Absolute Honor

Chapter 140: Terrible hesitation

"Instructor Lei, there is interference, the heat source scanner is unstable..."


This time comes this kind of mess! ?

Qin Fei's heart sank.

"Wait!?" Gao Ming asked, standing at the door.

Lei Ming hesitated a little and said: "Open the door, go in!"

Gao Ming squatted down, took out the unlocking bag from the tactical bag, drew out two small iron hooks and gently hung them in the keyhole.


Opening this lock is almost effortless.

Lei Ming grabbed the doorknob, Gao Ming stepped aside, Qin Fei and Jin Donghai each took a flash bomb, opened the insurance change, and pressed the activation spring.

The two nodded to Thunder at the same time, indicating that they were ready.

Lei Ming opened the iron gate outwards, and Qin Fei and Jin Donghai threw flash bombs into them at different angles almost at the same time.



The deep sound is like knocking on the drum through a thick quilt, and the sound is much smaller than a shock bomb.

After the low explosion, Qin Fei and Jin Donghai took the lead. The two walked in one after the other. After entering the door, they moved forward separately from the left and the right. The akm in their hands kept emitting flames.

Immediately behind were Lei Ming and Gao Ming, one centered straight in, and the other turned to search for places behind the door and on the wall where the furniture could hide people.

Typical cqb search formation.

The seven militants and Chechen bodyguards in the lobby on the first floor were blinded by a flash bomb. Everyone subconsciously covered their eyes. When they came to realize that someone had invaded, they ate before they even touched the gun. Fired the gun.

Whether it is Gaoming or Jin Donghai, both have received special operations training in military academies, and are also active in some special operations units. Not to mention, Lei Ming, the newly-purchased 3-team commander of Unit 203, has more military skills. Is excellence.

Although Qin Fei’s qualifications are the most professional, fortunately for ten years, Wei Tiansheng has been taking advantage of the summer and winter vacations to various secret bases to receive various basic training. Shooting is of course the top priority, and marksmanship is not a cover. of.

Soon, a pile of corpses lay in the hall.

There is no furniture on the first floor, only a cabinet by the wall with a big dirty wool carpet in the center, so the sound of the body falling to the ground is not too loud.

"The instrument is normal. There are two people in the room, one on the left and the other on the right. They are heading towards you."

At the critical moment, Xu Wu's voice came through the communication channel.

"Qin Fei, Jin Donghai, Gao Ming searched for information, I moved. One group, the second group listen to my orders, go!"

It's maneuvering again.

Qin Fei and Jin Donghai nod to each other, they turned their backs in different directions, and aimed their guns at the door of the room.

The guy Qin Fei came out first. Obviously, this guy hadn't figured out what was going on. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. The ak47 automatic rifle was in his hand, completely out of combat.

This is simply the meat delivered to the mouth.

Qin Fei didn't give him any chance. When his body angle was in line with himself and his back was a wall, he pulled the trigger.


The militants who had just left the house retreated again and again.

Akm's warhead will instantly penetrate this guy's chest within a distance of less than ten meters, and the warhead will shoot directly into the wall without losing its strength.

This is the necessary reaction ability and skill for special forces.

Qin Fei knew very well that if he wanted to hide his whereabouts, it would be best to wait for the opponent to walk to some place where he could conceal the impact of the bullet.

If the opponent’s back is made of iron or glass, the penetrating warhead will still break or pierce these things. In a quiet night, it sounds no less than using a gun without a muffler to fire a gun.

And at this distance, it is unwise to shoot the head.

The cracking sound of the skull is louder than the sound of a bullet penetrating in a small space, which is different from the outdoors, so it is not the first choice.

However, it is the rule to make up for shooting at positions other than the head.

Qin Fei swiftly moved forward a few steps and rushed to the side of the militants. He drew out Glock 17, which had hit the silencer in a flash, and pounced two shots into his throat and heart.

Shooting the throat is to smash the trachea, making it impossible for the other party to happen, and shooting the heart will kill him.

Jin Donghai's gunfire also rang.


It's also dull, like tapping a bottle of mineral water with your fingers.

However, Qin Fei did not hear the sound of making up the gun.

All they received were uniform training, and it was against the principle not to replenish the gun.

Qin Fei felt something wrong, and Li Jifang turned back and ran in the direction of Jin Donghai.

Jin Donghai had already drew out his pistol, and he stood in front of the militant who was at the bottom, like a clay sculpture.

"what are you doing!?"

Qin Fei tried his best to lower his voice and asked sharply.

Jin Donghai's lips trembled a few times, and he said nothing.

Qin Fei looked at the ground, and in his line of sight, the face of the militant at the end came into view.

This is a young person.

No, to be precise, this is an underage boy.

He is handsome, probably only a teenager.

Blood was constantly pouring out of his chest and heart and his mouth. It was obvious that Jin Donghai's shots penetrated his heart and lungs, and now the whole lungs were filled with blood.

But the person is not dead yet, he struggled to lift the ak47 beside him, but for him now, this is simply an impossible task.

Jin Donghai twisted his brows, gritted his teeth and shot.


The boy twisted twice like a snake, and there was no more movement.

"What are you doing this winter!?"

Lei Ming also came up, seeing Jin Donghai's state, punched him **** the shoulder.

"Soldier! You are on a mission!"

There was cold sweat on Jin Donghai's forehead, and the thunderous words finally made him sober.

"I've done it." Gao Ming stuffed a bunch of things he found into his tactical bag and walked to a few people.

"Go on!"

Thunder suppressed his anger. He was very dissatisfied with Jin Donghai's performance, but now is not the time for an attack.

Qin Fei and Jin Donghai turned around, held their guns, moved forward, and walked forward lightly along the stairs.

This time, Jin Donghai was in front with his muzzle pointing forward. After Qin Fei left, his muzzle pointed toward the edge of the stairs to prevent anyone from suddenly looking.

Thunder is in the middle, in his words, he is "mobile".

After the wise decision.

Qin Fei felt that his adrenaline was secreted wildly. Although his heartbeat was not fast, he was in a state of extreme excitement.

Actual combat!

This is actual combat!

There is no time for you to taste all the dangers and dangers in the battle. In an instant, either you will die or I will die.

Gently tap the trigger, you can take the life of your opponent, or be taken by others!


Suddenly a foreign language that was completely incomprehensible came from upstairs. Someone seemed to hear a slight noise below ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ walking down the stairs.

At the corner of the stairs, a figure suddenly appeared.

Jin Donghai stopped at the stairs, and the two were less than five meters apart.

In the night vision device, Qin Fei could see the ak47 in his opponent's hand gleaming green.

For an instant, Jin Donghai didn't even shoot!

Instead, he hesitated for a while, and the young man's face flashed in his mind.

"Jin Donghai!"

Qin Fei squeezed Jin Donghai towards his side, taking the middle position, turning his gun, and firing at the militant at the turn of the stairs.

The other party also raised the gun at the same time.


Da da da--

Guns were fired almost at the same time!

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