Absolute Honor

Chapter 142: Emergency evacuation

"Confirm identity." Lei Ming waved to Gao Ming.

Gao Ming took out his camera and walked to the back of the sofa to take a few photos of Harik Kacha Kacha, and input it into a military laptop. Soon, his facial features were confirmed.

He gave a thumbs up and motioned to Thunder: "Identity confirmation!"

"Old K, there are people in the second room on the right, and they are women, probably Natasha." Xu Wu notified the message on the channel.

Wang Kai made a few tactical gestures towards the members of his second group, the singer knowingly slipped to the side of the door, and Wang Kai held a gun on guard.

"Natasha! Can you listen to English?"

Wang Kai warned: "Raise your hand immediately and surrender. I will give you ten seconds."

There was a gurgling Russian sentence inside.

Wang Kai was caught blind, he did not understand Russian.

Gao Ming ran behind Wang Kai and shouted in Russian: "Natasha, come out and surrender in ten seconds, otherwise we will either attack or kill you and choose by ourselves."

The woman's Russian was heard again inside.

"What is she talking about?" Wang Kai frowned and asked Gao Ming.

Gao Ming flatly said, "She is greeting your women."

"Fuck!" Wang Kai was angry. "Toast and not eat or drink fine wine! I make you awesome!"

Raising his head to the singer, the singer immediately threw the flash bomb in his hand.


A strong flash of light immediately flashed in the room, and the corridor was illuminated like daylight for an instant.

Da da da--

Gunshots exploded in the room, followed by the sound of furniture being hit and shattered. One of the shuttle bullets hit the door directly and hit the concrete wall in the corridor, leaving seven or eight bullet holes on it.

"Her mother! Chechen women are trouble!"

Wang Kai was annoyed and drew a shock bullet from his chest.

This thing is completely different in nature from flash bombs. Flash bombs only make people blind temporarily. Shock bombs can make people lose their mobility directly and temporarily. It can be said to be an enhanced version of flash bombs.

No one thought that Natasha was so stubborn, she was indeed the jewel in the palm of a horror tycoon, and she had a paternal demeanor.

"Shocking bullet!"

While reminding everyone, Wang Kai loosened the reed and threw the shock bomb into the room.

Despite the protection of earphones and helmets, everyone still bent over and lowered their heads to protect themselves.


With an explosion, it finally became quiet inside.

Wang Kai immediately rushed in, followed by the singer. The two quickly picked up the already confused Natasha from the room like a chick, threw it on the sofa, and swiftly pulled her with a shrink band. He tied her hands and feet, and sealed her mouth with strong tape to prevent her from yelling.

Thunder untied Qin Fei's camouflage uniform, used medical gel to stop the bleeding from Qin Fei's wound, and then sealed it with strong medical tape and cotton.

Pat Qin Fei on the shoulder: "Can you still hold it?"

"Small! The last time I was shot in the back by someone from the Fox team, I didn't die. I'm dead."

"Well, not bad!" Lei Ming didn't say that Qin Fei was good, but patted his shoulder again, then raised his hand to look at his watch, "Time is running out! Scholar, what are you still doing here! Collect information, Tiger, help him !"

Hu Yong from the Jiaolong Brigade responded and hurried to help Gao Ming turn the room together.

The cheerful sound of the hk21e general-purpose machine gun rang, and Liu Feilong shot.

Wang Kai took the singer to watch immediately near the window.

"Armed men are coming here!"

"How many people are there!?" Lei Ming asked.

"About thirty."

Lei Ming thought for a while and said: "We have to withdraw quickly, otherwise there will be more and more people."

Turning his head to look at Gao Ming, this guy squatted behind the sofa and was probably examining Halick's body.

"How long will the intelligence gathering be completed?"

Gao Ming raised a tattered hand-held device and yelled at the thunder: "This guy probably knows that he can't stand it. He shot and smashed the laptop computer. It is estimated that there is sensitive information in it."

"Take them all back and analyze them for the intelligence team. As long as the hard disk is still there, the data can be restored." Lei Ming said.

Hu Yong came out of the room with an address book in his hand, "I have something here."

"Okay, enough, let's go."

The group immediately evacuated the small building and exited the courtyard gate. Hu Yong pointed to a few off-road lanes at the door: "There are cars here."

Without turning his head, Lei Ming walked forward and said, "Put all bombs and destroy them!"

Hu Yong's eyes rounded, and he said, "It's a pity, why don't you use these cars to go to the evacuation point? Good cars, good off-road performance."

When the singer came up, he squatted down and loaded bombs under the car, saying, "These cars are not clean."

"What's not clean?" Hu Yong was puzzled.

Qin Fei touched his painful wound and said: "The singer means that these cars cannot be used. There may be someone else's positioning system on the car. If you use it, you are looking for death."

"Oh! That's it!" Hu Yong suddenly realized.

After the bombs were installed, everyone started rushing out of the town. As long as they fled to the loess road outside the town, there was a pickup truck prepared by X for everyone.

Wang Kai resisted Natasha's curses all the way, saying why this girl is so heavy, this Eastern European girl is big and strong.

As soon as I walked through an alley, bullets spilt at everyone like a pouring rain.

The earth wall was beaten to pieces, and the dirt flew around.

"Xu Wu, are you asleep? Kill their machine gunners." Leiming cursed.


Svd gunshots sounded from the mountain, and the firepower shot at everyone suddenly weakened.

Qin Fei took a probe and immediately retracted.

At the end of the alley, several militants fired at this side with guns in their hands.

Qin Fei drew a grenade and threw it towards the end of the alley across the wall.


There were a few screams. Although I don't know how many I killed, the offensive grenade had so many fragments that it was enough for those guys to drink a pot.

It exploded, and the opponent's firepower was a bit weaker.


Xu Wu's svd continued to fire.

"They have snipers!"

"Beware of snipers!"

The militants realized that they had become a target of others, and began to withdraw into the house and the corner, not daring to show up.

Everyone started rushing again and evacuated from the town~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now we must get out as soon as possible. Once trapped at any point in the town, we will soon be caught in the people's war of others.

On the roadside outside the town, I saw a dark green pickup parked behind a piece of gravel.

Everyone quickly jumped up, the singer was in charge of driving, Hu Yong was the co-pilot, and Thunder led Gaoming and Natasha into the back seat.

The rest all jumped into the car.

"The King of Spears, Big Worm, the mission is complete, evacuate!"

"The king of guns, you first withdraw, I am behind the machine gun." Liu Feilong's hk21e general machine gun magazine can hold a full 100 rounds of ammunition. His physical strength is the best of all, with six ammunition boxes, which is scary enough. .

The singer started the car, turned around, slammed on the gas pedal, and the car rushed to a stop on the hillside outside the town.

"The King of Taps, get in the car!"

He waved towards Xu Wu who was running down the hillside.

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