrel into a mineral water bottle. Inside, pressed against Santos's chest.

   "Old friend, see you in hell, but I might be a little late."


   The bullet pierced the water bottle, and the water and bottle inside effectively reduced the sound of the gun. It was simply an earthen muffler.

   Tony softened quickly.

   Santos stuffed Tony into the trunk of the car and looked up around him.

   He had anticipated all this a long time ago. This location is a blind spot in the parking lot, and there is no monitoring.

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