Absolute Honor

Chapter 126: Weird intelligence

   "Ruosu, I think this is a waste of time."

Qin Fei walked out of the communication room, took off his mask, and complained to An Ruosu, "Then Santos and Tony asked those old-fashioned questions back and forth. This kind of question was asked very clearly when you first came here to find me. NS."

"The superiors attach great importance to this transnational cooperation. After all, the United States has more information than us in the investigation of the Zhang Lan drug cartel. For them to cooperate, we must first show sincerity, so this request of Santos and Tony is not excessive. It's just asking." An Ruosu said, "You can cooperate."

"I have emphasized it many times. The environment that day was very bad, and it was good for me to save my life. I didn't get any clues about the identity of those people. That Santos still asked me many times. , It's really annoying."

   "Okay! Uncle Qin, even if it's a hard drive for your old man, okay?" An Ruosu said, "Now that you can temporarily leave the training for an hour, it's already a great blessing. Just take a rest."

   What An Ruosu said, Qin Fei felt that it made sense. When he thought of training, the muscles in the waist that had been kicked by Thunder again felt painful, and he couldn't help frowning.

   "What kind of training did you do today? Is it a counter-interrogation?"

   An Ruosu suddenly noticed that Qin Fei's eyes were black and blue, as if he had been severely beaten.

   "Counter-interrogation training can be difficult."

   Qin Fei touched his eyes, a little embarrassed: "No, it's pressure training."

   "How did the pressure training work like this?"

   "I had a fight with Lei Gong." Qin Fei said.

   An Ruosu was taken aback, and immediately laughed, "You can't beat the Thunder team."

   "He also got me a few punches." Qin Fei deliberately exaggerated his achievements for the sake of face. In fact, after he hit Lei Gong in the first punch, he didn't take a half advantage when he went up. Basically, he was only beaten.

   "Really?" An Ruo Suba blinked a pair of smart eyes, as if he had seen through Qin Fei, "I advise you to avoid conflicts with Team Lei. Although his personality is explosive, he is a good person."

   "This guy likes to target me." Qin Fei said.

   An Ruosu sighed slightly: "Some things, he does need to adjust his mentality, but if you change from his perspective, maybe you will be worse than his attitude..."

   Qin Fei's heart moved and asked, "Do you know the specific reason?"

   An Ruosu just wanted to answer when the phone rang.

   had to step aside and connected.

  Director Chang over the microphone.

   "Comrade Ruo Su, Santos came to me just now. Some things are more urgent. I hope you will come back soon. Some things may require your comrades in the army to cooperate."

   "What is so urgent?" An Ruosu said: "I'm still in the army..."

   She looked at her watch.

   "It is estimated that it will take four hours to go back now."

   Director Chang said: "Santos provided a piece of information about Zhang Lan's brother. Based on this information, we can quickly locate the suspect and find out where the whole person is in our prison system."

   "Why didn't he provide such valuable clues before?" An Ruosu asked in doubt, "The source is credible?"

"It is said that this is their latest intelligence. As for the source, I looked at it and it was very credible, but he refused to tell it through the channel. He said it was a secret in their bureau, perhaps involving a special agent of the CIA, so it is not convenient to disclose it. ."

   "Okay, then I will come over right now."

   The two ended the call. After hanging up, An Ruosu said to Qin Fei, "I'm going back, you take care of yourself."

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "There is nothing to take care of. Those who can survive now don't have much thoughts. If you stand it for one day, you will be one step closer to victory. Now every day, people are eliminated, training has reached its limit, and everyone is falling apart. On the edge of the world, it’s just who has a breathless breath less than anyone else."


   Four and a half hours later.

   A certain province GA department, the director's office.

"Come in."

   "Chang Ting, I'm back." An Ruosu opened the door and said hello.

   "It's Ruosu! Come here, sit down." Director Chang greeted An Ruosu, and here he took out a document from the drawer.

   After An Ruosu sat down, he handed the information to her.

   "Look at this information." Director Chang said: "Santos just provided it. It's fresh and hot."

   An Ruosu opened the information. This is a fax from the CIA. The information on it is a Chinese man named Zhang Kun. It is very detailed from the date of birth, photos, blood type, behavior analysis, and personal resume.

   "This information is definitely not obtained temporarily now. The CIA had the information of Zhang Lan's brother before, but it has not been provided. It seems that our American friends are still lacking sincerity." An Ruosu said.

   "Why do you say that?"

"Behavioral and personality analysis, this kind of material cannot be made overnight. It must be monitored for a long time to obtain it. That's why I said that they already have Zhang Kun's information, but for some reason they did not intend to provide us with it. ."

   An Ruosu said: "Now that it is provided, it means that they are in a hurry..."

   said, frowning tighter.

   muttered to himself: "What is the US anxious for?"

Director Chang said: "Ruosu, sometimes we can’t guess the motives of other countries’ intelligence agencies. You are doing intelligence analysis. You only need to analyze the truth of this intelligence, the value of this intelligence, and other things. , It’s not helpful to our case for the time being."

An Ruosu smiled and said: "This information is very valuable. In fact, it is true and false almost without analysis. Because of such detailed information, it will be clear if you compare it with the detainees in the prison system a little bit. I’m just sent to assist you in the GA agency. As for how to do it, Director Chang will make your own decision."

"In fact, before you came, I had sent someone to do a preliminary check. The progress was very slow because I was looking for a needle in a haystack. After so many days, our scope was only reduced by about a thousand people. If Zhang Before Lan died, he sent his own people to hire people at a high price to save his brother. It is estimated that it is imminent now."

   Director Chang said: "Through the check, we can basically confirm that this Chinese national named Zhang Kun is currently detained in the first prison in H Province. He was arrested for importing drugs in the country and is still in the trial stage."

   "Province H?" An Ruosu said, "It's still far from here."

   "So, Santos suggested that we transfer Zhang Kun to our prison, because H Province did not know his identity and background before, so he did not pay special attention. I am worried that there will be problems."

   "What do you plan to do?" An Ruosu asked.

   "Santos's suggestion is okay, it will be much better to transfer to our detention." Director Chang said: "I plan to communicate with the GA Department of H Province and bring people over."

   "Is it risky to transfer here in Province H? I think someone is already paying attention to Zhang Kun. Will it be troublesome to move him?" An Ruosu asked.

   "No problem, can't you believe our GA agency? This is China, not the United States. If the CIA has an accident, it doesn't mean that we will too." Director Chang was confident.

   "It is estimated that it will take three to four days to complete the procedures. I think that's it. After someone arrives, you can interrogate her to see if you can get the information you want."

   Coming out of Director Chang's office, An Ruosu always had an ominous feeling in his heart.

  Everything seems to have become very strange, the information that suddenly appeared in Santos's hands, and the stubborn decision of Director Chang.

   At the end of the corridor, An Ruosu took out his mobile phone and flashed into the stairwell.

   "Director Lin? I'm An Ruosu. There is an emergency. I want to inform you."

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