Absolute Honor

Chapter 141: First shot

Qin Fei felt a sharp pain in his right abdomen and almost closed his breath.

During the selection and training of the 203 troops, there was once a subject to let the team members try to get shot.

In fact, they used a 9mm pistol with a low penetration force and used hollow-point lead bullets to shoot at the students wearing Class III body armor at a distance of ten meters, so that they could experience the feeling of being hit by the gun.

Even so, it feels very uncomfortable.

The huge impact often makes the chest feel stuffy, and the words can't be said for a short time, and it takes a few breaths to slow down.

This time, the pain told Qin Fei that he was not wearing a bulletproof vest and was shot.

But it was not the first time Qin Fei was shot.

Following the Fox team in the jungle, he has tasted this.

The armed man at the corner of the stairs held on to the railing and struggled to get up. Qin Fei's shot did not hit his abdomen, but he did not immediately kill him.


Thunder made up his gun.

The militant's head exploded with blood mist and fell directly to the ground.

As soon as the gunshot rang, the plan was disrupted.

When yelling--

On the stairs, two dark things rolled down.


Thundering loudly warns.

After roaring, Lei Ming, Gao Ming, and Jin Donghai grabbed Qin Fei's shoulder strap of the tactical vest and dragged him downstairs.

As soon as they got downstairs, the three of them slumped down against the wall.



Explosions and fires sounded at the same time in the narrow stairway. The flying cement shavings and corpse fragments splashed everywhere, and everyone was covered with dust.


Thunder dragged Qin Fei and hid in the corner, while Gao Ming and Jin Donghai quickly rolled into the other corner.

Sure enough, an ak47 stretched out from the armrest and swept down frantically.

Bullets hit the ground and stairs like rain, the ricochet flew around, and dozens of small craters suddenly appeared on the wall.

Leiming squatted beside Qin Fei and checked his wounds.

The bullet hit the edge of the bulletproof board and cracked a corner. The fragments of the warhead directly penetrated the muscles on the side of Qin Fei's right abdomen, causing some blood to come out, which was not a major problem.

The hanging heart was relieved, and Lei Ming stared at Jin Donghai on the opposite side, but now is not the time to pursue the responsibility.

"Qin Fei was injured and plans to be exposed!" He suppressed his anger and reported the situation on the channel.

"How is Qin Fei?" Xu Wu asked on the channel.

"I'm fine... It just hurts..." Qin Fei grinned, "It's not the first time I have been shot. I can't die, don't worry."

Hearing Qin Fei's voice, Xu Wulue was a little relieved, and he said again: "Instructor Lei, the movement is too loud, the whole town is awake!"

"Ready to attack! The second group, attack from upstairs, I will be a pioneer, attack from the first floor! The gun king, fire at will! Big bug, prepare to intercept armed personnel close to the target area with firepower. Solve the problem in two minutes!"

"Okay! Leave it to me."

Liu Feilong had already panicked. He was looking down at the town from the condescending machine gun position, and his heart had long been itchy.

"Bulletproof shield!"

Lei Ming shouted at Gao Ming and Jin Donghai: "Prepare to attack!"

Gao Ming and Jin Donghai hurriedly ran to Lei Ming and squatted down. Lei Ming pulled out a bulletproof board from the outermost layer of the backpacks on their backs, and took out the same thing from their own and Qin Fei's backpacks.

"Qin Fei, can you hold it?"

"Yes!" Qin Fei struggled to get up on the ground, but the pain on his right abdomen was terrible, "Skin trauma, death."

"You follow at the end, Gao Ming follows me, Jin Donghai follows Gao Ming, let's go!"

The four bullet-proof boards were put together and quickly became a small shield, and a group slowly walked up the stairs against one side.

Lei Ming abandoned his own akm and directly switched to Glock 17, placing it on top of the shield.

"The second group first attacked from top to bottom. As soon as you shoot, I will go up. Their attention is on our side."


Less than a second after Wang Kai answered, the gunshots upstairs resounded like beans.

It seems that the second group has already settled the two guards on the third floor, and has long been ambushing on the third floor waiting for the attack instructions.

After receiving thunder's order, the three of them killed together from upstairs. The attention of the people on the second floor was attracted to the stairway on the first floor. Unexpectedly, the upstairs was also lost.

There are 8 people on the second floor. In addition to Natasha and Harik, there are 6 lifeguards, 2 of them are Harik’s and 4 Chechen bodyguards.

Harlick's men were the closest to the stairs going down on the third floor, and suffered first.

Two people were knocked down instantly.

The Chechen bodyguard was indeed a veteran of many battles. He immediately organized firepower suppression. The water-splashed bullet pressed Wang Kai at the corner of the stairs, unable to advance for half a minute.

This time, Thunder has given up continuing to play the role of "mobile". He held a bulletproof shield to protect his upper body, with a pistol on the top of the shield, and began to attack from below.


The first Chechen bodyguard who appeared in his sight had not had time to pull the trigger. Only a shield appeared in his eyes, and then something flashed on the shield, and his head blossomed.

There was almost no pause, and Lei Ming seemed to completely need the fire support of Gao Ming and Jin Donghai behind him.

The second group upstairs attracted firepower for him just now, and it took less than a second, which was enough for him.

Qin Fei, Gao Ming, and Jin Donghai saw Thunder take action for the first time.

It can be said that the jaw dropped in shock.

This is really a killer!

Four Chechen bodyguards, from different angles, only one person has the opportunity to pull the trigger!


Two ak47 bullets hit the shield, then...

After that, there will be no after, because the person who fired the gun has no Glock 17 warhead that has penetrated the center of his eyebrows...

Qin Fei didn't know what thunder was relying on for aiming. His pistol was placed on the top of the shield, but his wrist turned, and every shot hit the head like an eye.

In the end, Halek hid behind a sofa without daring to show his head, and directly raised his hand to sweep outside.

Thunder squatted down, shielded his entire body, pointed his pistol at the sofa and fired directly.

Puff puff puff puff--

Five shots in a row ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all hit one spot on the top of the sofa.

The Glock** high-capacity magazine provides Thunder with more sustained firepower than ordinary pistols, and uses all-metal armored bullets to improve penetration.

After five shots, everything was calm.

Blood, slowly seeping out from under the sofa...

The second group also entered the second floor at this time. Wang Kai cautiously walked to the edge of the sofa and saw a middle-aged man in a white robe lying on the ground with several blood holes in his neck and chest, bleeding in the air.

Lei Ming shot directly through the sofa according to Khalick's height and killed the terrorist leader who was hiding behind him.

Although Qin Fei doesn't like thunder, the soldiers always respect the strong.

He had to admit his admiration for thunder, especially in terms of military quality. He could really call himself a "rookie" loudly, and he was qualified.

"Search the room! There is also Natasha!"

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